22 July 2016

Weekend reading

Our visitors arrive today and we're looking forward to many happy days ahead. The weather here is ridiculously warm for this time of year, it will be 28 today.  I don't remember another winter like it.

I hope the weather isn't too extreme in your neck of the woods and that you can take some time out for yourself this weekend. Put your feet up, grab a good book, relax or take a nap. You deserve it. :- )


I met Pip in Melbourne when we were on the book tour. Just like her blog, Meet me at Mike's, she is a true original and an absolute delight. Here are Pip's instructions for making a harlequin blanket.
Looking for ways to save money? There are a lot of good tips on this forum thread, it's 47 pages long: What did you do today to save money?



  1. It certainly has been odd winter weather Rhonda. Thanks for the links.

  2. Thank you for another interesting post, Rhonda. Enjoy your visitors!

  3. I have tried to register to join the forums but I'm having problems. I have received two emails - one to say that that my forum account has been created and another email to say that my forum account has been activated. However when I try to log in I am getting the message that says 'this account is awaiting approval from forum staff'. Can anyone help??!

    1. Your account is set up and ready for you to log in. Try emptying your cache and rebooting, beckymac.

  4. Love the picture Rhonda. Do you know what the plant is? I have one just like it that belonged to my aunt....the pretty white flowers are gorgeous. Enjoy your visitors. Cheers, Jo

  5. Enjoy your time with your visitors. 28? That is hotter than our summer temperatures here! We had warmer (for us) temperatures last winter too, as did many others I read about in blog land the earth does appear to be warming........

    1. I was giggling about those temperatures as well. Rhonda is at 28C in the middle of winter and here in Oregon, it's only 16C this morning and we're supposed to be in the heat of summer.

  6. Dear Rhonda Jean,

    Thank you for linking to my post! I'm honored. I was wondering why I had so many page views today, and now I know why! Been a bit discouraged about blogging of late and your support was just the boost I needed. Thanks again!


  7. Hello Rhonda! Thank you SO MUCH for your kind words! And thank you for sending HUNDREDS of your readers over to my blog!!! It's so appreciated. Have a cosy weekend, won't you?! (SO glad I got to meet you! We love your books and refer to them all the time!) xx

  8. It's hot here in central Maine too - 92* F today. When we left Baltimore, I thought we left the heat behind but it seems to have followed us. Please send good thoughts for rain - we need it. Our well is bringing up silt, and the lake is low.

  9. It is the hottest year on record here in N. America. I never remember it being so incredibly hot day after day with no break.

  10. The article about the light bulbs is a real eye opener. I had never hear of IoT hubs before. Dr Google explained what they are. It is scary that this sort of technology is being developed and used without us non technical people being aware of it. Thanks for the items you post for our weekend reading and enjoyment Ronda. It is much appreciated. Enjoy your visitors and hope we will catch up with you sometime next week....online of course.

  11. It has been extremely hot here in S Georgia, stay inside in AC mostly

  12. Absolutely right about us Southerners and food in time of grief. Years ago the a friend dropped dead of a heart attack at age 46. I god busy cooking and made a large pan of homemade yeast rolls, too. All the way over to the house I kept thinking it must be a mistake until I saw the yard full of cars. Her husband told me later that for two days he just ate those rolls and it was all he could choke down. Knowing that helped my grief, too.

  13. Just wanted to say hello Rhonda. It's been too long since I dropped by. That candlelight photo drew me in and wrapped its warmth around me like an old and dear friend. Hope all is well with you. I know you must be having a great time with all the family around. Your updated bathroom is a stunner by the way =)

    Love to you and Hanno
    Trinidad & Tobago

    1. Hello Vivki, it's lovely to see you again. We're fine thanks. I hope you and your family are too. xx

  14. What a great blog! I popped in at the recommendation of Linda Hoye on her page "A Slice of Life" So glad I did


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