The August decluttering challenge continues with three items going today. I am finally giving away my red dress. I kept it for years, even ...
It seems we're continuing our run of bad luck with health issues. Yesterday I drove Hanno to the hospital at 6am because he'd been ...
If you're keeping chickens in the backyard, often you'll reach a point when you have too many eggs. Luckily, eggs are always easy t...
There was a little visitor to our chicken coop last night.  I found him this morning when I let the girls out. It looks like a little b...
Last week I wrote about vegetable garden preparation, maintenance and production but there are many other parts of gardens that are inter...
I hope all my friends on the east coast of the US are safe and sound. I've not seen any TV reports yet but the pictures online show som...
I wrote recently about having ten chooks free range around the backyard and the problems that was causing us. Mainly it was that they like ...
Change is constant in our lives. We're always reacting to the good and the bad in our backyard and while the good results in smiles and...
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