15 April 2016

Weekend reading

The weather is cooler here, just right for spending time in the garden planting up some seedlings. Hanno has been adding manures and compost to the soil and slowly, the garden is taking shape. It's the time of year when the promise of vegetables relies on how much work we do. So we'll be watering, weeding, clipping and making many small steps towards another year of good harvests. We better get a wriggle on.
=== ♥︎ ===

Rose, of Greening the Rose, is blogging again, this time at a new Wordpress location. Call in and have a look, then stay for the interesting posts.

Coffee in Maleny with Morag last week.

Morag of My Permaculture Life usually has something interesting to say. Here she's blogging about Chia. Morag and I met for coffee last week. It was great to catchup with her, find out what she's working on and sharing some information about our book tour.
New app helps shoppers find free-range eggs


  1. A big Happy Birthday, Rhonda. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. Happy Birthday Rhonda, have a lovely, relaxing day.

  3. Wendell Berry - so much wisdom coupled with humility.

  4. Rhonda, I am enjoying this cooler weather and I never thought anyone would ever here me say that. Our summer was very taxing on me. Last night I truly relaxed I knitted a pair of slippers and finally got to watch the movie 'A woman in Gold' the movie reminds me that true wealth is family (blood or chosen it doesn't matter)The slippers I knitted, was for someone who is a 'chosen' family member. I love her dearly and am so proud of her that I could wrap her in gold or maybe she unknowingly wraps me in gold (gold being the heart warming memories and feeling I get when I think of her)

    1. Beautiful. Isn't it a wonderful thing to knit for someone you love. :- )

  5. The article on why we're scared to cook without a recipe was interesting. I personally go both ways. Some things just don't require precision--Nonna's marinara, a pan of taco filling, this type of thing can be imprecise and made based on what looks right or tastes right. Recipes I'm not as familiar with, I tend to break out the actual written recipe--that way, even if I end up changing things a bit or not measuring, I at least have a road map.

    While I think the author has a point about services like Blue Apron coming about because people want to cook at home but don't know how, I think the appeal there is also that someone else has decided what to serve, done all the shopping and portioning, and made it appear at your house. When you're dealing with decision fatigue, deciding what to cook for dinner can just feel like too much to deal with. (This is why I plan meals a month at a time--make the decisions once, so that when I'm frazzled and running on autopilot midweek, I can just look at my calendar and it tells me what to cook that day. I cannot tell you what a difference this has made for me in terms of enjoying feeding my family, getting a meal on the table on time, and saving my sanity.)

    1. I completely agree here, especially about the delivery services that bring variety and cut the decision process. I usually do them a few weeks, and then feel inspired to create my own meals again.
      I've never learned to cook. My mother and grandmothers both are/were great cooks, nailing the art of making wonderful things with leftovers. I have read tons of cook books in my life, and still those magazines are my favorite way of relaxing. It's by reading I gained confidence to just try - some combinations always came back, so they must be great. Nowadays, I use those recipes as inspiration, rather than following them exactly. But they're always a great start to me.

  6. Thank you for introducing me to Rose's blog. A lovely blog and I will enjoy following it.
    Looking forward to checking out "Weekend Reading".
    Happy Birthday, have a lovely day.

  7. I have signed the petition. Those poor chickens lead a horrible life. I have more to read on the weekend and I thank you.

    I hope you have a beautiful birthday and lots of love comes your way.

  8. Christine's Garden - what a delight - and I've only watched a few minutes and I see it's a series. I'm going to have ration the episodes. Thanks Rhonda. Penny

  9. I just watched Christine's garden episode 1 and it was so lovely. What a kind person she is - I even got a bit teary at one point. And I know exactly how she feels when she can see her plants suffering in the heat and how wonderful it is when it is when the temperature eases.I'll ration the other episodes too!

    Happy birthday for last week Rhonda.

  10. Your Weekend Reading kept me busy during my 'quiet times'. I particularly enjoyed discovering "Christine's Garden" and then found it was part of a series of programs. An inspirational gardener who obviously loves what she does.

  11. Am sooo, happy, ordered your books and the two big ones arrived. Looking forward to many hours of reading pleasure and learning! Thank you for sharing your inspirational life Rhonda!


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