10 September 2015

My favourite place #10

This week we have the two SAs - Veronique in South Australia and Wendy in South Africa. Both ladies are focused on a healthy environment but from two very different perspectives.

Veronique writes:
My favourite places used to be my garden and kitchen where I grow, cook and preserve fruits and vegetables, but for the past couple of months it has become my sewing room. I have been sewing, knitting and crafting for most of my life and recently took up a new hobby which combines all my skills – upcycling abandoned dolls. This fits in nicely with my concerns about climate change, resource depletion and environmental pollution. While many continue to purchase new toys, millions of discarded toys are slowly breaking down in landfill sites around the world, contaminating groundwater and contributing to the growing waste of finite resources.

My work room is only about 5 square metres so has to be kept tidy and ordered at all times! I use re-cycled Styrofoam boxes (free from my local supermarket) for storage and second hand containers found in opportunity shops. I also source most of my material ( yarn, fabric, buttons…) from op-shops. My trusty sewing machine is now almost 30 years old and the little metal table it nicely sits on is from the 1950’s.

The dolls I find have often had a hard life and no-one wants them…

I have been blogging for about a year about our local share; swaps, climate reality, waste reduction and productive gardening. I also document sustainable projects, ideas and initiatives in our home and local community - About | Sustainable in Holdfast Bay

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And here, Wendy writes from South Africa:
I love my whole garden. When I need to take a moment for myself I always find a place to stand and look, to pull a weed or just to sit for a bit. We are a busy household and I am often pulled in many directions, but my garden always gives me a moment to pause.

The first photo is looking out from my kitchen door onto a small paved area that holds most of my herbs, chilllies, and one lemon tree. I am out here often in the day and always have something to pick or snip to add for a meal.

The second photo is of the garden patch beyond the courtyard. The beds beyond full of our winter veggies of peas, salads, brassicas, beets and coriander. On the walls are our strawberry plants, now resting in the South African winter.

Blogging at Urban Homestead South Africa



  1. Is it just me or ar the pictures with Veronique's story not visible?

    1. Thanks for letting me know about the photos, Vroon. I imported them in again. I hope they're visible now. (I could see them on my computer.)

    2. Thanks for posting about my favourite place, Rhonda! I think the before & after photo is missing, but it may have been one too many! :)

  2. What a novel idea, Veronique! Those dolls definitely look loved and at home now. Wendy, you make gardening seem less daunting and more doable. Thank you for the inspiration, ladies!

  3. both those places look very inspiring
    thanx for sharing
    selina from kilkivan qld

  4. I LOVE Veronique's idea. I so often see old dolls in charity shops, which could be refreshed and reclothed. it has certainly got me thinking about what I could do.

    1. Thank you, Gill. They are a creative challenge and also make great birthday and Christmas gifts!

  5. Thank you for sharing my garden today Rhonda, may you have a wonderful day ahead.

    1. You're welcome, Wendy. It looks like a great place to spend time.

  6. Wendy, your garden is to die for. I love it! Lots of tlc has gone into your plot of land.

  7. I love Veronique's idea of giving all those unloved, neglected dollies a new lease of life. Also loving Wendy's paved herb garden, especially the rustic fence, an idea I am going to steal :-)


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