15 July 2016

Weekend reading

We've been luxuriating in the new bathroom all week and watching bears (again ... and again). I feel grateful that the technology we have today allows me to sit in my work room and watch life unfold in the Alaskan wilderness. I doubt a day goes by when I don't go there to watch and I'm amazed every time that such a thing is possible.  Here are some photos I took during the week.

I hope you have a great weekend. I'll see you again on Monday. :- )

From field to fork: the six stages of wasting food


  1. Thanks to you Rhonda, I've been on daily bear watch since you originally posted this link. The photo with 7 bears is amazing as the most I've seen is four. Thanks for searching the net for these goodies.

  2. We love the bear watching, too - so amazing! Happy to hear it seems the bathroom renovations are complete, and hoping you share some photos next week. You prompted me to write an overdue blog update, thanks for that! ;)

  3. Thanks Rhonda for the great weekend reading list. So delighted to hear that your bathroom is complete now too! Love, Morag

  4. Glad to hear that the bathroom is finished and everything is back to normal. Have a great weekend from a very cold and snowy (in parts) Tasmania.

  5. Rhonda, a big thank you for giving us all the info about the bears on explore.org. Since then I have been watching amazing stuff...not just bears (Otis the eating machine in particular) but puffins, osprey and whales...not to mention the walrus.
    I don't know how many hours I've spent trying to ID these critters...thanks again

    Oh, and glad the bathroom's finished and the dust has cleared.


  6. Yippee for the new bathroom - not a moment too soon.

  7. Some great reads as always thank you Rhonda, today I get to read them on Friday!

    I have a link for you, have you heard of Humans of New York? This is today's story. http://www.humansofnewyork.com/post/147416677511/i-come-from-the-small-country-of-gabon-it-used

  8. Bear watching is addictive, Rhonda! How lovely to see them wild and free and doing what bears obviously do. Thanks for links, I'm sitting here reading with a cup of warm chocolate. Enjoy your new bathroom! Meg:)

  9. Congratulations on your new bathroom. Wonderful to have it all done. Thanks for the links and wish you both a lovely weekend. My internet connection was too unstable to see much of the bears, but I will enjoy your pictures. Pam in Norway

  10. Love watching those bears and looking forward to seeing photos of the new bathroom.

  11. Thanks Rhonda for another good weekend reading list. I especially enjoyed the Organising the garage link.

  12. Oh my goodness, Rhonda! I just spent a few minutes watching a bear and I'm sure my blood pressure dropped 20 points. No wonder you enjoy watching them so much.

    Happy to hear that your new bathroom is finished. Have a great weekend.

    Diane in North Carolina

  13. Hello Rhonda! This post hit close to home😊 We are in Chignik Lagoon, Alaska! In bear country. They are amazing to watch, especially the little Cubs! They are quite adorable! Not so much when they decide to have a midnight snack in the smokehouse where all of the smoked salmon is 😉 Those little stinkers...

  14. Thanks for the link to the bears. The kids & I have enjoyed watching them & talking about where they live & what they eat etc. They have been excited to know its happening in real time!
    Amie F, NSW

  15. Wow, I saw this and like : "is this really bear?"
    Thank you for the link.
    I am Rosa, btw, new reader here :D


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