19 March 2021

Weekend reading

I feel really energised lately and although it's due to the cooler weather and the approach of my favourite seasons, I think housework is working its magic too. I started by reluctantly cleaning a few drawers and cupboards and by the time I moved on to the fridge, pantry and larder, my attitude change and I was looking for new organising projects.  There is nothing like the feeling of living in a home that is organised and comfortably neat. I'm not talking about absolute precision, I'm thinking of relaxed, clean spaces that make living here a pleasure. You really do get into the grove of it when you've completed a couple of spaces. I keep going back to look at what I've done and it motivates me to do more. And I take my time too, I'm not rushing and I do it when I feel like it. It doesn't feel like a commitment or a burden, it's MUCH better than that.

This was the start of the larder/stockpile cupboard clean out. We did one shelf at a time. I'll write more about it later in the week on Instagram.

I've just put Gracie's food on to cook (above). It's enough for a couple of weeks so I keep one container in the fridge and freeze the rest. This batch is 2kg beef mince with pumpkin, carrots, cabbage, rolled oats and rice. She LOVES it. Later this morning I'll clean the seals on the freezer and fridge. Since the humid weather started, they've be slowly growing mould that doesn't wipe off anymore, it needs a firmer touch. I don't use liquid bleach, I'll use either peroxide or Di-san spray instead. I also have to tidy my work room. I've been sewing and throwing things left and right in piles instead of putting them away immediately. It's a 20 minute job so I'll get that done before I go outside.

These kipfler potatoes are chitting on the back verandah.  You can see the shoots  just starting to emerge above. When more shoots are out, I'll plant three each in grow bags. 

It's supposed to rain this afternoon so before it does I want to clean up one of the salivas that snapped in the wind the other night.  That will give me the chance to use my new shears (above); I bought them at Bunnings yesterday afternoon. I also picked up two flowering plants for the garden. It doesn't seem right to go in there and not buy a plant.  ðŸŒ¿  ☺️  ðŸŒ¿

The seedlings have been moved from the bush house to the verandah to keep out of the rain. They're doing well so far.

This week, I forgot St Patricks Day for the first time ever!  Of course, when a memory loss happens most of us falsely believe it's the first sign of dementia. I tend to think it's old age, the part concerning loss and weakness, coming to the fore. When I was diagnosed with a brain tumour and had a series of MRIs, one of the things they noticed were early changes due to old age. None of us survives ageing unchanged. But I think I'm winning because I still feel energetic and I want to do everything I can do.  I still wonder about St Patricks Day though, I wonder what my mum would have said to that.

I hope you're well and safe and spending time with loved ones.  Covid vaccinations have started here but they're very disorganised. Have you been vaccinated yet? Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the change of seasons.  xx



  1. I had to giggle over your St. Paddy slip because we thought Tuesday was St. Patrick’s Day. We enjoyed a full traditional meal before one of us realized it was the 16th... as you, I don’t wear a watch and I only know the date when I do my evening activity journal (plantings, projects and so forth are documented daily). We just enjoyed the meal again on the actual day! Lol

    1. This made me feel better, thank you. I wasn't the only wonky one. 🙃

  2. Your cicada link is broken. I am interested to know if this is the USA too. There seemed to be few last year and we kind of missed the night song all summer.

    1. It's fixed now. It's an American report from NBC.

  3. I understand the phenomenon of plants speaking to you at the nursery. They are just too hard to resist, especially after the dregs of winter.
    Lovely organizing! I know just what you mean, it's almost as if it frees up space in your spirit when things are neat and tidy.

    Our country is managing over 2 million vaccines a day, although I am in the last category to receive one. I'll bide my time, staying cautious while nestling into garden projects.
    Be Blissed!

  4. Oh Rhonda : as usual, you give me the energy to do some storage in my cupboards and my drawers, and they really need it...
    My fridge need a good cleaning too.
    I too have forgotten things, and I am only 63 years old ;-)
    Have a lovely week-end . Kisses from France

    1. I hope you get through all your organising. I found it lead me on to other things too. Have fun!

  5. Yes, memory loss is as normal as rain, when we age. Nothing to worry about... not that worrying ever helped anything anyway. :-) Yes, I've gotten my first vaccination and will go back for my second one in less than 2 weeks. I hope you folks there can follow suit. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. I'm glad to hear you've had your first vaccine. Stay well.

  6. Thanks for the reading links, Rhonda - will check them out later this weekend. I will vote "covid brain" for your lapse on St. Patrick's day. I just think things are so weird, you don't hear the usual build up on the news before a holiday like you normally would, e.g., parade in New York, local parades, green beer, etc. We always have a big state high school hockey tournament in March and today I thought - is it on or did it get cancelled? Can't remember hearing anything about it this year. Also, lovely new picture - your glasses really bring out your blue eyes! Beth in MN

    1. Maybe you're right, Beth, but I don't watch much TV. Oh, green eyes, not blue. Hanno has blue eyes. Stay safe and healthy. xx

  7. Loved the Shillelagh link! And I too just cleaned out and organised the main pantry. Now I love just standing there and looking in (not weird at all!).

  8. Rhonda, I liked your comment that "None of us survives ageing unchanged". I wonder have you read 'The Art of Ageing' by John Lane. He is the author of one of my favourite books on simple living and also writes wisely and beautifully about ageing. It is sad that modern societies revere youth and fail to appreciate the elderly more. Personally, the more gravity takes it's toll and the wrinkles develop, the more grateful I am to still be here, not everyone is so lucky!

    Purple is a great colour on you :-)


    1. Thanks Madeleine. I don't know of John Lane, I'll look him up. xx

  9. I forgot to put my seatbelt on the other day...ugh! Your tiles look so pretty in those photos. I need to do more organizing, too. I haven't gotten the vaccine yet. I am watching the results and reading as much as I can.

  10. Good morning Rhonda, Hanno and Gracie. Love your new photo and pretty blouse! Hoping to plant pansies, foxgloves ,broccoli and some box plants if the rain eases today,although the rain here has been quite light unlike NSW and Queensland, hope you and your family are safe and not too soggy! I was remembering your fish set and it was very impressive and would I think be very good for people wanting to grow food with little space and rainfall.Busy week ahead with family birthdays so I will have to do some baking, the grandchildren never want anything different, always meringues and chocolate cake.Have a lovely safe week🙃

    1. Thanks Jenny. The rain hasn't been too bad here and I'm enjoying it. Further down around Brisbane and the Gold Coast is another story entirely. Enjoy the grandkids. Stay safe. xx

  11. Very concerned about you and Hanno, Rhonda. I remember you have a creek down passed your back fence. I do hope you don’t have flood waters coming into your property, as we saw that there was flooding in your area on the news this evening.
    Blessings Gailk

    1. Thanks for thinking of us Gail but all is good here. We're having decent rainfall now, but we've only just reached our average figures for the year. The rain is soaking into the soil that has been dry for the past few years, so I'm loving it. It's not so good north and south of us though and right down into NSW the floods have devastated many communities. It's time to pull together again and get through this. I hope you're well and safe.

  12. Hi Rhonda, firstly your new photo is lovely!
    Also glad to hear that your propery is not being affected by flooding. Yes it is pretty bad down a lot of the east coast of Australia at the moment.
    Gardening wise I have planted broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and covered in wire mesh to keep our cat off. Also planted garlic. Will try potatoes again this year but think it is too early in Melbourne as haven't seen the seed stock for sale yet. Have put anemones bulbs in pots for Spring. I have about 4 smallish pumpkins doing well on the vine. I just enjoy seeing everything gow...and now we are coming into the trees changing colour for Autumn.
    Always tweaking my household and pantry re clutter ☺


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