28 October 2016

Weekend reading

Here she is, five minutes ago, on the back verandah.

Life with Gracie has been wonderful. She taught herself to roll over (very cute) and she's starting to jump. She only jumps an inch or two but she'll get better. After having large Airedale Terriers, having this small puppy takes some getting used to. But we're enjoying her so much, even when she bites our toes. She's such an endearing puppy.  I shared my scrambled egg with her this morning and she loved it. She also enjoys having a chicken wing for morning tea every day.  She's even taken to burying it sometimes. The first time she dug it up, she walked over to me with the dirt covered wing in her mouth and I thought she's dug up a toad!  There is something new every day with her and we're enjoying it very much.  Next step is her final vaccination on Tuesday and then she's off to the groomer.  Now that will be interesting.  

Google’s ad tracking is as creepy as Facebook's. Here’s how to disable it
Vegetable cakes
Neoliberalism through a dreamcatcher: five signs your town has gentrified
The 20 best cake recipes: part 1
The 20 best cake recipes: part 2
The 20 best cake recipes: part 3
What is red work?
Tutorial - Easy Zig-Zag Crocheted Edging
A beautiful Norwegian blog
The dairy diaries at The Sustainable Table
Swedish summer and a rhubarb clafoutis
Clever usage of milk jug in gardening
The Thrift Store Tipping Point: When to Buy & When to Walk Away


  1. Thanks for the article about google ad tracking, I have now paused it on my account. Very helpful.

  2. Oh I had a good chuckle at the last one! It would take an extreemly loooong time for my little town to be gentrified.

    Though we do have cute old historical houses in abundance on big blocks....And the poor old main street could do with a revival?....hmmm.



  3. Oh look at her! She is SO cute!

  4. I tend to be a worrier, but our vets has always instructed me not to give our dogs chicken bones, as they splinter and can perforate the dogs stomach. It can be fatal, especially to a small puppy. She is so darling. I thought I would just pass along that warning. If you take a look online there is a lot of evidence to support it, as well.

    1. HI choosejoy. Our vet advised us to give her raw chicken wings and necks. Cooked bones splinter but raw ones are good for their teeth. This is from the Australian RSPCA page:
      Between four to six months of age puppies cut their permanent teeth and grow rapidly
      Introducing fresh raw meaty bones at around 12 weeks of age ensures they are chewing actively around the time their permanent teeth are erupting.
      This chewing is important to alleviate "teething" issues and also provides several important health benefits including keeping teeth and gums healthy
      Raw bones should be introduced gradually. The bone must be large enough so that the puppy cannot fit the whole bone in its mouth or swallow the bone whole
      Some examples include raw lamb ribs (not lamb chops though), raw lamb flaps, raw chicken wings

    2. Thank you for that! I guess the raw bones make the difference! Good to know - thanks!

    3. I don't know about raw ones, either. Our vet had to do a surgery on a dog who had impaction from too many raw bones. All in all, I would stay away from bones. The neck might be okay yes, but the raw diet is doubtful. Or at least I would use them sparingly. Cooked bones are definitely a no-no.

  5. Oh Rhonda, I cringed when I read that you are giving Rosie chicken bones. If you had ever had the experience of pulling a chicken bone out of a choking dog's throat, I just know you'd think twice about giving them to her. Very dangerous and even though the chicken might be nutritious, it's not worth the risk of losing her to choking to death.

    She is just such a cutie!!

    Love from Diane in North Carolina

  6. she is just so adorable! growing so fast too!
    can't wait to how she looks after being to the groomer

    i fed all mine chicken bones & never had a problem, raw they are good for them
    thanx for sharing

  7. What a clever post. I love this. I might kind a copy you! I love the idea of the links to interesting posts/subjects. Thanks for sharing this!

  8. She's so sweet. I have recently changed to a dog groomer in Glass House (she has a mobile service) and she's very good if you haven't got someone lined up already. I'm away at the moment but hoping to come home to tromboncinni's and I will try a zucchini cake

  9. Why do I have the feeling that you are about to bust loose with an awesome cake?! Lots of yummy looking ones in those recipes (like the Devil's Food. . . ). The Norwegian blog is beautiful. I enjoyed the photos so much, even without being able to read along. Most of the first immigrants that moved to Minnesota were Scandinavians and their culture is still a big part of our state. I don't share that heritage, but have absorbed a lot just by living here and having friends that have family roots in Norway, Finland and Sweden. The scenery in northern Minnesota is also very similar to Scandinavia. I think one of the best "place" blogs that I've found through you is Spitalfields Life - that is just an amazing blog. Hopefully Gracie will learn to be stoic at the groomer's, but probably not on her first visit ;) Beth in MN

    1. Hi Beth, no cakes here in the next week but there certainly are some there I'd like to try. I didn't know about the Scandinavian influence in Minnesota. My grandma, my dad's mother, was Swedish, so I have an ongoing interest in all things Scandinavian. I thinks it's in my genes. I love Spitalfields Life too. He's such a prolific writer!

  10. Oh Rosie is such a cutie! Such a twinke in her eye.

    I have just made the "best chocolate cake" this morning to celebrate finishing this semester at uni and it is mighty decadent. So cakes are on my mind this morning too. :)

    Great links, the Norwegain blog is just beautiful. Such a peaceful looking home.


  11. Beautiful little Gracie gets cuter by the day. Good to see her ears are starting to stand up.
    Love Alannah aka the breeder😜


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