26 August 2017

Weekend reading

Hello everyone. I'm looking forward to a quiet and relaxed weekend. I made a lemon tart yesterday and lunch is left overs so not much cooking to be done today. Most of my time will be spent gardening and decluttering. 

Our cucumber seedlings are growing well. This one still has the seed clinging to the tip of a new leaf.

I have the last of the blogging Skype chats tomorrow; this is the fourth one. They've been an unexpected joy. A gaggle of us sit around with our cuppas, me here and the other ladies in their homes, we can see and hear each other and we talk about how to write about our lives. It's like having a series of morning teas with friends. It's shown me just how close we can be when we have the technology to support it.  If you've developed friendships online over the years, and you wish you could pull up a chair and sit down together for morning tea, there is nothing stopping you from doing that now. Sure, you're not in the same room but you can have a good talk just as you would around your own kitchen table. All you need is Skype and someone to organise your gaggle. I think you can have up to about 10 people in the session. Here's how to do it. Why not give it a try?

I hope you have a lovely weekend. Rest up, relax and take advantage of your down time. Next week will come soon enough. xx

This is Australia as 100 people
1.5 Acres of High Intensity, No-Till Vegetable Production
Australia's Karenni refugees cultivate community through Wollongong farming initiative
The triple puff granny square - free crochet pattern


  1. Thanks for the weekend reading links, Rhonda. Yesterday I showed my hubby the one about the tea bags you gave a few weeks ago. He nearly gagged on his cup of tea. LOL! Have a wonderfully relaxing weekend if Gracie will let you and I hope Hanno is improving.

    1. Better start buying loose tea, Chel. I'm sure you already have a teapot or two.

  2. Hi Rhonda, I was thinking the same thing about Skype. It was really nice to see and hear everyone. Technology is amazing. Your blogging course has really helped me on many levels. Thanks again.

    1. They were lovely sessions and I'm glad you were there with us.

  3. I always wait for your weekend reading list, Rhonda. I find them so useful and informative.
    When I click on the link to napkins, it takes me to the blog with a cucumber salad recipe. Could you please check it?
    I hope you are having a relaxing weekend with the family.

  4. Thanks for the great shares, Rhonda. I especially love the article on the gardening refugees. What a wonderful idea! The starter culture info is helpful too. I hope you and Hanno are having a lovely day.

  5. So glad to see a crochet pattern in your list! The puffy granny squares look dense and warm. I also enjoyed the Australia as 100 people graphic, very informative. I suspect the U.S. graphic would be similar in several of the categories. Have a lovely rest of your weekend, Rhonda Jean!

  6. The napkins link was in fact the cucumber salad.

  7. I'm trying to open the 'how to make jam' link however a Join NYT Cooking window pops up asking me to log in or create an account. Is there a way to view the recipe without an account?
    I also enjoyed our Skype calls connecting and chatting with everyone.
    Hope you are enjoying your weekend. I've been in the veggie patch between rain and hail - very cold day today.

    1. Kylie, I do have a NYT account. I'd forgotten about that. They have great cooking videos but you'll need an account to view any of them.

  8. I agree Rhonda, Skype is a surprisingly lovely way to connect with people who live far away. I have a best friend in America who I've never met! I so wish I had been a part of your blogging group. I shall be that squeaky little wheel that gives a little squeaky reminder now and then that I look forward to hopefully being a part of your next group :) Kind Regards, Lisa

    1. I'm glad you're going to remind me, Lisa. It won't be this year but let's see if we can organise one at the end of summer. xx


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