29 February 2016

We are surviving ... so far

I'm sitting here in our hotel room 22 floors up. We can't hear any outside noise, it feels like a bit of a tomb. Hanno is fast asleep in the lounge chair. I have a load of washing in the machine.  This has been a really difficult day. We had a lot of places to visit, starting at the ABC at 8.30pm, then a magazine interview, a few book shops, then finished up at the Dymocks Building for a podcast and another book signing.  There are some wonderful book shops out there. Thanks to all the people I met today, I really appreciate your support.

 Breakfast on the road in Ballina yesterday morning.

 ABC studio in Ultimo.
Hanno checking the itinerary in the Radio National studio.
 Again, at the ABC studio.
 At Glee Books in Glebe.
That's me on the phone at the end table. We'd just left Glee Books and were heading to Newtown.

And now?  Well this is Hanno asleep in the lounge chair and when the washing is finished, I'll be having a shower and in bed. And no, I don't care that it's only 4pm. This is tough.  :- )

Things will improve tomorrow because we're out of the biggest city and into the smaller ones and country towns. Tomorrow we're off to Wollongong, and the following day, Canberra and Albury. If you're close by, I hope we see you. So far, we are surviving. :- ) Thanks for your wonderful comments, it's like having a little bit of home while we're out in the wide world. 



  1. Sleep well tonight, Rhonda....oops I mean this afternoon!

  2. Loving these updates Rhonda! So excited to see more.

  3. I bought your new book today at Dymocks Parramatta - thank you for all those countless hours of love that have gone into it.

  4. I love reading your posts though I don't comment often but you give me inspiration. I'm in far North Queensland so unfortunately I won't see you on your tour. I think the beginning is always difficult but once you are out into the country you will enjoy it. I have always loved baking and cooking (come from an Italian family) and grew up with not only chooks but turkeys, ducks and then dad decided have cows would be a good idea and then a pig or two. My parents grew heaps of vegies and bottled lots of Italian tomato sauce to keep us going. If it wasn't in the garden we didn't eat it. Now I still live on a farm but with both of us working off farm (for financial reasons) we aren't able to maintain the traditional farm life. I do have a vegie garden in the winter (growing pumpkins in this incredibly hot summer) and have lots of tropical fruit trees. When I was a stay at home mum I made most of my children's clothes and other items...also other handicrafts. Though a lot is left behind due to time restraints I love that I have that knowledge and that both my children have had a go at sewing with me or cooking with me. I love that you encourage others to be proud of the good and simple things in life however little one can fit into the day. Take care on your journey.

  5. Oh, what a pity, I wish I'd realised you were in my part of the world!

  6. Oh the fatigue of travel - it is bittersweet, exciting but exhausting all at once! Your book arrived in my mailbox this afternoon, I was a tad excited ;) I will however, be waiting until Saturday afternoon to sit with it and a hot cup of coffee...I promised it to myself after my thesis was done and with my presentation on Friday that makes Saturday the big day!

    Have fun tomorrow - Ayesha

    1. Good luck on Friday Ayesha. It's such a big day for you. xx

  7. Oh Rhonda, you and Hanno both look wonderful.. as though you do this kind of thing every week. Now I'm sorry I didn't have the radio on this morning as I worked in my kitchen,(enjoying the silence) totally forgot you were going to be on. Was it "Life Matters"? Will try to find the transcript. Happy journeying dear friends, we're all loving the trip along with you, so thanks for taking the time to keep us all up to date.

  8. Goodness that's a day and a bit! I hope you are both sleeping well as I write this.

  9. I hope that your trip tomorrow is not so stressful, Sydney can be quite overwhelming. Ive been away for quite a while and will be returning to see family for a few days, not looking forward to the fast pace, but am looking forward to seeing family. Take care, safe trip. Guida

  10. As exciting as all this is, it must be so tiring for you, too. Take care of yourselves.

  11. Thanks for the update Rhonda. Stay safe and warmest good wishes to you and Hanno.

  12. I hope to get to see you at Wangaratta on Thursday, grandkids permitting!

  13. You are quite brave. I don't even like going into town to do my grocery shopping. Try and get some quiet time to yourself every day!

  14. I hope you slept well and are ready to face the day. We are not much for hotels because of the noise in the halls, etc but they are a necessary evil of traveling. I'm with you that things will improve when you are out in the small towns and country side.

  15. I don't often wish I was anywhere but the UK but I would love to be in your neck of the woods so that I could get your book now and make it to a book signing. All the best for the rest of your tour.

  16. Good luck with your book tour and lots of rest!

  17. Sounds like a really busy day! I wish I could have seen you on your tour, but I live so far away. I'm really looking forward to reading your new book though! And I'm waiting for all my fellow Norwegians to open their eyes for your books. (I keep referring to it all the time!) Your down to earth book has been life changing for me, and it is written in such a warm og friendly tone, it feels like talking to a friend reading your book.

  18. have a safe & wonderful trip!
    will be keeping a watch on your posts!
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  19. I've always disliked staying in big hotels. For one, I like having my feet as close to ground as possible. And coming from the rural life, big city noise and traffic take a lot of getting used to, at least for me. Can hardly wait to read your book! Have a safe and interesting trip, you'll be home again soon!

  20. Traveling wears me out! Do take care...good luck and do enjoy your book tour. What an amazing accomplishment. Will your book be available for purchase in the US in print form or just digitally? Either way I can't wait to buy it!

    1. The hardcover will be on Amazon when it arrives in the country.

  21. Best wishes for a safe trip, Rhonda, and for making lots of wonderful connections with your readers in your home country! My copy is on order for shipment to Canada, so it will be a while before it arrives but in the meantime I'll follow you on your journeys. All the best from western Canada :)

  22. Have a wonderful trip Rhonda and Hanno! You've done so much to get organized and on the road - now the fun begins. Hope you were able to sleep well. That is my main beef with hotels - it takes me a few nights before I feel like I'm really able to fall asleep easily. Beth in MN

  23. Traveling is always so exciting! Have fun in your travels! Get lots of rest in between gigs. How long will you be out and about?

  24. Thankyou for the updates. Whilst exhausting for you both it is also such an exciting time, you should be so, so proud of your book - what a journey and congratulations.

    Hope you have slept well and your photos are lovely. Safe travels xx

  25. Wow Rhonda, that was a huge day! Hope you slept well. My copy of your book arrived yesterday and I have started reading it as slowly as I can so it lasts longer. Although I'm sure I'll always dip back into it like I do with Down to Earth. Hope the next few days are a bit quieter for you and Hanno.

  26. A big day for sure, all that driving then jumping straight into work, hope you had a good night and are ready for the next, perhaps less tiring, leg of your adventure. A friend sent me the link to your radio broadcast, that someone sent her, commenting "this is probably more up your alley than mine"....I took great pleasure in letting her know I was already a fan.

  27. Lovely to see and hear your updates. Hope tomorrow feels a little less stressful. Pam in Norway

  28. Hi Rhonda, I bought your book at Blackheath on Saturday. Love, love, love it. Thanks for writing such a beautiful book and I'm so sad you're not doing any stops in the Blue Mountains.

  29. From the Sunshine Coast to Sydney - what a shock to the system. Don't forget to enjoy the trip away too. My father used to be co-manager at the Coles store in Newtown. It was a poor area then. The council used to rope off some roads for the kids to play in as they had no backyards. Not a bad solution in the circumstances. My aunt and uncle lived in Corrimal and he had a business in Fairy Meadow. Reading about this trip will be a real trip down memory lane for me. Unfortunately as I don't live anywhere near there now I won't be attending any of your signings. However I have already ordered a copy of your book from my nearest small bookstore about 30mins away. Have a successful trip in all the meanings of the word.

  30. I know I cannot help from USA, but I can send my love and support for what you do.Hugs.

  31. Oh My Goodness...our Rhonda is famous...Best wishes on your wonderful sounding tour! (And of course rest whenever you can.) xox

  32. Don't get exhausted! Thank you for your update, Love the photos.

  33. Busy days ahead for you......sleep when you want to and drink cups of tea when needed.....can't wait to read your new book. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  34. I'm like you - I miss home terribly when I'm away, although I like to see new places also. I think I need an RV to take my home with me when I travel!

  35. I have to say I thought your itinerary looked exhausting! I hope you have very restful nights and that the excitement of it all keeps your energy up until you return home again. Take care, you two.

  36. I heard you on Radio National Rhonda, you spoke very well and were a great ambassador for simple living. You hung in there despite the curly questions and really communicated the message really well. I let out a cheer for simple living and went 'hear, hear'!

  37. It really was lovely to meet you and Hanno today. Jenny from Falls Cr

  38. Your itinerary looks really full on, Rhonda. I hope you and Hanno get to rest and enjoy visiting different places too. I haven't spied your new book yet but it is on the top of my list to snaffle up as soon as I do! I know I'll learn a lot from its content, no doubt!

  39. What a treat for us being able to follow you both on your roadtrip! I wonder if I´ll ever be able to visit dear old Sydney again. I hope you both sleep like babies and wake up refreshed and eager to take on the world. Sleeping when you body tells you - instead of a clock - is a good start lol
    Ramona/Sweden xx

  40. A gruelling journey I must say . I couldn't do it . Rest and recuperate whilst you can . Hanno has the right idea , a power nap is just the way to go ! On a completely different subject I was wondering if you have a recipe for a Zucchini and Cucumber Relish please . Or perhaps one of the lovely ladies out there might have one . Thanks you so much for all you do and all you are . Margaret in Tasmania

  41. So much fun traveling with you on your tour, but I'm sure it's exhausting. How good you were able to knock off late afternoon and get the rest you both very much needed.

  42. Rhonda, I just purchased your book through Amazon and it arrived. It looks wonderful and I can't wait to read it!

  43. Wishing you the best as you spread the word on simple living!

  44. I'm heading to Adelaide this weekend so I'll be able to pick up a copy of your book. Take it easy out there! xx


  45. That sounds exciting but an horrendous itinerary! How did you fit it all in to one day?
    I can't remember your plan but I do hope you have rest days planned I for Hanno's sake as well as yours. After all even theTour de France competitors have rest days.

  46. Hi Rhonda, I've been following your blog for a while but never posted before. I just bought your book at Dymocks, Brisbane City store and looking forward to reading it. I see that you will be in the store on April 1st and will hopefully bring my book back for you to sign. Keep up the good work and thanks for passing on the knowledge. Nicola

  47. A lot to do! Knowing you, you will find the joy and beauty in each bit of the trip... and return home with deeper gratitude! We jokingly call it, "Going out among the English" (from the movie "Witness") when we travel. It always makes me grateful for my bit of the world...

    Safe journey!

  48. Looks like a whirlwind tour, but a darn good one. Relax and enjoy!!

  49. Hi Rhonda I am a long time reader of your blog and a first time commenter. I have your last book and looking forward to your new one. I hope to see you in Melbourne next week. Keep up the good work on your blog you are helping more people than you know.

  50. Hi Rhonda, I was THRILLED to find the Kindle version of your latest book The Simple Home aleady available for download via Amazon this week, so soon after your official launch. I'm thoroughly enjoying the read - being a regular reader of your blog and having already purchased the Kindle version of your previous two books. Thanks for all the great inspiration. Best wishes for a productive, but also refreshing and restful tour. Regards Sue

  51. Just wanted to pop in and say that I love the top you're wearing in these pics. Nothing at all to do with simple living I know, but I really like it.....

  52. Hi Rhonda, First of all I love your books, I have all three. I also enjoy the forum very much and feel as though I made many new friends thanks to you.
    When I tried to login to the forum tonight I received such a shock! Instead of the forum a window stated that the forum has been deleted due to something about Forum.net terms of service agreement violation! What has happened? I do hope it will be back up soon.
    (Kath DTE)


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