31 May 2017

Is there interest in an online blogging course?

I've had quite a few emails recently from readers asking specific questions about blogging, and especially how to set up a blog and how to grow an audience.  I've done a few blogging courses here in my home and I was wondering is there is interest in writing a new course. Along with the usual topics such as layout, keywords, blog titles and style, I'd write about how I set up my blog and how I built on it over the years.  I think there are two keys to a successful blog and they are good content and a spirit of generosity, tolerance, inclusion and kindness. I would write about that and a lot more.

I would write up the notes and email them out to everyone who registered and then follow that with some Skype sessions of about 3 or 4 people at a time. We'd be able to have a good chat about the concept of blogging, discuss the important elements of a successful blog, discover your reasons for blogging and you could ask any questions you had. The course could be done in your own time and you'd only have to have a set time and date for the Skype sessions.

The course would be targeted at new bloggers and people who have already started a blog that didn't progress in ways you would expect it too. So we could do a bit of troubleshooting, talk about photos and blog titles and how to build an audience.

I would charge US $100 for the course and that would include the course notes, two Skype sessions of 1 hour each and some followup. Are you interested in such a course?  I may well be way off on this and maybe a local course is the way to go.  So I'll wait for your feedback and see what you have to say.  Thanks for your help. xx

If you're interested in doing a blog course, either now or later, email me: rhondahetzel@gmail.com

This course is open to everyone no matter where you are in the world.


  1. What a wonderful opportunity. I have a feeling you're going to have a class full in no time. I think it's a great idea. xx

  2. If I was wanting to have a blog I'd be jumping at the opportunity to learn from you!

  3. Do it people - learn from the best in the business.

  4. Interesting course, but I am not able to Skype. Still, for those who can, it should be promising.

  5. I think it is a great idea too :) I like that you are opening it up to everyone via Skype - and people can work through in their own time. Also, I believe your price point is great value for money. Good luck, Ayesha xox

  6. Yes please Rhonda. Being a new blogger I would sign up straight away. Yes, I would definitely be interested.

    1. Okay Kylie, thank you. I'll send you an email later today.

  7. I'd be interested too Rhonda. My blog is a few years old now but I seem to just bumble along without fully understanding what I'm doing. I rely a lot on my eldest daughter when she come to visit, so yes I'd love to learn more.

    1. Hi Fran, please send me an email, my address is in the post above. When I have your email, I'll contact you.

  8. I am so grateful to you Rhonda for all the guidance and such clear advice you offered in helping me to set up my blog. I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for you. Thank you!

  9. I think that'd be a fabulous idea.

  10. Yes - I am interested in this!

    1. Hi Kylie, please send me an email and I'll give you some information.

  11. Hi Rhonda, Wow! I am definitely interested in this course. I hope I'm not too late. I also need to learn how to skype. I will send you an email. Thank you for doing it.


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