16 February 2018

Weekend reading

After 50 years of wearing glasses, soon they'll be off, for good.

This is the first post I've written since my eye surgery and I have to tell you, I'm feeling great.  There is a new, sharply-focused world out there that I've been rediscovering but so far my discoveries have only been inside the house.  I still have a problem with glare so my outdoor adventures will have to wait a few more days. In another day or two, I'll take my glasses off for good and will only need reading glasses. I'll have the other eye done next month and I'm looking forward to having two good eyes again.  I'm so glad I had it done.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to write comments on The Simple Home posts, although I'm a bit disappointed there are so few. The comments feature your ideas and opinions, often different to mine, and they are a big help to those who are struggling with change or not sure about what to do or how to do it.  If you have the time, please add to the discussions, what you write may be just the thing to help fellow readers.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. I've been sent a book to review so I'll be starting that and trying to keep the plants alive in the hot weather.  See you next week. xx

A stitch in time saves stress down the line


  1. How wonderful it is to see the "sharp" view Rhonda, It never fails to amaze me how much better I see with my glasses than without. The very first time I looked at the stars with them on and realized that they weren't just blurry, dull lights far away......they were beautiful, bright, sharp pin points in the sky. Because I don't need to wear them all the time I am reminded of this every time I put them on, it's a little like looking at the world through the eyes of a child, everything is new and bright and amazing. So glad your op went so well, take care. Thank you for the great reading material, I shall take the opportunity to make a cuppa, and have a quick read :)

  2. Keep up the good work Rhonda! I look forward to reading your blog posts and you have really inspired me on my journey of leading a more simple life. Thank you! :)

  3. Rhonda,
    Please be assured, I read everyone of your missives. I so love reading about the simple down to earth hints and ideas you give everyone. And, I do love hearing about your Gracie. Her antics so remind me of my own, dear cairn terrier that I lost just last month. Bailey too was a little pistol but left paw prints on our hearts. So happy to hear that your eye surgery has gone well. We here in the States are anxiously awaiting Spring so that we can play in our gardens.

  4. I read all of you posts too. Glad your eye surgery went well.

  5. loved the irish video; so simple a life but good work; shame there aren't any young ones they can pass on their trade too.
    glad your eye surgery went well & hope the other one goes equally as well.
    i read the simple living for monday but didn't comment as my brain is still absorbing most of it & am also relearning everything again with small steps :))
    thanx for all these wonderful links, I saved & shared the knickers, it looks simple enough.
    have a great weekend!
    thanx for sharing

  6. Hi Rhonda, I'm so happy to hear that your eye surgery went well. Congratulations! Modern medicine is a miracle these days. I hope you are not in pain. You sound upbeat and enthusiastic. I was impressed with how many comments you received, but I guess it's all relative.

  7. Sorry that you haven't gotten as much response lately. I've been reading the posts, but am dealing with getting the house ready to sell and the aftermath of the sudden death of a friend. He was responsible for watching over our other property and there are so many new issues to deal with.

    But I wanted to touch on one of the issues we have with planning for the future. The first is that there seem to be very few people that actually do that. I know that I didn't. My stepson seems to be headed down the same path. If you are not able to plan for the big things in your life, you will also find problems planning for the small ones. No matter how much I've tried, I've never been able to stick with a budget. I can do "very tight with money as we are broke" and I can do "pay the bills then spend some mad money", but having a real plan seems to be beyond me. I can usually track finances, and have a general idea of where the money goes. I think there are a lot of folks out there like me.

    And here's the other thing, for me anyway. I was married for 37 years and my husband and I had a comfortable way of dealing with life. I worked outside the home and he took over housework and cooking when he wasn't working. He really loved cooking and did a great job of that Then he died. I've had to learn how to cook so me and my new husband don't starve. I am not a confident cook. I've never done meal planning (and I doubt that my late husband did either.) I've had health issues that left me exhausted. And I am still working. I feel so disorganized at times. I feel like a need a Home Ec class again! One of the things I like about the internet is to get ideas from other people on how to deal with the basics.

  8. Glad the surgery went so well. Amazing the difference a day makes! Hope you will keep your red glasses as readers.

  9. I'm so happy to hear that your surgery went well, Rhonda.
    Thank you for another wonderful reading list. When we were small, my mom sewed all our clothes, including panties. I think I'll give a try using this pattern.

    I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

  10. So glad to hear your surgery went will. Love the simple recipe sight, I will be spending hours reading all of the different articles. They have a little of everything, gardening, crafts and cooking. Spring time seems to be early here in Oregon. Our days are warm in the 50’s and 60’s. Nights are still cold down in the 20’s. I spent the day prepping my new herb bed. Getting it ready to plant when the nights are warmer. Have a good weekend, looking forward to ready your posts next week.

  11. Such good news about your successful op, Rhonda. It took my sister five months before her eye came good so I was holding my breath that the same thing didn't happen to you. Like Jude, I hope you keep your red glasses :-) Thanks for the weekend reading. Will check it out after our herb workshop tomorrow which will be packed by the sound of things.

  12. I'm so excited for you and new life as a non glasses wearer. Congratulations. I only just started wearing mine last year, I think you actually gave me some advice on how to clean them. And since then my eye sight feels like it has deteriorated further in that I can't read at all without them anymore, but as a farmer they drive me crazy! Always slipping down and falling off, always getting smudgy and often getting lost. I'm so tempted to follow your lead and have the operations. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. xxx

    1. It's a very easy op (with twilight anaesethic), Kate, and if you're covered by private health, it might be well worth it for you. I had my cataract removed and a new artificial lens inserted - based on my prescription lens. You would only need the lens. It cost us about $900 because I had to pay $500 excess on the hospital. It felt good putting that claim in because in the 35 years we've been in private health, I've only claimed for teeth and eyes. If you want to know any more, just email me.

  13. Hi Rhonda,
    thank you for another great list of weekend reading - always interesting and relevant.
    I'm glad to hear that your eye operation went well and that you have noticed a difference already. I think we take our eyesight for granted sometimes and once glasses are needed we realise how easy things were before. Several times a day my husband will ask if anyone has seen his glasses.
    Thank you for the great information on managing our money. Your post covered the stages we go through as we move from entering the workforce to retirement. You provided information for all of us no matter which stage we are currently in. You have also made us think about how important it is to plan for the future.
    I loved your herb propagation post as I think we can never have too many herbs in the garden. Like you Rhonda, I use herbs everyday in my cooking and hate paying $3 for a tiny bunch of droopy herbs at the supermarket. Your post inspired me to take some cuttings from our Gallipoli Rosemary and pot them up to give as gifts. The sprigs that I stripped off the cuttings didn't go in the compost bin. I have put them aside to use when I make Garlic and Rosemary Roast Potatoes for dinner on Sunday. Through reading your blog I am always trying to be mindful of recycling, reusing and wasting as little as possible.
    Regards from Maria in Adelaide SA.

  14. Wow Rhonda, what a fantastic lot of weekend reads - amazingly enough, each one is of huge interest to me.

    Fantastic news for you eyesight, I look forward to hearing of your progress.

    I loved your last story on Working for a living. As I'm almost finished work but not for a while able to claim a part pension, your tips and ideas and suggestions are intriguing and well appreciated.

    Right now it is really getting back to basics. One subscription is already going and we are seriously looking at reorganizing private health insurance. However this all goes, I am really looking forward to being home and working for me and with my husband.

  15. Congratulations with your cataract operation. I know you'll like it from now on! I have had it done myself and it is a relief not to have to always remember an extra set of contact lenses, glasses etc. I use only reading glasses now and occasionally sunglasses (not much sun this winter in grey winter-Denmark though). Not to mention the no expense vision I have now ;-). Thank you for your home page. All the good advice, recipes and thoughts on what makes up a good life for yourself and others is really inspiring.

  16. continued from the last post: I too love your glasses, but to not have to wear them is wonderful. Maybe you can have them made into sunglasses (LOL) Finding the right glasses was always difficult for me, but yours have always seemed just perfect for you!

  17. I'm still a very new reader to your blog, and although I have ideas, it felt presumptuous to jump in and comment, as I don't suppose I'll ever have time to catch up all the way back. But as you were disappointed in the lack of response, perhaps I'll presume ahead! All my future-proofing seems to revolve around not wasting things. My mother was a demon for making do and mending, having brought up four young children (my older siblings) in occupied Holland during WWII, including the dreadful Famine Year. I am constantly horrified by the amount of food waste I see, having been taught to conjure up three, four or even five meals out of one chicken, use every last scrap of vegetable, scrape of fat and crumb of bread. Apart from the waste of money, the disrespect for those who grow this food is saddening. Similarly, darning and mending is a dying art, and my husband and I get far more enjoyment out of our locally-based holidays than his sisters and mother seem to from their cruises and foreign holidays. I suppose my message is: be frugal, have modest, simple wants, pay no attention to what is fashionable or the latest gadget, and your future will begin to take care of itself...

  18. So glad to hear that your surgery went so well. A friend's 94 year old mother just had one eye done a couple of weeks ago and is kicking herself for not having done it sooner as she notices such a difference - she is already scheduled to get the second eye done next month!
    These are great links - I especially love the ones to all the old skills and crafts from Ireland - I am looking forward to watching the one about bookbinding as this is something I've always been interested in learning.
    The articles about processed foods have also made me think a lot about what I eat. I know that I cook from scratch and eat far more fruits & veg than most of my friends but I could still do better. I don't eat crisps or drink pop but I do have a sweet tooth. I probably only buy 1 pkg. of biscuits per week and only buy a special dessert if I'm having company but still - I need to think more about making simple treats at home. This would also help my waistline if I only allowed myself home made treats. Lots to think about this weekend. Thank you

  19. What wonderful news! I'm glad to hear you are recovering well. I now only use my glasses for driving and the movies, but who knows as I get older.
    I am enjoying the posts for The Simple Home, but it isn't one I have acquired. Others, like me, may have an easier time following along with a physical book in hand. Is Amazon the only place to buy it?
    I really enjoyed the crafting posts this week. I have a single cross stich project that I really need to get started on, but I'm afraid my perfectionist tendencies are holding me back. I think I will start on it today.

    1. Thank you, Aubrey. You can also buy my books from Book Depository in the UK. They have free delivery world-wide. xx

  20. Hi Rhonda, I just wanted to say I had both eyes done last year, a month apart, and one of the first things that struck me quite forcibly was the brilliance of colours. I had no idea the garden, and everything else, was so vibrant. The fact that I now only wear a ($2) pair of glasses from the cheap shop for close work is also another big plus. Even though I go for my 6 month check-up next week, I still have moments when I pause to remove my glasses when taking off a jumper over my head!! I am sure this will go in time. Also I wasn't quite prepared for the difference in my appearance without my glasses, as I wore them for many years. Oh yes, and I still wear sunglasses in bright weather. Good luck and I am sure the 2nd op. will be an eye-opener for you!

    1. Hi Val. My experience is very similar to yours and I'm still getting used to my blue salvias which I thought were a greyish blue but have turned out to be bright cobalt. My son said last night that he was having trouble getting used to me without glasses. I'm sure he'll manage. ;- ) It certainly is a life changer.

  21. Hello Rhonda,
    I too love reading all of your posts! This is the first time in ages I have had the opportunity to read them on the actual computer rather than my smartphone... I have attempted to write comments on you Simple Home posts previously but I have trouble logging in to my google account to post what I have written. When the screen returns to the comments page, my precious 20 minutes worth of letter-by-letter phone typing has disappeared! Nobody's fault; but then children and school run beckon and I never remember to get back to re-typing it later on. So rest assured, every post is being read and commented on... I just need to get better at the technology stuff!
    Thanks again for some fantastic posts that I ALWAYS look forward to

    1. Hello Emily. I really do understand the time restrictions many people are on and how frustrating to have your posts disappear! Thanks for your comment today. :- )

  22. Hey Rhonda
    I always look forward to your weekend reads to enjoy on a Sat morning after I’ve done the housework! Thank you so much, I might just try the undie pattern this afternoon if it cools down a bit. The link for the post about pursing happiness seems to be broken...?

  23. So glad the surgery went well Rhonda

  24. Always enjoy weekend reading. Loved the article about hands. They are so important. Sometimes when I click on an article from weekend reading I get my husband's blog. Does anyone else have something odd happen?

  25. Glad to read that your eye surgery has gone well, Rhonda. I love explore your weekend links and am looking forward to spending a bit of time following the ones you've listed today ... my "boys" have just headed off to the park, dog in tow, so I have some quiet time to enjoy reading some of them before I start making tonight's dinner. Meg:)

  26. Hi Rhonda, I enjoy all your topics, there are always something new to learn or some old things to remind. I'm a young mom of 2, I do love your budgeting and partial self sufficiency posts, and how you put family as a base of all things connected in life. I'm glad to hear you're recovering well. Thanks for sharing so many inspiring things, greet from Jakarta!

  27. What a delightful blog, thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and joy in life.

  28. Loved these so much... Thank you.. xo

  29. Hands looks like a great series! Also, how did I miss this Olympic knitting thus far?!?!


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