8 April 2016

Weekend reading

Hanno setting up the sun umbrella yesterday so we could work in the garden in the shade.

I'm looking forward to going out this morning to have morning tea with Morag.  I hope you've had a good week and that you can relax on the weekend. See you all next week friends!



  1. What a great line up of blog suggestions. Thank you and enjoy your week, Rhonda.

  2. hope you have a lovely weekend Rhonda and Hanno, I do love your weekend reading lists! A lovely start to the day on a Friday. :)


  3. Yes Rhonda, Selina knits some lovely things and she is one of our newbie bloggers from the forum. Have a relaxing weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather.

  4. oh my goodness! thanx Rhonda for the mention, i was tickled pink when i clicked on it & the link took me to mine!
    i've always enjoyed your weekend readings, hope you & Hanno have a lovely weekend working in the garden
    thanx for sharing

    selina from kilkivan qld

  5. Wish you both a lovely weekend and thanks again for the links, Pam in Norway

  6. My husband's best friend is 2nd cousin to Merle Haggard. He owns a marina on lake Travis in TX. Many times my husband would go there to fish with his friend and Merle would be there. They fished all night, Merle picked and sang (for his supper) as he called it. He was a funny person. Lots of jokes, some you were not sure were jokes till you saw the corner of his lips curl up...he was a natural born story teller too. It is really amazing to think I knew him as a man, not just a STAR. I do not think he ever considered himself a star. He was not much of a fisherman, but he liked to hang with the guys.

  7. Thanks for the link Rhonda! I hope you had a lovely weekend :) I am just catching up on blog posts now as we were pretty busy with our ongoing house renovations :)


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