27 February 2016

On the road again, almost

Finally, we're almost ready to go. We posted out the book orders yesterday and we'll be packing and cleaning up today. Hanno has the unenviable task of trying to pack the car with everything we need  to take with us. We have our food and drinks Esky, clothes and shoes, a box of books, my laptop and ipad (so I can read my Kindle books), camera, music on our phones, a couple of bags of clothes going from Jamie to his cousin Johnathan and, of course, my knitting. The house sitters arrive this afternoon, I'll do a tidy up then too, we'll go to bed early and be up before the birds tomorrow for the 1000km drive to Sydney. I can hardly wait, there is nothing better than a road trip holiday.

The added bonus for us is that in many towns we'll be visiting, people will be waiting for us. I'm so looking forward to meeting everyone. And for all those who are too far away or too busy to come to one of the signings or events, I'll take photos all the way so you can see what we get up to. :- )  Yes! the Down to Earth travel journal. I'm not sure when I can post, I hope to do it every day, even if it's just a photo or two. My sincere thanks to everyone who sent us a comment or note about the trip. We feel the warmth of our community and I'm very grateful for it. And now I'd better get a wriggle on and start packing. I'll see you all on the road!  ♥︎


  1. All the best, safe travels and cant wait to read all about it and meet you when you get back to Queensland. I hope your books will be on sale so I can get some and get them autographed

  2. Have a wonderful trip, Rhonda. I hope you have good driving weather. I am sure there are lots of readers looking forward to meeting you along the way. Jamie will miss you I am sure.

  3. See you in Bendigo on the 13th March. Safe Travels.

  4. Will you be signing anywhere in the blue mountains?

    1. No Miss Robyn but if you drop your book into Tricia's next week, I'll sign it when I'm there on 16 March. You'll be able to pick it up again anytime after the 17th.

  5. Have a safe trip; have a lot of fun and enjoy the beautiful days and nights together. Trish in NJ

  6. Wishing you a safe and happy trip Rhonda.

  7. Have a safe trip and enjoy!

  8. Have a great time and safe journey, my friend.. Wish it were in Canada... xo

  9. Wishing you a safe and wonderful trip, Rhonda & Hanno. I look forward to you posts.

    Cheers - Joolz xx

  10. Your road trip sounds wonderful. There's a lovely riverside park in Murwillumbah if you're ready to get off the highway and have morning tea....Budd Park, on Tweed Valley Way, it's worth a detour. Are you still going to Byron Bay? Have fun, safe trip!

    1. Thanks Nanette. Yes, Mary Ryan's at Byron Bay.

    2. Thanks Rhonda, might see you there.

  11. I'm really hoping to make it to the Launceston signing. I don't have the book yet, hopefully I can get it at the signing.
    cheers Kate

  12. All the very best - enjoy the road trip. Stay safe on the roads. You are spreading a life-changing message.

  13. I hope you have a safe trip filled with lovely experiences. Looking forward to reading about it. :)

  14. Safe travels and a joyous adventure!

  15. Have a safe trip. Looking forward to the photos from your journey!

  16. Safe travels dear Rhonda and Hanno. See you soon!

  17. Best wishes for a safe journey filled with interesting people and beautiful sights!


  18. Looking forward to those on-the-road posts!

  19. Safe journey, Rhonda. I'll see you at Kogarah in a few weeks time.

  20. Looking forward to meeting you at the book signing in Hobart next Sunday.

  21. Drive safely and have a great trip.....I know you love being at home but it's also nice to get out there and see a different landscape and of course meeting like minded people and your readers. Have a great trip. Kathy A, Brisbane

  22. I hope you both have a wonderful, safe and enjoyable trip! I do wish I was closer as would be amazing to pop in! But alas I will have to settle for the blog which will still be lovely. :)


  23. Have a wonderful and safe time! I can feel your excitement. :)

  24. All booked in to see you in Wagga! I can't wait. I was so excited when I saw you would be only 100kms away!! Safe travels, see you there. Amie

  25. All the very best for your journey, hope you have a lovely time. I've just bought your first book which I'm really enjoying, I was wondering if you knew whether your new book will be available in the UK please? (The first one is available on Amazon UK but no record of the new one yet). Many thanks for any information you can provide, Sian

    1. Sian, if the first book was there, the second one will be as well. They have to be shipped over, and I do mean shipped, it takes a while to get there.

  26. Rhonda, you and Hanno have a great trip, with lots of happy memories.

  27. Nothing better than a road trip! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  28. Hello Rhonda! My mum and I would love to catch you when you are in newcastle do you know which book store you will be at yet? We are so excited. Hope the travelling is going smoothly xx

    1. Hello Alyce! I don't know yet, it will probably come through this week. I'll let you know. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. Nice to meet your mum too. xx

  29. Dear Rhonda and Hanno,Safe travels and happy road adventures! Not quite sure in anyone has given you the tip for the Spirit of Tasmania, get some sea sickness tablets if you haven't already. You are only allowed to take a small amount of luggage into the cabin of the Spirit so have everything sorted before you load your car onto the ferry, they pack the cars in v.tight and there isn't the room or time to do it when your car is parked and you aren't allowed to return to your car at all during the trip. When we travel we have with us: hand bag,medication, book,sleeping clothes, toiletries, clothes for the next day, food for dinner (sandwiches/snacks/drinks most people by food on board it can be very $$$) Eat a light meal on the boat and a big breakfast when you are off the boat !!! It is a great trip and docking in Devonport and traveling to the south of the island is picture perfect The House of Anvers Chocolates have a great open window into the chocolate making kitchen - you look from the verandah .Deloraine and surrounds are so pretty. Campbell Town have a great Village Square with picnic tables, loo's and good takeaway coffee-most people stop there. Ross is worth driving into just to see the beautiful old buildings, if the wool museum is open it is quite interesting and good to get out of the car and stretch your legs ! Oatlands has had a lot of restoration and the flour mill at the windmill is great for a walk around. There is a restored garden over the stonewall that the owners usually allow you to walk around-it was on Gardening Australia a while back. Last time we sat and watched a pair of swans at the lake make a huge nest while we ate morning tea -loo's at the lake. If you go to Salamanca Market go early(8.30ish),the best Sourdough Bakery called The Summer Kitchen is up the end where the silo's are-oh it is so good ! Their pies and chutney are a great value lunch meal and you can eat them under the trees! Looking forward to seeing you at Fullers Bookshop in Hobart. Hope some of this helps.All the very best. Jude (sunflowers and tulips)

    1. Hi Jude, we've been on the Spirit a couple of times before but your tips on the island are perfect for us. Thank you. See you soon.! xx

  30. Have a wonderful trip, enjoy and stay safe!

  31. I have been reading your blog for sometime now and its finally dawned on me why I like it so much, you remind me of my parents who do the same as you. Bake bread, make everything from scratch, work hard and don't get caught up in the "Jones's" trap. My mother still makes meals to freeze for me when she takes a trip/hospital stays so that I get good food while I house sit, takes home-made snacks & her metal water bottle for these trips. My father does all the gardening and yard work/maintenance and shows me how to use tools, change a tyre, paint and even form work for cement. The funny thing is I enjoy it too and the skills have saved me money when times are tough, especially being single or when I have lost jobs, but it has made me survive even in that tough time. Keep up the good work and I look forward to purchasing your new book and keep going with the blog as long as you enjoy giving us snippets of info that really we should all do to make us better and world we live in. Enjoy your trip and look forward to words of wisdom in the coming year. Leah.


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