23 February 2018

Weekend reading

We went out to dinner at the local Korean BBQ last night with Kerry, Sunny and Jamie.  The dinner was a little family celebration of Kerry and Sunny's new family home being finished.  It looks like they'll be moving in next week.

Hanno and I had never been to a Korean BBQ restaurant before but we both loved the food. There was a buffet of vegetable spring rolls, tempura vegetables, chicken and miso soup which we had while we cooked our BBQ at the table. They had containers of marinated pork, chicken, beef and seafood as well as a variety of vegetables and sauces. We'll definitely be going back there.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the useful discussion on family finances during the week.  It's such a help for people who are struggling with money to read ideas from others who have had the same struggles and successfully worked out ways to manage their money.

I hope you have a great weekend and have time to reflect, relax and spend time with the people you love. xx

Living with the land
A winter too many - this beautiful lady died at the end of January
Dublin's workhorses
A day without plastic. Can you do it?
Career transitions are possible at any age
The Basketmakers of Lough Nafooey living on the land
How to hem pants - tutorial
Felting inspiration - Easter hares
Half of world's oceans now fished industrially, maps reveal


  1. I always look forward to Fridays Rhonda. You hit the mark with your links and what is real in life - I've got several of my colleagues reading them too !

  2. Rhonda I have finally done it, cleaned out my wardrobe and the linen cupboard, a job that has been haunting me, the linen cupboard is sooo tidy, I have created new rags for cleaning etc from old towels and the dog has a new towel from an old one of mine, I can now find shhets, doona covers,tea towels etc, I feel so good at just doing that one little job, I have donated surplus clothes to the op shop and found hidden gems in the wardrobe just waiting for me to rediscover them, your book the simple home always inspires me, also my hubby and I are on a strict budget to get rid of the mortgage, growing as much food as we can and cooking from scratch again, why did I let myself be seduced by all that advertising that told me I had to buy jars of this and that to make a meal that tasted like rubbish, cooking from scratch is the only way to go,also decluttering and selling surplus items to stretch the budget, I am so much happier now than I have been in a long time, cheers from Kat

    1. thanks for your feedback, Kat. Doing those small things makes such a difference. It sounds like you're happily settled into a simpler life now.

  3. I meant to comment on your last post. I’ve been meaning to download a tracking app for ages and finally did with the moneysmart app. Thank you for the reminder. I can recommend to anyone in debt, whether it be a mortgage or car loan just play around with a loan calculator and set a goal to pay off extra. If you want a debt cleared by a certain age or date you can work out how much extra you need to pay and it gets you motivated and focussed. Love all your tips

  4. Korean BBQ restaurants are a big favourite of mine.

    1. Mine too now, Mr HM, I love the ones Sunny does for us at home too.

  5. Rhonda, where is the Korean BBQ restaurant...in Caloundra? I have never seen one there before. Sounds very interesting. Have a relaxing weekend and enjoy the cooler weather. Lots of fog up here on the range.

    1. It's in Beerwah, Chel, at the corner where the traffic lights are. It's been pouring down here all day. I know you're enjoying the cooler weather.

  6. Yum, that food looks good. Never been a Korean restaurant. Congrats to Kerry & Sunny on their new home - most exciting. Hope it is close by!

    1. Thanks Jude. The Korean BBQ is in Beerwah, next town over. Their new home is near Caloundra, within visiting distance. ;- )

  7. Back again, Rhonda I just looked at weekend reading 'Career transitions are possible at any age'. Have to love that DJ Granny, the clothes & ear phones, she is doing her own thing.

  8. A winter too many, what a fabulous documentary. Thanks for sharing. I was enthralled watching it. Thanks

  9. I had not heard that Hannah Hauxwell had passed away. She was indeed interesting. I have kept “Sesons of My Life” through several declutterings. It’s a keeper.

  10. Loved watching a winter to many and the basket weaving. Gives you a different outlook of your own life when you see into others lives. Glad to hear your getting rain. It was in the 60’s here last week. Got up yesterday morning to 4+ inches of snow on the ground. It should all be gone by the end of the day today. Hope you get time to rest this weekend.

  11. Thank you for the Solar Power article, I live in California and have been considering it for a while. The funny part is usually when you talk to people about it they tell you can save $200 or more off your monthly bill. Well, we're very energy conscious in my house to begin with so our bill is usually less than $50. The door to door people walk away with their jaws open. I don't get how everyone else's bills are so high, what on earth are they doing that uses that much electricity???

  12. Thank you for sharing the news of Hannah Hauxwells death. I remember watching the programmes in the 1970`s as a teenager. She was an amazing lady, I would have loved to have met her. Reaping the benefits of having a routine - less time thinking what to do means more time to do. Patricia

  13. Oh my goodness, just finishing watching a myriad of videos on Hannah. Sooo moving and so lovely 😥💐🐄🌹

  14. Rhonda Jean, I don't know if you realized it, but the solar power "article" is an ad, and it says so down at the very bottom of the page. You put in all your personal information and then (after saying they won't try to sell to you) they tell you they will call you with the information about their program. There is also this little bit here:

    "The best part about determining your potential savings is that there is absolutely no obligation to do anything until you realize the savings that are on their way to you."

    Which makes met think they will expect something after you install with them - a bait and switch type thing. I live in Minnesota, USA, and they mention a program that can bring your costs down to zero - while such a program may exist, I've been looking and I haven't found anything that sounds similar yet.

    Anyway, thought you might like to know. I love your weekend reading posts more than anything - I've learned a lot from you as a homemaker, and I love to see what you pull every week! :)

    1. Thanks Candice. I hadn't seen the advertisement sign, I just read the 'article'. I've removed it now. :- )

  15. I always enjoy your weekend reading posts. I have been cutting down my plastic use recently by replacing with glass containers and stainless steel bottles. I especially liked the living with the land article. Looking forward to watching a winter too many tomorrow. Thanks Nia x

  16. Oh wow Rhonda! I'm so pleased to have watched the living with the land film - I live half an hour away from that lady and know well all the places she makes reference to. It was inspiring to see her beautiful and productive plot - we are so lucky to have such a great climate for growing things here. She has given me food for thought - as you often do too. Have you come across Bealtaine Cottage? Do have a look online if you can - another inspiring woman has made a superb garden and woods from undernourished barren land in Ireland.
    Thank you for these weekend links.

  17. A quick pop in to say hello and that I am thankful that the eye surgery went okay. A great big hug to you and Hanno. Blessings always.
    Thank you for taking the time to keep up this Weekend Reading post. I look forward to it every week.
    Trinidad & Tobago


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