15 April 2024

Where happiness is lurking

It's my birthday today, I'm 76. 🙂  I love being my age. Every stage of life brings new joys and challenges and now is no different. I know some people fear ageing but I think life gets better the older you are. I have all the time I want to do as I please and when I was younger it was the opposite. I have no doubt there will come a time when it will get harder but until then I'll live every day to the full and enjoy each day.

After 13 years on book shelves in Australia and around the world, Down to Earth looks to be on its last legs. My royalties are telling me that story and I think The Simple Life and The Simple Home will follow. The number of borrowers in libraries is still high but the libraries have cut back the number of copies they're keeping. It's been a wonderful ride to be on and I'm very grateful to everyone who bought my books, I hope you got the value, inspiration and encouragement you were expecting. If you want to buy my books, look around now because I'm not sure how long they'll be available. There is a paperback and hardback edition of Down to Earth.

I've changed a fair bit in my home this year. Things I don't use have been given away and I'm aiming to create a home that is comfortable, welcoming, easy to look after and which will encourage creativity. In the past week I've created a new drawing space in the lounge room; it faces a window and has good light. At the moment I'm working on a daily journal with watercolor drawings but my long term goal is to paint watercolour portraits. I have no unrealistic ideas about my talent as an artist but like everything else I've ever done, I'll work through it regularly and hopefully improve. Whether I reach the stage I'd like to be at is anyone's guess but I'm looking forward to the time I spend at that desk.

I bought a heater recently after years of using the reverse cycle air conditioning which I didn't like at all. I really wanted to put in a chimney and wood heater but it would have cost a lot of money so I looked around for something else. I had no idea these heaters existed but I found an electric heater with a pretty realistic fire glowing in the front. I love it. As you know I had a thousand dollars credit on my electricity bill so I withdrew some of that credit and used that to buy it. My bill tells me the lowest usage level they bill for is a one person household, I use half that. So officially, as far as the electric company is concerned, I'm half a person. 🫤 I'll be happy to use the heater when it's cold and enjoy looking at the flames while I warm up.

Vegetable and meatball soup (above) and Shepherd's Pie, made with the leftovers from a half leg of roast lamb (below).  Both delicious.

I've been living alone for two years now. It looks like the trick to solo living is to have a loose plan every day and to stay active. I’m getting by nicely using a combination of technology, creativity, old-fashioned housework and home cooking. I don't spend a lot of time online or watching TV but I want to keep a clean home, I want to eat the food I like, I want to develop my creativity and I want to be productive. I don't have specific meal times - I eat my main meal between 12 noon and 2pm and at other times I eat if or when I'm hungry.  I make my bed before 9am but all other housework happens when I feel like doing it. I do have a cleaner who comes in for two hours once a fortnight as part of my home care plan, so far it's all working very well.  

The gardeners come once a fortnight - they're on my home care plan too.  They do a great job mowing, cleaning up and weeding. The garden beds are gone now, except for the last bed near the chook house but I'll leave that one because it provides a logical boundary. Most of the weeds that were climbing the fences have gone as have all the sapling trees that had come up all over the place. We've always had these jobs to do but it was one of the jobs Hanno did every so often and I never had to worry about anything like that. I was so lucky to have a him as my husband.

Gracie made me do it. 😑

But I was happy with the end result.  It's less for the kids to deal with when I'm gone. 

We had two mice here in the house last week and I was pleased to catch them in traps and get rid of them. Since then Gracie was convinced there were more behind the bookcase. I couldn't hear anything but I thought that maybe the two mice produced a litter and those babies were too small to call out. Gracie sat at each end of the bookcase for hours and eventually I gave in and decided to have a look.  That meant taking everything off the bookcase because I couldn't move it otherwise. When I had it all on the kitchen table I decided I had to continue on with my Swedish Death Cleaning and nothing would go back that should be thrown out or given away.  I was so pleased I did that. It feels like I should have done it a year ago but it's done now and I'm happy with the way it looks.  And no, there were no mice under or behind the bookcase but Gracie is still sitting there. Terriers never like giving up, she takes after me. 😎

Have you made plans for yourself to help you achieve your dreams? Don't just drift along - if you have goals, go for them. No one is going to hand you your ideal life on a silver platter - we all have to work for what we get. I've worked hard all my life and continue to do it because I know that's where happiness is lurking. I hope you discover that simple truth too.  Take care, friends. xx



  1. Happy birthday!

    I don't have any particular comments to make, except that; and I enjoyed reading this.

    Thank you, Angela

  2. Happy birthday Rhonda. Sending best wishes, jx

  3. Happy birthday Rhonda. Love Alison_S

  4. Hi Rhonda, thanks for the gentle reminder to not let my goals be put in the later pile.
    I am fully recovered from eye surgery and was out of sorts due to the month of inactivity. Just realised I have been coasting, but not anymore🙂. Off to the park with dogs then cooking a Dahl to try more veg meals for health and budget. Might tackle my book shelf too, my neighbour has a little library box on his fence for anyone to pick a book, I have a few books (+++) I am sure I can pass on. Cheers hope you are enjoying this lovely weather. Bernie (still can't get in to log on google)

  5. What a lovely read. It seems we have similar stories! I have a hardback copy of down to earth which I love and used to have a blog back in 2007-2012 before following friends to instagram. I just started a new blog yesterday and remembered how much I used to love yours. I’m so glad to find that you’re still writing here! I was sorry to read about the loss of your husband Hanno and know how hard it is to get used to living alone. Sending you hugs and best wishes, Susan

  6. Rhonda, this is such a wonderful post! Happy birthday to you! Such a wonderful way to view aging. This will influence me as I will continue to age gracefully. It makes so much sense to embrace change than to fight it. It will happen anyway, why not enjoy instead of fret? Do what you can and adapt to what you can’t.
    I am the proud owner of both your books and reread quite often for inspiration. I’m hoping to enjoy the digital cookbook that you are working on. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on life. The are so encouraging.

  7. Happy birthday to you, Rhonda! Wishing you a wonderful day with your family and Gracie. What a blessing to have a character such as Gracie to keep you company.

    I’m glad to hear you’ve been keeping yourself busy and readjusting your home to suit you and your lifestyle. I enjoy reading your blogs and seeing what you’ve been up to.
    How are you travelling with your cookbooks? Will you share your soup recipe there? It looks delicious!

    Sending you many happy thoughts on your special day x

    1. I'm getting there, Dana, but I'm not enjoying it. I'll finish the project but only because I don't want to disappoint anyone.

  8. Dear Rhonda,

    Have a lovely birthday. Thank you for showing the way forward as we age. There is a lot to look forward to, even when we experience loss and hardship.

    We too have seen a mouse, the first inside in many years. It's a good excuse to tidy up.

    Wishing you a beautiful day.


    1. I've lived here for 27 years and I think we've had 5 mice in that time. I do NOT like mice.
      🐭... 💣🔨 🧨🥷

  9. Hi Rhonda,
    Happy Birthday, I hope you are enjoying your day. I'm sorry that sales of your books are flagging as the wisdom they contain is needed now more that ever. I am in the process of relocating from the UK to Australia and you books were definitely first in the packing boxes. They have been well used over the years.
    It's great that you're back blogging and your posts are always enjoyed..

    1. Thank you. I was expecting sales to drop. Down to Earth has been selling well for 13 years. Not many books do that.

  10. Happy Birthday Rhonda. Made my first batch of soap yesterday 👏 and just purchased your book “The simple life” as it’s the only one I didn’t have in my collection of your books xx

  11. Happy Birthday Rhonda. I hope you have a really beautiful day. I love your blog posts and have been a long time reader so always get excited to see what you are up to.

  12. I recently began following you on IG and became captivated with your lifestyle. I ordered Down to Earth first and decided I needed The Simple Home, too. I am 66 and am learning to simplify my life. Through your writings I am rediscovering what my goals once were! I am learning to make bread, I’m cooking more from scratch and I’ve started container gardening! I live in the States and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting acquainted with your life in Australia! Looking forward to your next blog!

    1. Good for you! It's a wonderful way to live and you'll be a lot healthier with your own home cooking and baking.

  13. Maureen O’RourkeApril 15, 2024 12:57 pm

    Happy birthday from KOR and me. Heavens Rhonda we were mid 30s when we all met. Doesn’t seem that long ago. I’m still using your books. Doesn’t matter how often I make washing liquid, I have to check that I’ve got the right amounts. Might be an ‘age’ thing. I catch up with you age-wise in December. We hope you have a lovely day. Please give our regards to your boys. Xx

  14. Our dreams and plans, this month, have taken a bit of a hit. All three of us came down with nasty respiratory infections in late March. We've been too sick to cook much, making no headway on house repairs and barely able to keep the seedlings in the greenhouse alive. It's been 16 days and feel like I'm missing so many things - the elderflowers are blooming, the spruce tips are soft and ready to harvest, the garden needs to have the irrigation set out. I just want everything to return to better days.

    Happiest of Birthdays!

  15. Happy birthday to you! I hope it is a lovely and rewarding day for you!

  16. Happy birthday Rhonda. Thankyou for another lovely post , you have always been a great inspiration to me 😊

  17. Happy Birthday Rhonda! Another encouraging and inspiring post! So happy to see you trying watercolour painting. That’s a skill I’d love to have too.
    Love, Wendy H

  18. Happy 75th Birthday, Rhonda. You've been an inspiration to me for years, and I am happy to have you as a mentor showing me how to deal with aging and learning to thrive and be our best selves. I've bought your books and will be re-reading them as a celebration of simple living. My goal was to learn to sew my own clothes during retirement and this weekend I made my first tank top for summer! (I've made several other blouses and pants too). Thanks for your encouragement through your columns. Best of luck with your watercolor portrait idea; I love the idea of a journal with watercolor drawings. BTW, I loved your poster of Swedish horses; my husband is from Mora, MN (USA) and the Dala horse is his town's mascot with a large statue of an orange Dala horse.

    1. Sewing your own clothes is a wonderful thing to do, Mary. I had a Swedish grandmother so I have a strong link to the Dala horse.

  19. Happy Birthday Rhonda! Your positive outlook on aging encourages and inspires me. It shows me that life gets not just different, but better. I am 72 and going to have two grandchildren this year, so there will be a lot going on in my life.
    We didn´t have mice in the house, but clothes moths! This meant we had to check every bit of clothing, bags, curtains and other textiles. Some was damaged nad thrown away, a lot was sorted out and given away. A lot of things never worn or used have gone, and it feels so good.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Congratulations on your new grandchildren, Hilde. It's a wonderful time of life.

  20. Happiest of birthdays Rhonda! I am also in the throes of Swedish Death Cleaning and enjoying the results of a simpler, calmer home. I purchased your Down To Earth book and it will be my next read. Love your blog and your insights on aging and life with Gracie. Wishing you a beautiful year ahead.

    1. Thanks for buying Down to Earth. I hope you enjoy reading. Please let me know what you think of it when you finish.

  21. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday Rhonda.

  22. Happy birthday Rhonda! It was lovely to see your face on your blog post too!
    I’m only in my early 40s but have followed you for years on the various platforms since being gifted one of your books. I have all 3 and you’ve promoted me to buy and gift a couple before they disappear forever! I can’t bare to give/lend my copies as I have many tabs ones I often visit.
    Thank you for being you and inspiring so many. May the next year of your life bring happiness and joy.
    Dionne x

  23. Happy Birthday. How very satisfying to get the bookcase sorted. Have a super day

  24. Lovely as always to read from you Rhonda; you always give me a lovely sense of 'its worthwhile continuing on with this way of Life' - and sometimes one wonders, as we're often going against the grain... I do love the "simple life" though!
    I hope you had a wonderful birthday surrounded by family and love.
    Big hugs as always.
    FocusOnSimple 🌿

  25. Happy Birthday Rhonda! Thank you for all that you share with us.love to you Lesley / granny-squared.

  26. Happy Birthday Rhonda!! You sound like you are happy achieving your goals in this post - good on you. My friend turned 70 today & I took her for a surprise outing ... we went & painted a ceramic plate each & once it's been fired we will get them back again. Then we went for a cafe lunch (a treat) & a walk around beautiful gardens. It was wonderful ... lifes simple pleasures.
    I own all your books & have gifted both daughter in laws The Simple Home & Simple Life ones. When I visit I am always so pleased to see them out on the bench, all dog eared & well marked ... & being used. It makes me feel good. Enjoy the week Rhonda. Thank you for all that you share with us. xx

  27. Happy birthday Rhonda, hoping you had a wonderful day. We are enjoying the simple life, I still enjoy food blogging and still set myself challenges throughout the week and try to exercise as much as possible and life seems busy enough. Thankfullly here in the North it is starting to cool down, but unlike you we won't need a heater. It looks great. All the best. Pauline x

  28. Happy birthday Rhonda! Always enjoy reading your posts. Take care❣️ Barbara

  29. Happy birthday Rhonda! Always love reading your post❣️Barbara

  30. Happy birthday Rhonda! I hope your day has been a beautiful one.

    I have been reading your blogs for many years and thank you for your generosity and inspiration .

    Lovely to see another blog post today, and as often happens has words of wisdom appropriate for my life at the moment.

    Love to you
    Helen x

  31. Happy birthday, we are near enough the same age, I’ll be 76 in December, we have been Swedish death cleaning for about 6 months now, such a load of our minds, when we now know the children won’t have that much to clear out, thank you for many years of reading your blog (Sandy from WalesUK)

  32. Happiest of birthdays to you, Rhonda! Hope it's been lovely because you deserve all the good things! xx Pip L

  33. Happy Birthday Rhonda. I have your 3 books and they are treasured. Beautiful photo of you 💞

  34. Happy Birthday Rhonda, hope you had a lovely day doing whatever pleased you. Xx Leonie B

  35. Happy Birthday from Germany, Rhonda, and many happy and healthy returns.
    We live worlds apart, so to say, and yet I have a very similar heater to you. Talk about globalization! I hardly ever use it but it comes in handy when I need a quick burst of heat on a bitterly cold day!
    Stay positive and as active as you can!

  36. Happy Birthday!

  37. Wishing you the happiest of Birthdays!

  38. Happy Birthday. Your books and blog have inspired me for many years. Thank you Jenny.

  39. Happy birthday 🥳

  40. Happy Birthday 🎂

  41. Happy Birthday! Pleased to read this update and see the home changes you've made.

    Cathy E. in Oklahoma

  42. Happy Birthday Rhonda! You are an inspiration on so many levels and I am very thankful for your books, blog, your words of wisdom as well as your reminder to keep doing what you love . I am sorry that you are not enjoying writing the cookbook, I was looking forward to it as well, but if it isn't making you happy, I hope you stop and just continue all the other wonderful things you do ( it always makes my day- when I see you have posted a new blog entry).. Hope that you and Gracie have a wonderful day.

  43. Happy Birthday, Rhonda! Echoing the sentiments above. You inspire me with your lifestyle.

  44. Happy Birthday Rhonda, wishing you good health and happiness for many years to come! Kellie

  45. Happy birthday Rhonda 🎂🎈🎁🎉💐thank you for another inspiring blog post. I have all of your books and love referring to them. Also looking forward to your cookery book - although I am sad to read that you are not enjoying the process.
    Hope you have a lovely day- from Eve in UK 🩷

  46. Happy Birthday Rhonda. You are looking marvellous, happy, full of vitality and that twinkle in your eye!
    I am so happy to read your post, I have enjoyed all 3 of your books and they regularly come out for a reminder of some common sense as well as recipes and homemaking wisdom.
    Enjoy your painting, watercolour is such a wonderful medium.
    Wishing you happy year ahead, lots of love, Aisling Kiernan

  47. Happy Birthday, Rhonda! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on ageing. I'm in my mid-60's, and haven't slowed down yet, but know there will come a day when I'll need to. I have a similar electric heater. We heat with wood in our main home, but the heater does a good job taking the chill off in my studio. I look forward to seeing your watercolors.

  48. Best wishes, I hope you have had a wonderful day. Such a funny story of Gracie & the mice ~ don’t our lovable pets give us so much joy! Cheers Jenny M

  49. Happy birthday Rhonda, you are looking and sounding great ! I love your productivity and your drawing spot, you are an inspiration, thank you. Jeni ( Mabel Grey from forum days 😀)

  50. I just checked yesterday for a new post by you Rhonda, and lo it is here today! I always love your news. Great idea to start watercolouring: I, too, wanted to do that but no lessons around here to get started. I am sure you will do a fantastic job with it; you are so creative and clever. Yes, those little heaters with the faux flames make great company on a old day: I had a friend who had one and we would visit with it on in her living room; it did make a great deal of difference after all. I better jump on the chance for one of your books; I have always intended to get it and now is my chance!

  51. Happy Birthday! I always enjoy your posts so much!

  52. A very happy birthday. Many happy, healthy returns. Oh that Gracie, she is a gem ❤️
    Hugs from The Netherlands

  53. Happy Birthday, Rhonda!!! I hope you had a wonderful day!

  54. Happy Birthday Rhonda! I am another proud owner of two of your books. It's funny that you mentioned them today, because I actually got them down off my shelf a couple of days ago to read again (I've lost track of how many times I've read and dipped in and out of them in the past 10 years). I find them so comforting and when I feel like I'm getting overwhelmed I love to sit down to read them and remind myself of the way I really want to live. Thank you so much for putting them out into the world.

  55. Happiest of days!!!!

  56. Happy Birthday, and hooray for no more mice behind the bookcase!

  57. Happy Birthday! You don't look a day over 66! andrea

  58. Happy birthday Rhonda. 🎉🎂❤️ I hope you're having a great day. I really enjoy your posts and take on aging too. I'm nearly 50 and I've just let go of the hair dye and gone grey.. woop! & find that whilst getting older has brought some health challenges there's also some really great stuff too -- it's great to hear that you're finding that too. Ive always liked the Swedish death cleaning idea as well..we're already living very minimally & will keep downsizing like you're doing. It helps me keep my mind less cluttered too.

  59. Happy birthday Rhonda. I truly enjoy your posts. I long for the simple life.

  60. Happy Birthday Rhonda - I hope the coming year is a good one!! I really enjoyed this catch-up post and the photos. I love your art corner. It's a good reminder of being creative with the space you have to meet your needs. My copy of Down to Earth has gotten a lot of use over the years, and I thank you for that! Where Gracie is, good stories follow :). I chased six rabbits out of my backyard today and was thinking how a dog could help keep me rabbit free. I usually co-exist with them peacefully, but for the first time in 35 years they decided to eat my peonies. Due to a very warm and practically snow-free winter, the peonies are already a foot tall. This time last year we still had a few feet of snow on the ground! Luckily, my neighbor loaned me the protective screens from his garden that he had just removed. I'm hoping the remaining shoots will now continue to thrive. As someone who has lived alone a long time, I'd say you've done very well in adapting to solo living. You also have the wisdom to use this time in your life to continue learning, growing, and enjoying each day as it comes. Good on you! xoxo Beth in MN

  61. Happiest of birthday wishes Dear Rhonda!! May this trip around the sun leave you healthy and happy!! Love, Donna xx

  62. I love this post. Gave me something to really think about. I am 2 years into widowhood and I feel almost like time is standing still and I haven't figured out what I want to do yet. I think there is time for me to decide, but I don't want to put that off too long. I am enjoying reading many of your old blog posts, too!

  63. Happy Birthday! What an absolutely lovely spot to paint! You are very right, what dreams and ideas you have, you must act on them! I have just started, at 53, my study to become a licensed pastor. This has been something calling to me for years but I was in the midst of child rearing and it didn't seem the time. I am also starting to purge as I don't want my kids faced with what I am now facing with my 89 year old mother who has an overabundance of everything! Gracie is tenacious!

  64. Wishing you a very happy birthday Rhonda. Your books are my most prized possessions & will happily keep them ... but the realization is that some of my collection, of books need to be culled.
    Currently waiting on our local Rotary Club, to finally announce their book drive so I can pass some on, the money they raise always goes to some good in our community.
    I had to smile about your comment about Swedish Death Cleaning, I've just got the book out of our local library, and over here in NZ .. we had a tv series about Swedish Death Cleaning on an alternative tv Channel Bravo .. was very amusing, up lifting and interesting history of people's lives, just mind the occasional profanity.
    Chris K ... Wellington NZ

  65. Hope you had a great birthday. What I enjoy most about your posts is how you are content, whatever age you are, you are content with your life. I think that is an important attribute to have. I have your books and reread them often. They have helped me. Best Wishes~ Darlene

  66. Happy Birthday Rhonda, love reading your posts, gorgeous photo of you,I bought the same heater last year,as I was missing my log fire,can't have one in my tiny Unit,I love it! Take care,and keep enjoying what you love doing, hugs to you and Gracie,Carol💕

  67. You are amazing Rhonda and there is a genuine happiness that comes through in this post. Happy birthday! Your birthday is my wedding anniversary- 24 years this year 😀
    All your books still have pride of place on my shelf. I could never part with them and I am actually following through the Simple Home this year month by month, taking notes and actioning relevant things. It’s wonderful!
    I love Gracie’s persistence and at least it forced you into some worthwhile decluttering.
    Thank you for the update Rhonda. It truly is a joy to read your posts xx

  68. Happy Birthday!! Thank you for the reminder not to just 'drift' through the days and years.

  69. Hi Rhonda! Hope my birthday twin enjoyed our day as much as I did! The only things slowing me down these days are my knees, with knee surgery looming in the near future. Other than that, I have adapted to living on my own, but still feel Ken's spirit around me when I do things that we used to enjoy together. I think you will understand..

    1. Hi Gina, happy birthday to you too. I'm sorry to hear about your knees, I hope the surgery goes well. Take care. xx

  70. Belated happy birthday Rhonda! I posted something a minute ago but it hasn't appeared, so maybe I didn't hit the right button. I won't repeat what I wrote the first time in case it turns up eventually, but I hadn't read your birthday post when I wrote that, so I can now say how much it resonated with me. Strange how we both lost our husbands within a year of each other, but we are both now creating new lives on our own.

  71. Happiest Birthday to you Rhonda. You inspire me greatly. I am doing my best to stay calm and declutter our condo... I always feels better when I finish. xox

    1. Keep going, Trace. It will all be worth it. xx

  72. I'm loving your attitude. There is much to learn from other people's lives, good and bad. It's interesting watching you gently reorganise your life as no longer part of a couple. Beautiful wisdom as always.

  73. Wow, that post was so inspiring! And made me smile so many times while reading it! Thanks for that Rhonda and also for all your great posts. Hope you had a very Happy Birthday!

  74. Happy happy happy birthday! You are a treasure to the world in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and inspiration!

  75. Happy birthday dear Rhonda! I'm grateful to read your post! I'm 73 years old and I'm not yet so happy with my age but you are right and I want to see the life with a little more of joy, even I can't make all the things I have dreamed ...

  76. I love your new heater. I always think of you when I use my fireplace insert. I remember you saying you would enjoy a wood stove. I just love the coziness and warmth mine brings. Your books were so successful and I think they will be classics. Glad you caught the mice. My dogs act the same way outside with the gophers and moles...

  77. Happy birthday Rhonda! Thank you for all your teaching over the years. I have your books and have read them many times and will read them many times again in the future! You are such an inspiration! Wishing you health, happiness

  78. Happy Birthday Dear Rhonda! You are a gem and I greatly value all that you share with us!

  79. Hi Rhonda - excellent post and a lovely photo of yourself too. I am glad to see comments turned on on the blog as I simply cannot use Instagram any longer! We are well into our Autumn gardening which makes me want to be that little bit older to get the care package gardeners you have LOL! Your books and blog continue to provide me with inspiration - I thank you for both the books and your blog.

  80. A belated Happy Birthday, Rhonda. I like the heater, we use reverse cycle heating and I don't like it either. I prefer to see the heat in the form of some sort of flame, real or otherwise.

  81. Happy Birthday Rhonda! I wish you the best of health above all. You have reached many people far and wide with your blog and books, I have enjoyed the ride and loved both. Thank you so much for all your efforts and especially for making domestic duties valued they way they should be. Good luck and best wishes to you! 💝

  82. Nachträglich alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Ich lese schon lange Ihren Blog und er gefällt mir sehr gut.

  83. Happy Birthday Rhonda sounds like you have worked out a nice routine and have hobbies to keep you interested too. Have a good week. Kathy A, Brisbane

  84. Happy birthday Rhonda! So lovely to read your update as always. I wonder why you didn’t like using the reverse cycle air conditioning?? I’m in the UK where we generally have gas boilers for heating the home so I’m not familiar with the technology ..

    1. Thank you. If you have the newer inverter air conditioning or plenty of solar panels it is a very clean form of managing internal house temperatures year-round. We have both here and I loved it in summer but in the winter it made my skin really dry. I’m not sure how the new heater will go. It blows out hot air too but it’s on a smaller scale. When it’s been cold here for a month or so I’ll let you know if I change my mind.

  85. Happy BIrthday, Rhonda...a few days late. I am glad you are still on here some, sharing your life!! I am only a couple years younger, so some things I am going thru now too. Best of wishes!!

  86. Happy, happy birthday, Rhonda! I am so very grateful for your blog and the wisdom you share. I don't have the words to fully describe how much your blog has meant to me all these years.

  87. Happy birthday Rhonda!! Bit late but I really hope you enjoyed your day. Xxxxx I just love looking at the photos you post and hearing about what you have been upto. 🙂🙂🙂

  88. Happy birthday wishes. I sat in my living room last week and saw a mouse go running across the floor. It was fast, and it made me sad that my beloved cat was gone last July, after 16 years together. A trap was laid and the next day, the mouse was dispatched.
    I too have enjoyed your blog and books.

  89. Happy belated birthday. 🎂 Thank you so much for writing your books, they still serve me well. The last paragraph of your post felt like it was meant for me, after 28yrs of active mothering my boys are almost all grown (last one is 15y) and I am currently working on how I want this new chapter of my life to be.

  90. Happy birthday Rhonda, a bit belated but nonetheless heartfelt. You are a treasure. Hope it a great year ahead for you!

  91. You look great Rhonda. I appreciate you sharing what you’ve learned about living alone, and the Swedish Death Cleaning. You are very wise. I am 60 years old but learning from you.
    Deanna Rabe

  92. Happy Belated Birthday Rhonda! Sending hugs and much love your way🍰🍰🍰.
    Thank you for continuing to indulge us, even during the transition to this new chapter of your life (because every new chapter takes time and reflection on personal priorities). Thank you for sharing your knowledge and your journey with us.
    Hope you had a wonderful day xx
    P.S. Your cooking looks delicious.


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