17 July 2020

Weekend Reading

This week I've been reading through a recently published book, The ultimate guide to preserving vegetables. I've really enjoyed it and found a lot to inspire me.  Written by Angi Schneider, she writes about canning, pickling, fermenting, dehydrating and freezing fresh produce.

There's a lot of information about how to preserve vegetables in jars as well as how to freeze, dehydrate, ferment and pickle your produce.
 I liked the look of this recipe for frozen breaded squash fries.

This book would be great for beginners and experienced preservers because there are step-by-step preserving methods, reference charts and colour photos, as well as 100 excellent recipes. Angi shares tips for working your preserved foods into your family's regular meal plan so nothing goes to waste.  

If you have a backyard garden or buy lots of fresh vegetables and hope to preserve some of your produce to eat later, this is the book for you.  You can find Angi's blog here or on Instagram @schneiderpeeps

Hanno went back to the eye specialist this week and got a clean bill of health.  I go back next week and will probably have cataracts lasered off, again.  Everything else is good here, we're staying at home as much as we can and living slow and quiet.  I hope you're well too and with the Coronavirus continuing to cause terrible problems around the world, I hope you're staying safe and sound. 




  1. So good to see a post and to hear that you are both doing well. Thank you for the info on the Preserving book and the link to her blog - this is something that I've become quite interested in lately.
    Stay well.

  2. That looks like a great book. I am actually enjoying staying home. I've gotten some work writing for a friend's website. He is very successful on Broadway and in New York, so I am excited about it. We can deposit our paychecks remotely now, which is amazing. The sunflowers are in bloom, and I have been harvesting chilis. I always think of you and your chili jam when I pick them. I like them sauteed with onions inside of a quesadilla.

    1. Congratulations on getting that writing work. I think of you whenever I see anything ballet related.

  3. Rhonda,I enjoyed your informative post but especially the links on Spring rolls and custard cake.πŸ’–

  4. This is a very timely post, Rhonda. I have been reading and watching YouTube videos about preserving. Thank you for the link to Angi's blog.

    I'm glad to hear you and Hanno are doing well.
    I'm also working from home. All my fall classes are going to be online, so I'm preparing extra videos for students. We have thousands of COVID-19 cases here in Florida.

    Take care and stay safe.


  5. Another collection of wonderful links of things to read and think about. I do look forward to reading these on a Friday morning. Thank you for taking the time to share them.

  6. Thank you for the suggestions. So great to hear from you. I have Just received the Simple home. I love reading it. I am waiting for Down to Earth to arrive. I have waited a long time, but found them second hand here in the Netherlands. I am so happy! I have been reading your blog for years and am so glad I have your books now. They are a way for me to start up again. I lost my parents 8 weeks apart in November and January this year. The simple way of living is helping me to cope with my grieve and to pick up life again.
    Please Stay safe and enjoy the garden ❤️

    1. I’m pleased you’re enjoying the book. Losing parents is one of the most difficult things we go through in life. I still think of my mother everyday and she died in 1993. Continue to live simply because it will add meaning and depth to your life. Take care. xx

  7. Glad you and Hanno are doing well, Rhonda. I wish they would run another allotment challenge. I really enjoyed the first one and with so many more people growing their own food and flowers during lockdown, I’m sure they would get more viewers.

  8. Timely writing Rhonda - gardens are producing heavily this time of year and many folks are trying more & more to provide for themselves from garden abundance. Sounds like a good book to have in your hands when the garden is giving more than you can eat! Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you & Hanno are doing well and staying safe. ~TxH~

  9. I'm glad you and Hanno are doing well, Rhonda. I love your weekly links, there's always something thought provoking and inspiring. Thank you for for including my book and blog in your round up this week! I'm honored.

    1. You’re welcome, Angi, it’s a great book.

  10. Good morning Rhonda and Hanno,lovely group of links,cake looks nice!! Mmmm!!! We may have eaten just a bit too much lately with our colder weather and home by ourselves! Hope the eye appointment goes well, I am not a fan of anyone touching my eyes but getting desperate for new specs which can just wait now until the latest Covid wave in Victoria slows down.(have of course saved the money up)Thinking about all the Simply Living folks overseas in these challenging days,stay safe,have a good weekπŸ™ƒ

    1. Morning Jenny. I know what to expect this time with my eyes. It's painless and he gives me a sedative before the laser so I just dose off. Stay safe at home xx.

  11. Hello Rhonda. I am glad to read that you and Hanno are doing well, and was happy to see your Weekend Reading post. The book on preserving looks amazing. I am going to check out her blog. Stay safe in these challenging times. I am trying my best to do so.

  12. Thanks Julie. I will have more garden photos as soon as more flowers start showing themselves.

  13. I'm a sucker for anything you recommend and so I bought this book already. My husband asked me why we don't have a jam and jelly book. I had no response other than we just don't. Do you have any recommendations???

    1. I don't know where you live, Katie but I have both the Australian Women's Weekly Classic Preserves and the UK Women's Institute Book of Preserves. Both excellent.


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