25 June 2021

Weekend Reading and Housework

Now that I'm not working for a living I live at my own pace. Most days are made up of housework that is done so we feel comfortable and at ease in our home; gardening to grow some food and flowers which contributes to our physical and mental health; cooking nutritious food to keep us full and healthy; various mending, repairing and maintenance jobs; looking after each other and Gracie; and, importantly, spending time thinking about the value of each each day and how it helps build the life we live.  

There are always things to be folded and put away.

Gathering my soap ingredients.  That dark jug is olive oil. I have no idea why it's so dark in the photo.

Soap making - it's an olive oil and coconut oil soap with no fragrance or colour.

Of course, there are days when odds and ends need to be done too. For instance, yesterday I made soap, over the weekend I'll reorganise our linen cupboard and make a couple of tablecloths and next week I'll prune and fertilise the plants on the front verandah. It's a mixed bag but I get it done by being flexible and juggling the 24 hours I have each day. 

When the chooks give you too many eggs, you make egg custard.

Another thing that helps use those 24 hours wisely is to cook food that doesn't take a lot of time, or a lot of food that can be served day after day simply by reheating it.  I'm doing that this week. I made a big pot of beef, barley and vegetable soup on Tuesday and it's fed us every day since. We finish the pot today. Yes, we eat the same thing every day but that doesn't worry either of us if it's delicious (and it is 😁). The good part of it is I don't have to stop at 11 am to prepare our main meal at lunchtime. I put the soup on a low heat mid-morning and just serve it up when we're ready to eat. It's a saving of about 45 minutes and a great way to help me get through those busy days, and much less cleaning up too.

I think winter is a great time to work through those busy days and get cupboards cleaned, sorted and decluttered and to look around your home to see if anything needs changing. If changing a few things around makes your work easier, why not invest some time in doing it.  How are you organising your days this winter?

Thank you for being here today. I hope everything is right in your world. Stay safe. 🥰

Weekend Reading


  1. I love making a big pot of veggie soup, I simmer it in the morning whilst getting ready for work & blitz it when I get home, reheat some for dinner - and there is always enough for us for another night, plus some to take to my elderly Mother.
    I was intrigued by the Letter locking link, amazing ways to seal a letter. Thank you for sharing Rhonda.

    1. Yes, that was amazing. There are so many wonderful things people think of doing.

  2. Hi Rhonda,
    So lovely to see you back and rested. Thank you for the weekend readings...look forward to delving into them!
    I have just put on a 'clean out the fridge' soup of vegetables and a small bit of cut up steak. I love soup too.
    Melbourne is wet and cold today...so a perfect meal.
    Not too much happening in our vegetable garden so will be looking forward to spring and more planting.
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Oh I'm envious of your eggs. My girls have decided it is too cold to lay so no eggs for us. One of them is moulting so badly it looks like there's been a massacre in the nesting box! We will appreciate the eggs all the more when they go back on the lay.

    Wonderful idea to clean out cupboards etc in the winter months. I need to give my book shelves and studio a good going over. I know I will love it when it's done.

    have a great weekend,


    1. Hi Madeleine.
      Usually they stop laying when it's cold but at the end of autumn I started giving them a high protein extra meal a few times a week. That kept them going. Not all of them are laying because they're oldish chooks. We'll stop the extra protein in late winter so they can have a rest before spring.

    2. Hi Rhonda,

      thanks for that information, really helpful. I don't mind them having a rest but they did stop quite early. I think some extra protein will help Betty grow her feathers back too :-)


  4. Hello Rhonda. Here, we are in summer, so the days are organized differently . We are in the morning (9 a.m)and I put fish and pepper to bake in the oven. Then, I will go weeding and cleaning in the garden. This afternoon, after a little siesta, (or knitting), I will fold linens and clothes, then I will pickup my grandson from school, and I will take him straight to his place.
    So, my days are a lot like yours, and I often think of you and your advice, when doing my chores at home.
    I hope you will understand everything I wrote in English (thank you google...)
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Yes, our days are very similar. Your English is always good so don't worry about it. xx

  5. Thanks for the reminder to make egg custard
    The letter locking article is truly fascinating. Gail

  6. I'm right there with you, Rhonda. If the food is good (and it is!) I have no problem having a repetitive diet! Mmmmmmmm..... I'll be making soap soon, too.

  7. Hi Rhonda,

    Thank you for including our article "Best YouTube Channels that Help Homeowners Learn". We really appreciate the exposure. Like yourself, there are many talented, knowledgeable and passionate individuals that are sharing invaluable know-how and experiences. The comments these channels attract are often motivating and heartwarming.

    The Purgula Team

  8. Dear Rhonda, Thank you so very much for blog, readings, books and photos and particularly your soap recipe. I make a batch three times a year and let it cure...this is a challenge in tropical north Queensland! The soap is such a joyful part of my everyday (I'm still amazed that I make something that bubbles and forms a lather) and this is a gift from you. So thank you. Andrea

    1. You're very welcome, Andrea. I'm so pleased you enjoy making and using the soap. xx

  9. It looks like you're doing a mighty work all the same, Rhonda, even though you might not get "paid" for it. Your work is producing some mighty fine "living" so in a way it can still be said you're "working for a living". Thank you for sharing your work with us. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  10. I enjoyed the micro greens video, Rhonda. Can you help me find your barmbrack recipe? I remember making it a couple of times years ago but can’t find the recipe when I search your site. Thanks!

    1. The best way is to use the search bar in the side panel, Suzan. https://down---to---earth.blogspot.com/2008/08/making-barmbrack.html. Happy baking

  11. That soup sounds delicious. I do the same thing in the cold weather. I love to reheat casseroles all week. My mom used to say that I cooked like I had a family, even though I live alone. It was very helpful when I was teaching ballet every afternoon and evening, too. Coming home to a nutritious, home cooked meal is nurturing and healing. I admire your organization. I need to clean my cupboards, but have been taking my Labradoodle kayaking...we are on the California coast.

  12. Oh! Got it. I was using the search at the top of the blog. This is a great recipe. Thank you

  13. Rhonda I have recently had the pleasure of reading all your published books and now continue to read all your wonderful blogs. After a life changing diagnosis of cancer and subsequent remission after all the treatments I had so much advice to live life in the fast lane and leave no stone unturned. Whilst I undertook those measures it left me being feeling quite empty and unfulfilled and upon realizing that, what I really wanted was a sense of peace and harmony and all the essence of a simple life and simple living. I thank you for giving me the tools and inspiration to find my happy and contented place in this world of mine now. At 60 I feel I am finding that contented maturity and look forward to the years ahead. I can't thank you enough for all that you have shared with us your readers. May you be truly blessed. Julie.

    1. Hello Julie. I'm really pleased my writing has helped you reach the place you feel comfortable in. What an ordeal you've been through! I have a small understanding of how it feels because I was diagnosed with a non-malignant brain tumour a couple of years ago. It scared me at first because there was no guarantee it wouldn't grow. But then I realised I was exactly where I needed to be and I was living the best possible life. Take care of yourself, take it all in and enjoy your ordinary days as well as your special ones. I send love. xx

  14. The soap you are making, no lye? I'd love to make soap but don't want to use lye. Do you have link to your recipe. Thank you

    1. It's not possible to make soap without lye. Some people buy melt and pour soaps and mix them with other ingredients but that's not making soap. The melt and pour soap has already been made.


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