19 February 2016

Weekend reading

There are more than 1500 species of bees native to Australia and where I live we often see a wide variety of bees foraging in the garden. We have honey bees, which are an introduced species, the solitary bees - teddy bear bees and blue banded bees, and the most common of the social native bees, the stingless bee, Tetragonula, sometimes called sugarbag bees. I took the photo above yesterday morning when these tiny bees (about the size of a mosquito) were out and about collecting pollen from the storm lilies.
Thanks for visiting this week but now let's all sit back and enjoy the weekend. See you all next week!



  1. You got me at the teddy, Rhonda! What a love! Haven't got any further with your nice links, off to look for yarn and needles! Enjoy your weekend, we're still working on Thursday here in Michigan!

  2. Thanks for the links, Rhonda. We are having a bee keeping workshop at our Simple Living Toowoomba group in the next few months. Tomorrow though we have soap making which should be fun. Have a relaxing weekend.

  3. Lovely links this week Rhonda. Thanks for sharing them. I particularly enjoyed the Urban Exodus although I am swinging between inspiration and despair. That I'm not really living life true to me but also that I have the power to change my situation or at the very least my mindset. I'm looking forward to seeing where you will be in Tas and hoping that I'll be able to meet you.
    cheers Kate

  4. Thank you for Milkwood! You were correct, it was important :)


  5. Afraid I couldn't get the top link to work. Anyone else had the same trouble? Thanks for taking the time to make the weekend reading list. Off to bed here, Friday tomorrow. Wish you both a lovely weekend. Pam in Norway

  6. Thr milkwood post was nourishment for the soul. Thank you Rhonda, have a lovely weekend.

  7. I have just read the article on the concerns about Microbeads. I keep hearing this term, understand they are in some cosmetics and toothpaste. But, what are they, are what are they and why are they in those products? How do we know they are there? Are they mentioned on a label on the product so we know to avoid buying that one? I am very confused!

    1. There is a lot of information on the internet, Linda. Just google "microbeads".

    2. Microbeads are used as sn abrasive in cosmetics and toothpastes.so if something says its a facial scrub etc there's a possibility that it contains microbeads. Minute pieces of plastic that accumulated in the food chain.
      Claire in Mooroolbark

  8. Thank you! Milkwood was just what I needed to read and also loved Urban Exodus. I understand what Simple Life means by "inspiration and despair" but believe it will happen and one day that will be our story up there. Small steps. Have a lovely weekend! Frugal in Bristol


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