27 April 2018

Weekend reading

Don't forget my book giveaway. I have two copies of The Simple Home, kindly supplied by Penguin. I'll give one away in June and the other later in the year. Over the last couple of months, I've made up a list of helpful, kind and interesting comments here on the blog and every time I see another thoughtful comment that adds significantly to the information we have here, that reader's name is added to the list. There are several readers who have their name added a number of times. The book winners will come from that list.

Everything is going well here. The weather usually cools down around Anzac Day and that has happened again this year, so we're outside more, in the garden fiddling around more, and generally being more active around the place.  Hanno has nearly finished the painting, we're having a tongue and groove panel wall put up over the bricks at the end of the living room tomorrow and when it's all done and dusted, I'll take some photos of the revamped room for you.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and that, depending on where you are, you're either enjoying the cooler weather or the warmer weather. Take care. I'll see you soon. xx



  1. Here in our county in SC, USA we are required by law to have all our garbage in plastic bags. We have a huge land fill right off the interstate that we pass multiple times a week and as it grows higher and bigger all I can think is that none of it can decompose since it is all sealed up in plastic.

    1. We have the same here in East Tennessee. The county trash pickup is a private company that requires all trash be in plastic bags. Breaks my heart that we have no recycling service available.

    2. New Jersey here. Even though we recycle plastic and glass, what happens to all our trash in non-compostable garbage bags?? Will future archaeologists uncover all of it and wonder why we did not come up with a better system?

  2. I'm so glad to know you enjoy Gardeners World Rhonda - it is a highlight of my week - not least because of the presence of the two Golden Retrievers Nigel and Nell.Have you read Monty Dons book about his dogs called 'Nigel My family and other dogs'? It is very touching.
    I have grown up with Gardeners World and each of the main presenters has had their own unique style and influence - the late great Geoff Hamilton was a very frugal gardener who had a big impact on the nation. The programme embraces so many different gardeners, locations and situations and the kind hearts and affability of the presenters together with their knowledge make it a comforting and welcome presence in our sitting room every week.
    I wonder if most gardeners are nice folk?
    I hope your listing in this weekends reading may draw some new viewers to discover its charm.

    1. I haven't read that book, Penny, but I've followed Monty and his dogs since I discovered him through his book and TV series Fork to Fork. I've watched a couple of Geoff Hamilton's GW episodes and admire him also.

    2. Monty Don is also lovely on Big Dreams Small Spaces. I've been enjoying that on Netflix. The show I really loved I cant find anywhere though... The Big Allotment Challenge. There is a sweet combination of different friendships formed over gardening, gardening tips and inspiration as well as some lovely ideas about using your produce. I watched some episodes with my children who LOVE it but we can't even find any on Youtube now. So sad!

    3. Hi Amelia. I watched that Big Dreams series an it was very good. I also loved the Allotment challenge and watched every series until it stopped. It was lovely! I really liked their challenges with food and flowers. It was such a good program. I also liked Monty in his French gardens series.

  3. Thanks for the links, Rhonda. It is cooling down here too and it is nice to be able to spend more time in the garden. Some rain would be nice though. Have a relaxing weekend and I hope Gracie is behaving.

  4. Maureen O'RourkeApril 27, 2018 7:23 am

    Hi Rhonda. This week I made my first yoghurt using my new electric yoghurt maker from Green Living. I love it. I added a little honey and some home grown apples (preserved). Next I'm going to tackle the cheese. haha. Thanks for the link to Green Living.

  5. Hello Rhonda, thank you for the list of books and other goodies. I always meant to thank you but I get lost on the internet and find some of the most interesting blogs ever! It's like a candy bar, I just keep nibbling away and it's gone!! I appreciate the time it takes you to compile the list. Cheers! Elaine Christian

  6. Morning Rhonda. That list of weekend reads has me super excited. You have some amazing topics there so as soon as I can hide somewhere, I will be lost for a bit. The weather has cooled here and while still looking for proper rain, the garden is beginning to look happier. Good to hear the painting is almost done. Have a great weekend, Brigitte.

  7. I was reading The Guardian article and while I thought most of it was pretty good, it was a bit silly to suggest using a microfiber cloth for cleaning in one sentence and then talk about how they shed fibers and should not be used in another sentence. I stopped using microfiber completely and just use old cotton dish clothes or cut up t-shirts for cleaning now.

  8. Oh, those tins are so pretty! I love all the pink. I save vintage tins for storing homemade cookies. I pick them up at thrift shops and The Salvation Army.

  9. Thanks for sharing some great links Rhonda. The waste stuff is so interesting. I think we all need a reminder to keep working on what we can do. I'm investigating bulk buy options now that I've moved and it's a good reminder for me to dig into that a little more. Also, I used to use homemade mesh produce bags but I gave them away when I was in Adelaide as I was growing pretty much all our fruit and veg - now I need to make some more - it's been on the list but I need to bump it up as a priority.
    It was interesting to read how some companies are taking responsibility and also the work into finding uses for the recycled products.
    I suspect there are many people who only see the 'recycled' part of the 'reduce, reuse, recycle' concept.
    Thanks for the food for thought.

  10. I am just reading your blog after getting up incredibly early. My husband forgot to turn the heating down before bedtime and I left my sourdough starter on the kitchen top without feeding. I got up and the starter was almost crawling out of the jar so at 4.30am I was starting to mix! I toasted various seeds to add in to the flours and the smell was amazing. Breadmaking gives me time to think too.
    I belong to the Women’s Institute here in the UK and we are running an ongoing campaign against micro plastics. Just recently I started to use beeswax impregnated covers instead a plastic film to cover bowls. I buy milk in bottles from the local dairy and fresh veg from a local greengrocers who supply paper bags. I am trying to cut down in general on plastic usage overall but it is a struggle.

  11. Isn't the cooler weather lovely! I am LOVING it. Although I worked most of the week, relief teaching, I've enjoyed these Autumnal days so much. We are having pie tonight for dinner and that's spells Autumn and cooler weather like nothing else does:) I hope you have a lovely weekend, I will be spending some time following some of these links. We have a hive of native bees in our garden and so that will be the first link I'll be following. Meg:)

  12. The Zero Waste articles were interesting and I am sure useful; but I think your recipes, Rhonda, for cleaning and laundry are much better. Nevertheless, no matter which we choose, it is important to start getting rid of petroleum based products and get back to natural cleaning. You have been saying this for years, and it has influenced my cleaning choices immensely. I get a great feeling of satisfaction every time I clean my home naturally; which is a big plus and pay off to do it. I may not be perfect yet; but am making attempts!

  13. I used to love to watch Gardeners World when I lived in England. I can't get it here. How do you?

    1. It was on You Tube but it's been blocked now. Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

    2. Signerjack, if you go to YouTube and search "Gsrdener's World 2018" the available episodes will come up. Episodes do get deleted so it's best to watch asap when you find them. For example, episode 7 is up now and it was on in the UK yesterday.

  14. Oh Rhonda, every few days I log on to read your blog entries. I always feel so relaxed when I read your words. It's strange but knowing there are so many others living simply is really comforting.

    Today I took my son out to meet with a colleague at her house for lunch he had a play with her grandies and we chatted and relaxed. Had home made soup for lunch then a sponge cake her mum had made. It was divine. Simple pleasures in life. Keep up your lovely work. Hope you have a nice weekend. The wyatts

  15. What a tempting photograph - my fingers are fair twitching to craft now, but we have a house viewing so crafting is definitely on hold.

    However, there will be fresh bread baking when the viewers turn up, and a Manderin Orange cake on the table (hoping to tempt them to linger and fall in love with the house!)

  16. I have just got back from helping out Benalla permaculture on their stall at the inaugural Off Grid festival at El Dorado, both places being in North eastern Victoria. It was a great day with many 'old fashioned' arts, crafts and non powered things happening. Compost toilets in use for the crowd. It is heart warming to know that skills such as carving your own spoon and making 'leather' from salmon skins (among many others) are still out there.
    I hope to go back next year.
    Claire in Melbourne

  17. You always come up with so much interesting viewing on your weekly reading list. I have been hearing more and more about solitary bees, and that article was so informative. I am definitely going to pursue that. Kitchen garbage bags have also been a bone of contention in our house, but you can in fact buy compostable bags, which is what I am using. Degradable bags will still break down into tiny plastic pieces, as opposed to biodegrable bags.. Oh it is a whole new learning curve, but I am glad we are making the switch. There is a still a long way to go before we are entirely plastic free. How funny is that - our weather did change suddenly after ANZAC day - I have never noticed that before!

  18. The photo on this post is so inviting. I love it and I love reading your blog which I've been doing for a long time.

  19. I allways read your blog happy because it's full of love, kindness and happynes. Thank you, Rhonda! Best wishes from Hungary!


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