19 June 2020

Weekend Reading

I'm taking a break from posting here and on IG. I'll sign off for now but I'll see you again soon. Thanks for your recent emails and comments. They really do make it more interesting for me.

I hope you enjoy this week's reading.

My life as a turkey - I discovered this a few years ago and have watched it many times since. It's one of the most amazing and beautiful documentaries I've ever seen.
The Private Life of Chickens
Less waste, low effort: simple kitchen swaps to cut down on single-use items
Shortest day of the year is almost here
Raid the pantry: why now is the perfect time to reassess your store cupboard20 
iPhone and iPad tips to become a pro: Everything to know about iOS and iPadOS 13.5
DIY brooches tutorial – quick-stitch gifts made easy


  1. Gracie looks such a little tinker in every photo! I love seeing her. Enjoy your break, Rhonda. I will mine your archives again until your return :-)


  2. What a great photo, Gracie's personality shines through. Enjoy your break Rhonda, I look forward to your return whenever that may be. Take care, hugs for Gracie x Kate from Tassie

  3. Oh enjoy your time away and keep well:-) I don't comment often, but do enjoy your "Weekend reading" posts on Thursday here so reminds me tomorrow is Friday - yay.
    Have a beautiful day~

  4. Have a nice break, Rhonda. Give Gracie a big hug for me too. We had a little rain last night which was lovely but it is a tad cold here now. Enjoy the winter weather.

  5. Enjoy your break! I’m looking forward to your return😊

  6. Rhonda, I have read your blog for years. You have introduced me to wonderful perspectives of home making and ways of doing/making things in the home. Thank you so much...take care.

  7. Thoroughly enjoyed "My Life As A Turkey" video. It was beautifully filmed, narrated, and I learned so much about the wild turkeys that we now have in mid-Minnesota. They were brought here by exchange for MN Grouse. Once they realized that they had to give MN ADULT turkeys to have them establish here, they have "transplanted" beautifully. So much so, that MN has now established a limited hunting season.

  8. thanks for all the posts, glad I found your blog but appreciate the need for a break from it all to catch up on real world sometimes. Stay well.

  9. Have a nice break, Rhonda with Hanno and Gracie...
    I look forward to your return, and during this time, I will often check your blog.
    See you soon...

  10. Go well Rhonda, Hanno and Gracie...thank you for all your great posts, and like others will look into the archives until your return.

  11. Hi Rhonda, hope you a nice break away and hope look forward to a return when you are ready. I so enjoy reading the weekend reading. You find such gems. Thank you! Xxx Nia

  12. Oh I hope things are okay. You will be missed.

  13. Thank you, Rhonda - as a long-time reader of your blog, I so much appreciate what you share here, especially your observations on life as an older woman - they've given me much inspiration and food for thought as I'm at the same stage of life. I look forward to re-reading many of your posts and to seeing you back again after a refreshing break. Love Gracie too - she reminds me of our lovely Scottie Tammy from my childhood.

  14. Take a good rest and enjoy Hanno and Gracie. Just don't be gone too long...I don't know if you fully realize the blessing that you are in so many of our lives.Your influence reaches many corners of this earth and I am so proud to say that I have a special friend in Australia. Thank you, Carolyn in Florida

  15. A break is as good as a holiday! Enjoy the rest Rhonda and hopefully see you all again when you're ready!

  16. Gorgeous photo of your girl looking at you. Take care.xx

  17. Love that picture of Gracie and Hanno! Have a nice break Rhonda - thanks for all that you do. Beth in MN

  18. I always enjoy your weekend reading posts. I hope you have a restful break and look forward to reading your posts when you return.

  19. Enjoy your break and time off. Hope all is well there. I so much enjoy and look forward to your weekend posts. But totally understand needing a break. You will be thought of often here in Kentucky, USA.

  20. I was just thinking of taking a blogging break, myself. Thanks for posting the links. I am looking forward to watching the turkey video. I hope you enjoy your respite from technology. It can all get to be too much sometimes...

  21. Enjoy your blogging break and come back to us when you are ready, all refreshed.

  22. Take care and refresh you three up there! I'm feeling this week I need a 'restart' button. Our grandchildren already came home with the usual winter cold but my husband caught it despite all the hand washing etc etc and has been most unwell all weekend,but now much improved.We all had the covid test even though there has not been any in our area and were negative but Victoria around Melbourne, has seen an increase, so no desire to go anywhere here. It's winter here so after losing interest for a few days, back to the knitting,quilting and soup. My my best wishes to all your lovely readers in these odd times🙃

  23. Hi Rhonda,
    Take care and know that we're here and thinking of you. Warm Regards to you and your family.

  24. Hope you have a relaxing rest and come back with great posts again

  25. Thank you for all your wonderful posts which I look forward to re-reading while you are away��. Wishing you both and Gracie, of course, much love, health and happiness.

  26. Just stumbled upon your blog what a truly delightful blog it is


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