12 March 2021

Weekend Reading

I'm running late today. Not that it's a problem for a woman who never wears a watch and operates mainly by light and dark instead. I'm doing all sorts here - writing, keeping an eye on my sewing while I sit here writing - I do have plans for it!, and I'm tending seedings and cooking lunch. I also need to organise shelves in the laundry and change the bed linen. I was watering before we had a bit of rain, and of course you know we have a small black dog who always wants to be out on the front verandah searching for lizards.  The lizards know what she's like now and they disappear as soon as she walks out the door. 

Hanno bought me two lava rock plants from Aldi during the week. I really like them - this one is an elkhorn and I have a birds nest fern in the bathroom.

But most of my thoughts float out my workroom and into the back yard. It's mid March and that means gardening in my world - and the orchids are starting to flower! I have a lot of ideas to try this year and can't wait for the days to catch up to my outside to-do list. I bet there are a lot of you who feel the same.

The new bee hotel.

Hanno is outside now modifying a bee hotel we bought at Aldi during the week. It should be up later today. The seedlings are doing well with all of them except the chives, forget-me-nots and cleome up and growing. Jamie will be here on the weekend and we have plans to pick elderflowers. 

It looks like Hanno might have had another bleed into his eye. Next week, he's got his post-op check up from the last bleed but I think he'll be having the procedure done again. We'll see how it goes. 

The news reports tell me that the Covid situation seems to be improving in most places with the vaccinations going ahead. I'm really pleased to see the death rates have fallen dramatically so hopefully we'll be looking at a healthier world very soon. I hope things are good where you live. Stay safe.

Here are this week's readings:



  1. The bee hotel was amazing! The Country Table is out of stock but thank you so much for the link to all the AWW books.

  2. I agree with Roslyn, the bee hotel story was fascinating. What a beautiful area they explored.
    It is so encouraging to see more folks being vaccinated. Our fine president is working to get everyone inoculated by late summer.
    Enjoy your weekend. God bless.

  3. So sorry to hear that Hanno´s eye problem has returned. Luckily he seems to have good medics around him. It´s bad enough that getting older often means more healthcare contacts but recurring problems are an extra burden.

    I remember those lovely Elkhorns from our Sydney years, sadly they wouldn´t survive here. We do all we can for our bird population. It really is time we made an effort for the bugs though. On hot summer days bees from local hives - and the odd wasp - really seem to enjoy having a drink at the shallowest part of our pond. So I´ll be doing an internet search for an insect hotel.
    Right now the snow that returned yesterday is quickly melting with the rain. Although we´re impatient for spring, it´s a fact that the snow and rain now help to thaw the ground. A few days ago, I could only get the tip of my trowel into the soil in our raised garden beds!.
    No vaccinations in sight yet for us despite our ages, 79 and 76. The slow roll-out is so disappointing. Corona spreading, hospital cases and deaths still more than they should be, over 13000 deaths so far. Now the authorities are worried about signs of a third wave.

    Still, the fact that spring will soon be here brings hope. At the very least it keeps us busy outdoors pottering with the garden and greenhouse.

    Keep well both of you
    Best regards

    1. Hi Ramona. I hope your weather turns soon. I'm sorry to read that Covid still spreading in Sweden. I hope you and your DH are vaccinated soon. We haven't had ours yet either, it should happen before the end of the month. Stay well. xx

  4. Yes, I guess I am not the only one to appreciate the bee hotel! Oddly enough Rhonda I am making a pollinator garden--for all pollinators but especially the Monarch butterfly. There is a pesky sidewalk strip with nothing but weeds and rocks in it right now. But this summer the bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds will have a relative smorgasbord if all goes well. Thanks for helping and investing in nature!

    Good luck to Hanno regarding his eye problems. I do hope all is well soon.

    1. thank you. I hope you have great success with your pollinator garden.

  5. Hello Rhonda, just to let you know that the link for the 10 little habits isn't working. Thanks for the weekend reading, it's always a joy.
    I hope you and Hanno are having a good weekend. XXX Morag

    1. It's fixed now. Thanks for letting me know. xx

  6. We have a Lava Rock Umbrella Plant that came from Aldi, it's grown so much, I might take a look to see if our local one has a bird's nest fern.
    Sorry to hear that Hanno's eye may be bleeding again, have a young friend who is going through a similar problem. I hope that Hanno will be healed soon.

  7. I love orchids; my mom used to grow them indoors. I'll have to read that article on time speeding up as you get older. My dad used to say that it's like a cassette tape. I thought that was an accurate analogy. I hope Hanno's eye is okay.

  8. I'm enjoying the "10 Little Habits" video--thanks for sharing! I hope Hanno's eye is better soon. My (high-risk) husband was able to get his first Covid vaccine this month, with the second one scheduled. I cried from sheer relief when he told me he was able to get an appointment--we will continue to be careful, of course, but knowing that he will be protected eases my biggest fear around this whole thing. We're enjoying our spring garden while we can, before the heat of summer sets in, and our mango trees flowered for the first time, so we're hoping to get a harvest this year--very exciting!

  9. Good morning hope Hanno's eye gets sorted this week I also love the orchids and have a weakness for the 'moth' ones which stay indoors down here,the colour of yours is stunning! That article on time speeding up was great, it was reassuring that although I often have times where words or names allude me it doesn't necessarily mean I am getting dementia but probably have a lot more thoughts going on in there than a younger person! Who would have thought? 🙃

  10. Hello Rhonda, I wanted to say hello and to thank you for your blog. I've been reading your blog for around 5 years but a week ago I decided that I'd go back to your first post and read forwards and I'm really enjoying the catch-up. I'm saving pages on my PC as I go and have folders for your crafts, recipes and general wisdom so I'll be able to refer back to them easily in the future.
    Yesterday evening I got to the posts about Hanno's horrible chainsaw accident. I've read a few posts further on and he seems to have made a good recovery but I was wondering if there were any lasting difficulties with his grip or whatever? Maybe you gave further updates later but I'm a little impatient to hear how he is now. Waving to you from the UK....Gillian

    1. Hi Gillian. Wow, that is a day I don't want to relive. Hanno's not regained full strength in his hand. He has nerve damage so he doesn't have full feeling and he can't pick up fine things. But he's fine for mowing the lawn, driving the car, general maintenance, cooking and most of the things he used to do.


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