28 June 2018

Taking a break

Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you all know I've been sick so I'm going to cut back on my work, which includes this blog, and rest until I feel better. Don't worry, it's nothing serious. I have osteoarthritis in one knee so I've been hobbling around, and I've had three colds in less than a month. I usually don't get colds or flu so it's been a struggle dealing with it. The current cold has really floored me so I'm going to do what I tell other people to do - rest, elderberry tonic and rest. Then rest some more.  We have school holidays here next week and we have big plans which include grandchildren. I have to be well for that.  Bye for now, I hope to see you all soon.


  1. Hello Rhonda,
    sorry to hear you are unwell. Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.
    Warm regards, Maria (Adelaide SA).

  2. Dear Rhonda,

    Please keep well, I would have honey and lemon drinks too. If I could send through the internet I would make you my chicken noodle soup(lots of garlic).Look after yourself and i look forward to your blog when you are back.
    You gave me some wonderful advice on grandparenting which we are using and we love him more everyday. He has had seizures and was hospitalized; we are waiting for him to have a MRI for a diagnosis :(. So positive vibes would be appreciated.
    Thanks for all your wonderful work enjoy your break.

  3. Sorry to hear you are unwell Rhonda,I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care.

  4. Goodness me, Rhonda...3 colds! That's no good. The weather had been very hot and cold though I must say. I believe there are lots of people here with the flu so I am hoping the flu shot works. Enjoy resting up and being waited on by Hanno and entertained by Miss Gracie :-)

  5. Praying for you now!
    God bless you!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
    in the middle of the USA

  6. Best wishes Rhonda. Hope you are 100% again very soon. :) xxx

  7. Rhonda take care of yourself. Hope you feel better soon.

  8. take care, and yes, take your own advice!

  9. Get lots of rest and get well soon! I've been hobbling around on a bad knee myself this week-not much fun. Hope yours is better soon.

  10. Hi Rhonda, look after yourself and we will hear from you when you are feeling better.
    Marilyn from Dromana Vic

  11. I hope you rest up and get better soon so you can enjoy those precious grandkids' visits.

  12. Wishing you a speedy recovery, Rhonda.
    Look forward to your return - fighting fit and rearing to go.

  13. Hope you feel better soon! It's hard to rest when there are things you want to be doing instead, but you're right--it'll help.

  14. Sorry your health is troubling you. Taking a rest sounds like a good plan!

  15. Good thing to take you own advice! I wish you well, hope you feel better and painfree soon. Have lots of fun with your grandchildren!

  16. I hope you are feeling much better again soon, Rhonda. I very much look forward to your posts, and your books are two of my all time favourite reads. Take care.

  17. Sorry to hear that Rhonda, get well soon and enjoy your break.

  18. Really hope you feel well soon Rhonda. So many bugs around at present...yes rest is your best friend for now. Hope you have a lovely time with your grandchildren too. I will go back through some of your past posts or start reading one of your wonderful books again :)

  19. I hope you get well soon...

  20. Extremely sensible. Hope you are soon feeling better. ❤

  21. I hope you feel much better soon, Rhonda. Hopefully rest and your elderberry tonic will do the trick! MegXx

  22. Hope you are soon feeling much, much better Rhonda. Take care & do rest lots.

  23. So sorry to hear you are under the weather, and hope you feel better very quickly. You are doing exactly the right thing by taking your own advice ! Enjoy some lovely family time, relax and have fun! Much love Penny L in Dorset U. Kxx

  24. Ooh hope your feeling well soon Rhonda x

  25. So sorry to hear you haven't been well. I'm glad you're taking your own advice to rest and hope you recover to spend time with the lovely grandchildren.
    Please take the time you need - your blog friends aren't going anywhere - we'll be here when you're ready.

  26. Take care Rhonda, we'll miss you but your health is far more important. We'll be waiting when you decide it's time to return. Here's hoping you feel much better soon.

  27. Take care and rest. Look forward to when you are back. I have had a terrible cold chest infection on and off for a month i can't shake off either.

  28. Rest up Rhonda and get well soon xxxx

  29. Yes Rhonda, rest is the best medicine especially as we grow older. Hope you are feeling better soon X


  30. Hope you are soon on the mend and able to enjoy your grand-kids in the coming weeks.

  31. Hope you get well soon Rhonda and it’s good to hear you are resting and taking care of your self.

  32. Rotten luck Rhonda - but you've got the right idea now - plenty of rest. I hope you'll be feeling well again very soon. Very best wishes, Leonie

  33. Have a good rest, Rhonda. We will eagerly await your return, and I hope you enjoy some time off from everything. Get well.

  34. Oh, dear! Feel better soon! <3

  35. Rhonda, SO sorry you are not feeling the best. It's no fun to be under the weather and knee problems are especially worrisome. I will continue to check daily hoping to see you have posted, thus knowing you are are on the mend!

  36. I hope you fell better soon!

  37. Yes. Rest and be well. Kind of you to take a moment to let us know.

  38. Good idea, taking your own advice. Hope you get better quickly so you can enjoy your "grandies", Rhonda.

  39. Just make sure you do rest - remember, I am watching you. Patricia Margaret.

  40. Ugh! I am soory. There are so many awful viruses going around this year and summer has not even given us a break in the US. Garlic has helped me a lot. I have been taking a tablespoon of chopped up fresh garlic daily and I think I am starting to get ahead of what I have had for 5 weeks.

  41. Sorry to hear you are down...with pain too!! I find taking a 1,000mg garlic pill morning and night helps my arthritis tremendously...as well as at least one apple cider pill per day. I am kind of allergic to garlic...but it does not bother me that I can tell...and easier on my body than pain meds...so I am continuing on taking it. Hope you feel well enough to do what you have planned with the grandbabies!!

  42. Sending best wishes, hope you feel better soon. Kathryn x

  43. I'm so sorry that you are feeling under the weather Rhonda and so pleased that you are going to take your own advice!
    By next week I hope you will be feeling fit enough to enjoy your grandchildren.

  44. Take care of yourself Rhonda, enjoy the break ( I understand as much as we enjoy the process it all can become overwhelming at times) I am so far behind it's not funny.
    Anyway relax,recuperate and take time to smell the roses, that's what it's all about.

  45. Praying for your healing and swift recovery, Rhonda. I'm down with pneumonia at the moment so my heart goes out to you. xx

    1. I'm thinking of you, Jenny dear. Get well soon. xx

  46. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Take care, and hope you feel better soon.

  47. Get well soon Rhonda. Rest really is the most important thing to do. It sounds so simple, but very hard to put into practice.
    I had an awful cold virus a month ago and I forced myself to rest, I’m sure it helped me shake it off (along with some other natural remedies)
    Too often we see advertising telling us to soldier on, take a pill and keep going. When I see this and people think that’s the norm and our children start believing it too, I get so cranky!
    Sorry for my rant!
    I wish you a speedy recovery. x

  48. So glad you are being kind to yourself Rhonda....hope you are much better soon and enjoy the holidays with your grandchildren. Kate xx

  49. Take care of yourself Rhonda and rest as much as you can. x

  50. Hope you feel better soon. Here summer starts with son with broken leg and arm. Not fun!


  51. Hope you feel better soon.
    Claire in Melbourne

  52. Sorry to hear that you are unwell Rhonda. Make sure you take care of yourself and I hope you are feeling better soon.
    Helen from WA

  53. Hope you're health improves promptly. A good chance for us to reread your books while you rest and recover.

  54. Take care of yourself put your feet up have your drinks sit back and relax with a good book.

  55. Oh dear Rhonda, I’m sorry to hear your unwell. I hope you have a good rest, lots of naps and manage to shake this cold so you can enjoy time with the grandkids next week.

    We are leaving tomorrow for a 10day trip into NSW farm hunting and exploring various centres.
    Little Henry has a rash I hope is not developing into anything else!

  56. Rest and rest again is the only real cure for a cold which can really leave you feeling quite crook. Hope you pick quickly.

  57. Take care dear Rhonda. You set a good example by knowing when to take time out for yourself. See you soon, love from Lisa x

  58. Sorry to hear you are *under the weather* Rhonda. Please do take all the time you need to recuperate & rest. No worries about anything. We will still be here waiting whenever you feel better. :) Wishing you the best!

  59. Sorry to hear you are so unwell Rhonda. I am always amazed at how lousy I feel when I have a cold. If you were close by I would deliver you some homemade chicken soup. That is my cure all, Ha, Ha, as I can't grow elderberries. Take care, Pauline

  60. So sorry you have lurgy upon lurgy. Yes, take your own advise, rest, rest and rest some more. Thinking of you. MissMolly Pauline.

  61. Hi Rhonda, so sorry to hear that you are sick and miserable. Spend some of your resting time sitting in the sun on one of your lovely verandahs. Sunshine in winter time does wonders to make us feel better. Looking forward to your return, and hope Hanno stays healthy.

    God bless.
    Lyn in northern New South Wales.

  62. this years colds have been a doozey one, everyone is catching it, i haven't had colds for years & got one this year too!
    hope you feel better before the grandies get there! we all need rest some of the time
    get well soon
    thanx for sharing

  63. Dear Rhonda,
    I wish you well. Take care and enjoy your break.

  64. Doesn't sound fun - hope you feel better soon!

  65. HI Rhonda, So sorry to hear that you have OA in your knee. That's what I had in my hips, (before the surgery,) and it is brutal. Glad to hear that you are resting. I hope your cold clears up soon, and that you find the treatment you need for your knee.

  66. Hope that you are feeling better soon, Rhonda. And enjoy your time with your family!

  67. Rhonda, sorry to hear you have multiple things going on - that doesn't help a person. I have a feeling you are not much of a "rester" by nature, so I hope you can make naps your new habit. Feel better soon and enjoy the time with your family next week. Beth in MN

  68. Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts and prayers to you. Blessings, Carolyn in Fla.

  69. I hope you get better soon as you will need your energy when your grandchildren arrive. Get lots of rest and keep warm.

  70. oh I'm so sorry to hear you've been ill, Rhonda. I hope you are feeling better soon x

  71. Hope you feel better soon!!

  72. I do hope you are better soon. My rule of thumbs for any illness I get is Rest..Knit..Sleep...Knit..Rest
    I don't mind getting sick. :)

  73. Please feel better soon and take care of yourself with kindness and rest. We care about you, Rhonda, and want you well! Much affection,

    Mary (in Maryland, USA)

  74. Sorry to hear this Rhonda.Rest up and be kind to yourself.

  75. Dear Rhonda
    especially take care of yourself, rest, rest, rest ...

  76. I'm thankful for you! Feel better!

  77. Oh sorry to hear you're under the weather Rhonda. Take care of yourself, Elaine

  78. I too have OA in both knees, my ankle and I suspect my feet. I had a flare in the autumn and it is still with me so I definitely feel your pain! Hopefully you will be back up to snuff soon!

  79. Healing thoughts and prayers headed your way. Rest well and try and enjoy your well deserved down time.

  80. Get some rest Rhonda.
    All my love,
    Trinidad & Tobago

  81. Hi Rhonda. Hoping you are feeling better real soon, and that the elderberry tonic is assisting. Best Wishes Tanya

  82. Missing you and hoping you feel better soon. Deb

  83. I hope you'll get well soon, that you'll have a great break with your grandkids and to meet you here again 'cause I love reading your blog, its a "keep me on track" place...I don't comment often but I do read!!! 😉

  84. Hi Rhonda, I hope you are starting to feel better.

  85. Get well, sweetie pie. Everybody misses you.


  86. Hope you're feeling better Rhonda - good weather for staying in bed this week in this part of the world. Love your new photo

  87. We are having a “heatwave” here at the moment and even on the sea's edge it's been extremely hot.
    How you find the energy to do what you do when your temperatures, even in winter, are higher than ours I have no idea.
    No wonder you are exhausted and unwell.
    I do hope you are allowing yourself to rest though it's not easy when you have a home to run however helpful your partner is.

  88. Hope you are doing well Rhonda, and are enjoying the school holidays. xx

  89. I think about you a lot, Rhonda. I hope things are going better for you as you rest --- and that your good health & strength is replenishing itself and returning.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  90. Miss you, Rhonda, and hope you are feeling much better and enjoying some down time.



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