1 July 2016

Weekend reading

This is Hanno and two other travellers buying pumpkins and avocados at a lonely roadside stall on the road to Toowoomba.

We're going into week four of the bathroom renovation. Sigh. Most of the tiles are up, they still need to be grouted and then the fittings installed. I'm sick of the mess, the dust, covering and uncovering the bed with plastic sheeting everyday and having to use the main bathroom and toilet. Hanno tells me it will be finished soon but I'm not so sure now. But I'm hanging in there, I'm hanging in. :- ) It's good to have the bears to watch.

It's mating season now and while you don't see bears mating, you do see mating behaviour. This is an example above - male bear 856 (looking at the camera) guarding female 410 as she fishes. 856 is the largest male at the river and 410 is the oldest female.
And this is the beautiful habitat. This track runs alongside the river and is walked by bears, rangers and people who fish for salmon at the park.

If you've not yet discovered the wonder of the bears at Katmai National Park, you're in for a delightful discovery. I spend probably an hour a day watching them. The bears have just woken up from their hibernation, they're hungry and the largest sockeye salmon run in the world is close by at Brooks River, Alaska.  Mothers with spring cubs are wandering around, dominance is being established, newly emancipated older cubs are trying to survive and it's all absolutely natural, unscripted and happening right before our eyes. 

I took both the photos above this week as I sipped tea at my computer. This is a really wonderful opportunity to see nature up close and to see and understand how bears live their wild lives.

Take a walk through Morag's wonderful permaculture garden
Don't throw it out - repair cafes 
Milk and Other Surprising Ways to Stay Hydrated
A Small, Solar-Powered House in the Blue Ridge Mountains
$8 Billion Waste: Australia Throws Away One In Five Bags Of Food
What’s the best way to organise and store my digital photos?
People Might Call Me Cheap, But I Live a Rich Life. Here’s How I Do It
How to do the most work in the shortest time

Thank you all for your visits and wonderful comments this week. I have the most loyal readers on the WWW. Have a joyful weekend. I'll see you again next week. xx



  1. Hi Rhonda, thank you for mentioning the Katmai bear cam. I too watch it for at least an hour everyday. I find it incredibly soothing. I also love getting to know each one of the bears and seeing how different they all are. Otis is my favorite, although I think he is everybody's favorite judging from the comment board. I was really happy to see him back after the long winter! I also encourage everyone to check out the bear cam if you haven't yet. The live ranger talks are also worth catching because they are so interesting!

  2. Oh my goodness...thank you for sharing info about the bear cam...I'm hooked already!

  3. thank you so much for mentioning this cam. it's mesmerizing and moving. and your blog is a wealth of good reading. suz in ohio/usa

  4. I forgot about bear cam! Thanks for sharing the link again. Oh my goodness there are people in the river fishing with a bear in the river too! Have a great day Rhonda.

  5. what serendipity that i found this yesterday. now the salmon are running today, wow. have never seen anything like this. thanks again, rhonda. suz in ohio/usa

  6. The repair cafe link was a ripper! I sent it off to a mate of mine who can literally repair anything (no exaggeration). He travels around Australia in a caravan and spends all his time repairing things for other caravanners just for fun (!)

  7. Thank you for the bear cam link! It is amazing and almost hypnotic. And thanks for all your ongoing interesting content, I really enjoy visiting your blog.

  8. Oh Rhonda, I'm not sure if I'll forgive you for telling us about the bear cam - I will surely become addicted, just like I have become addicted to the eagle cam for the White Bellied Sea Eagles in Olympic Park in Sydney (http://sea-eaglecam.org/video.html), who currently have 2 eggs in the nest, due to hatch later this month.


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