14 May 2021

Weekend Reading

This will be my last blog for a while. I'm taking a break. Life is getting busier outside so I'm not reading as much online to make up the weekend reading list and my sister is coming up for a visit very soon. We haven't seen each other for over two years so we have a lot of talking to catch up on.  I'll keep my instagram going and post if we do something I think you'll be interested in.

I hope you've had your Covid vaccination or you're getting closer to it. Stay safe, enjoy your weather - be it hot or cold, and keep working towards a simpler life.


  • Extinction - The Facts - David Attenborough's must-see documentary on biodiversity and how we're being effected by it
  • The Best Homemade Pasta With Meatballs - I introduced you to Liziqi, the Fairy, a couple of years ago, she was the ultimate in making everything from scratch. This couple is similar, they live in Azerbaijan, they're self-sufficient and they live off the land. 



  1. Well, Rhonda, it is understandable. In fact, I think you will be quitting it all very soon. I am sorry to see this, but you have been at it quite awhile and working hard. Enjoy your time with your sister. I think you will enjoy the visit and hope you do. Best of luck with the future; stay well and happy. It was a wonderful experience reading and learning from your blog.

    1. It's just a break, Hopflower. I'm not quitting.

  2. Rhonda, enjoy your break and Trisha's visit - I hope you have a wonderful time together. I'm vaccinated and have been having a little burst of social life this month, which feels great and weird at the same time :) Beth in MN

  3. Enjoy your sister's visit and the brea you need. Stay healthy and well.

  4. Hi Rhonda,

    I hope you have a really restorative break and enjoy your time with Tricia.

    Your cake looks delicious - I can feel some baking coming on!


  5. Thank goodness I thought when I read your reply to Hopflower's comment! I always look forward to your posts. Thank you for all of them through the years. Have a lovely time with Tricia, Hanno and I imagine when an gatherings.x NZ Ingrid.

  6. Rhonda, enjoy your break and your sister's visit. I will take this time to re-read your blog articles. We will be vaccinated on June 04.
    Stay healthy.

  7. How wonderful to see your sister soon, after 2 years! I want to say your photo on your blog is lovely, those colours suit you so well. Enjoy the coming days.

  8. I'm going to really miss your writings, Rhonda, but I surely understand about you wanting/needing to take a break. Enjoy your time outdoors and also with your sister... and we'll "see you" when you get back here. ~Andrea xoxo PS~ That picture of the fruit something-something sure does look delicious!! Perhaps a recipe sometime? ;-)

  9. Enjoy your break..awaiting your return..love this blog..

  10. Hi Rhonda...am sure you need a break! Lovely that you will have time with your sister. Thank you for the weekly links..always interesting. I look forward to seeing you back when you are refreshed and hearing how your garden is going ☺ Stay well

  11. Enjoy your break AND your sister's visit, time with family is so important isn't it and it seems even more so in these strange times we've been through recently. Your books are going to be invaluable in my new tiny home as I work towards simplifying my life even more for my retirement so I have them on my bedside table for re-reading.

    Take care, and enjoy your break. xx

  12. I hope you enjoy your visit with your sister. We will miss you immensely. But everyone deserves a break. Stay well and God bless...

  13. Enjoy your break and visit with your Sister. I haven't seen my sister for 2 years as well. These days are hard for so many families.

  14. Enjoy the time away, especially the time with your sister. How lovely!

  15. Dear Rhonda, Hanno and Gracie, good morning. Up very early here! A wicked stormy night here and we have a tarp over an upstairs balcony, as we have water damage and I'm sitting with a small dog on my knee enjoying a coffee,feeling too old for all this palaver!! I will be thinking of you and Tricia and the tea and the baking and as my husband says 'how come you never run out of things to say?' I haven't seen my oldest sister for 2 years also, enjoy this prescious time🙃

  16. Hi Rhonda, I hope you and Tricia have a fantastic time together. You are wise to take a break. Blogging consumes a lot of time and energy. I have been pulling weeds on my land, and raking up pine needles. We have already had a large fire here in California. Sure wish we had more rain and snow. I plan to start knitting a pair of socks this evening.

  17. Enjoy your well-earned break Rhonda. It´s good for you to feel free to concentrate on your nearest and dearest. What a lot to catch up on after not seeing your sister for so long. Even when you take "time out" I find I still go back to your blog. What a treasure trove you have built up over the years. Looking forward to when you feel you can return with recharged batteries. Wishing good health and happiness to all of you.

  18. Keep enjoying life Rhonda, so beautiful simply taking it all in - our family, home, garden etc. I can imagine you and Trish siting with a cuppa chatting away or enjoying quiet companionship. My daughters have a very close relationship and it makes me feel good to think they will continue in this way as you and your sister. xx

  19. Oh,Rhonda!
    I've read your blog for years and I've enamored of you and Hanno ( your kids and grands as well).
    You make me think and my heart happy.

    In case you ever think you are not an influencer? You shared a link to a Korean housewife vlog. Oh dear! I LOVE her. I am fascinated. She is adorable and her vlog is interesting.
    But it made me realize how isolated I've felt the past 14 months. You know. Covid19. My hubby and I have sheltered in place. Whoosah..... I'm a introvert but still... it is lonely.
    Sooooooooo! I now watch vlogs from Turkey, Sebia,Trinidad, Scotland, Japan, and some I'm forgetting.

    Thank you ever so much.
    My ❤ is so 😊

  20. I'm in the last round of vaccinations so still a long way to go for me. A shame as I would love to get it, really wish they would open it out a bit more. Im working on my own health atm and working out recipes for GERD. Its a stuggle as most of the foods I like are out.

  21. Hi Rhonda, I just wanted to tell you I found your Down to Earth book at our local library and am enjoying reading your beautiful writing style all over again. I used to read your blog regularly back 12 or so years ago when living in Townsville! A move back home to NZ, study, and 2 children later and your thoughts are still influential on my simple life. One of the best things about having a home of our own is being able to grow my own food, watching my toddler cart our chooks around or marvel at eggs in the nestbox, my son finding an unusual spider or enjoying the wind as he hangs out in a tree, making my own pasta sauce, learning to make sourdough and bottle fruit with my parent's old preserver... Then getting to eat it all, yum. So I just wanted to say hi again, hope you and Tricia enjoy your catch up. Amy in NZ

    1. Thanks for taking the time to say hello, Amy. It's good you landed on your feet over in NZ and have settled in now with a home and family. I'm looking forward to Tricia's arrival. Take care. xx

  22. I must say, your blog is THE one I still read, even after I have "graduated" from 'homeschooling/stay at home momma' to 'working wife' after the kids have grown and left home 10 years plus ago! I will still enjoy reading older posts while you are resting, and we will be here when you get back :-)

  23. So glad you are getting to see your sister!
    I was vaccinated back in March and it was incredibly emotional in so many ways.
    I will miss your wonderful weaving of stories, but my goodness, your legacy will forever inspire so many others. Thank you for all you have shared and I will always come back here for inspiration. XO

  24. Do you have that cake recipe (as per photo above post) by any chance? Have a lovely break and we look forward to your return ;-)

  25. At 56 I've finally realised it's time to change. I have found your book Down to Earth which is about to educate me on how to "let go" 🥳🥳🥳 I am in search of contentment after a blessed life (breast cancer, flooded house, divorce and grief have taught me much).
    I want to just breathe and smile 😁

    1. Changing your mindset about adjusting your life is essential for making real changes. I hope you find inspiration and the information you need in Down to Earth. Good luck!


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