17 September 2015

My favourite place #11

This is a weekly feature where readers share photos and words about their favourite place at home. This week our two readers are Kirsti in Canberra, Australia and Deb in Ontario, Canada. Again these ladies are showing just how diverse and interesting we all are.

First Kirsti writes:
I’m in Canberra and have five kids half time. Big busy household, with two working parents and we are looking to slow down substantially (www.iheartsimpleliving.com). We are at the very beginning of our family journey, and are nearly mortgage free.

My favourite spot is our two new veggie beds – seen here when we built them over Christmas. They are now full of brassicas and broad beans and are providing yummy organic sustenance to our large family. Makes me very proud to bring to the dinner table home grown fruit and veg.

My second favourite spot is my bedroom and I’ve included two photos. One – very messy spot after I had a little op a few years ago. The room was a working room where clean, worn clothes were dumped, unread books stored and cords haphazardly strewn on top. It was far from the peaceful haven that I wanted it to be.

With a lick of fresh white paint and some new linen, as well as a bit of decluttering and organising, my bedroom is the peaceful haven that I have craved and provides a piece of peace in our otherwise busy lives.

:::::: ♥︎ ::::::

And this is Deb's favourite place, she writes:
Every-time I look out my kitchen window I see this old maple tree shading a corner of our property. It's one of those trees that draws you over and invites you to relax, take a load off and enjoy all the comfort it provides.

This gigantic maple, that was a smaller tree when I was a youngster visiting my gran, even then looked tall to me. And here I am sitting under it now, a grand-mother myself, having a cup of the finest beverage on earth and enjoying it's shade.

I will never take these big 'ol trees for granted. I love the grand old maples that circle our little spot here. This is the best time to enjoy them although the vibrant Fall colours are always admired.

With that, though, comes raking of the leaves 'til the cows come home.  You can find Deb at her blog Just Cats Deb by clicking here. 



  1. Kirsti and Deb, thanks for sharing your special places, both look relaxing and soothing for different reasons. It's so good to see how others live and the soothing spaces they enjoy.

  2. Lovely spaces you have chosen here.

  3. Thank you for the decluttering and organizing inspiration, Kirsti. Deb, I can read lots of books in that lovely shaded area. Thank you for sharing your memories.

  4. beautiful spots they all are too!
    wish i had a maple tree they look very interesting & long lasting
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  5. Hello Nanette, africanaussie, Marcia and Selina - nice to meet you all and happy to share. I'm also inspired by these photos weekly, to see how other people make their spaces peaceful - I find this series so informative too. The maple tree is just stunning.....

  6. Thank you, Rhonda, for featuring my special place. The leaves are now turning red, gold and orange here in Ontario and our maples are about to put on quite a show. I spent a bit of the morning under this tree today watching the chickadees enjoy the feeders. :) Deb

  7. Lovely to see these beautiful spots - that bench under the tree looking at the sunflowers...must be bliss!


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