8 June 2018

Weekend reading

I had a few emails from readers asking me to list the books in the bookcase I showed last week. Well, that would take too much time but here are three closeup photos so you can see the titles. When we moved the bookcase, I went through all the books and culled quite a few, these are what survived.

I've had a cold this week and I was sitting around and not doing much. I'm feeling better now so I'm looking forward to making a small lamp skirt and some cushion covers for the lounge room.

What are you doing this weekend?

Sydney's beautiful ocean pools  When I was a teenager, I spend many hours swimming in the Bronte pool.
Free knitting pattern for garter stitch diagonal dish cloth, with and without hole edge  I want all the dish cloths I'm knitting for the Blayney fete to be the same size, so I'm using this pattern.
Practising Simplicity - a beautiful Australian blog I've rediscovered in the passed month.
Flight Radar - flights in real time
City girl churns butter - when you finish reading the article, look around this wonderful site.  It's Lehman's Hardware store in the US.

Just adding this now after a newsletter from Valerie at Green Living Australia. There is an End of Financial Sale at the site. Click here to go there.


  1. When we turned 6 we were allowed to have sleepovers at Grandma and Grandfathers at Dee Why. I spent many hours in the ocean pools there. Grandma always packed a thermos for her and sandwiches and drink bottles of cordial for us. Thank you for reminding me of these wonderful times.

  2. Rhonda,your blog has been cheering me up after I have recently had achilles surgery and have to rest up in Brisbane : ) Hope you achieve your sewing plans this weekend . I am learning to knit socks on a 9 inch circular needle ( watching the YouTube video feverishly ! ) I wanted to attend the Live Sheep Trade Protest tomorrow but am not mobile enough so family are attending instead :)

    1. Sorry to hear of your injury, Jenster. I hope you recover from the surgery quickly. No doubt your family will relay information and photos from the protest. There are worse things you could be doing than resting and knitting socks. 😉 xx

  3. Hi Rhonda, I hope you are feeling better today. This weekend I will be finishing up a pair of socks that I'm knitting for a friend. Will also be blogging, hiking, and completing an article for Dance Magazine. I usually meet with some local knitters on Saturdays to knit and chat. There's always more work to be done in the garden, as well. I need to transplant some sumac and geraniums. Take care...

  4. Thank you for another great reading list, Rhonda.
    I watched Money for Nothing on Netflix and loved it. I didn't know there were more episodes on YouTube.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.



  5. Dear Rhonda, I am so grateful for the gift of the book and the thought that came with it, from your book shelf to mine this week. My favourite part was your inscription at the front. After all these many years of reading your blog, it was a delight to read you words in your own handwriting. Thank you so much, I'll treasure it. xx

    1. I'm glad it arrived. It's had a long history so far. You'll keep it going for a while yet. Hanno posted it for me. Was there a letter in there too?

  6. Rhonda I read your post on my phone while waiting in a queue and thought you were making yourself a small lamp skirt. I was wondering what on earth that kind of skirt was but then realised it was for a lamp. LOL! I nearly laughed out loud. See you soon.

  7. The Guardian article on meat and dairy is timely for me. I am on the brink of leaning over to a whole food plant based diet for all these reasons and more.

  8. Thank you once again - I always look forward to my Fridays for your Weekend Reading

  9. Really liked the post on stockpiling. My parents always kept a stockpile, in case of emergency. It is a nice feeling to know that you don’t have to go out shopping if you don’t feel like it. Thank you for the link to FlightRadar - l know someone going to the UK shortly so I shall enjoy tracking their flights.

  10. Thanks for the links as always Rhonda. What an impressive cabbage crop from the fermenting article - I love making sauerkraut and the like but so far i'm sourcing my stock from others, one day I'll be able to grow enough to make my own.
    I too enjoy Jodi's blog. I'm very interested in following along with her caravan journey as we have something similar in mind around here for the not too distant future.
    Hope you have a great long weekend.

  11. Lehman's catalog was my "Wish Book" at one time. I found items there that were unavailable where I lived, even though it was in a rural area.

  12. Thank you for the link to the ocean pools article - I love open air swimming whether in the sea ( no scary sharks!), rivers, lakes, lidos or ocean pools. We have some glorious ocean pools in the UK and I am trying to visit more of them - last summer went to the fabulous Bude sea pool. You or some of your readers may be interested to look at the website for the Outdoor Swimming Society which gives details of good sites to swim and how to stay safe.
    This weekend I am attending a craft workshop organised by a local sewing group and cooking Sunday lunch for extended family.
    Hope you are feeling completely better soon.

  13. Hi Rhonda, wonderful post as always. Our visits, primarily my husband, to Caloundra are almost at an end. My FIL was laid to rest this week. Now that we have some normality returning to our home, I plan to show hubby some of your posts with upsized font lol. The important ones at the moment are stockpiling and changes to stay in your home longer. I'm looking forward to implementing many of your ideas/suggestions and those from other readers. Take care, Brigitte

    1. Hi Brigitte. It's a sad time for your family right now, especially for your husband. The death of parents is always a painful thing. Take care of yourself and DH. xx

  14. It's been a precious slow weekend here in Canberra. Household chores, writing and sock knitting yesterday. Today I spent ALL day sorting out (and chucking out) paperwork and going through two wardrobes. It was sooo satisfying. Now all the paperwork is filed, the summer clothes are packed away and the car boot is full of clothes and books to take to the Salvos. Feels like a great achievement!
    I do enjoy your Friday links. I spent many years swimming in Coogee Women's Pool and in Wollongong's many beautiful sea pools.
    Wishing you a good week.

  15. For those who wanted a list of your books: When I want to know which books are in photos of bookshelves, I save the photo in my pics and then just rotate the photo a quarter turn so I can read the titles. Works great.

  16. Hi Rhonda~ Since one of my goals this season is to cull my own bookcases and tidy them up, I was pleased with the photo of your shelves. One of my favorite things to see is what others are reading.
    And as always, I look forward to your links ♥


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