15 September 2015

Learning how to blog and write

Hello everyone. I'm going to offer four workshops here at my home.  They'll be on blogging and writing for publication and run on the weekends of 10 and 11 October and 24 and 25 October from 9am till 3pm. I'll take only six people in each workshop so I have ample time for each person. 

If you're doing the blogging workshop, bring along your laptop and I'll either help you set up your blog or help you edit and reorganise your existing blog. If you don't have a laptop, don't worry, you can look at my laptop and take notes. We'll also talk about blog basics, topics to write about, how to establish a readership, the importance of photos, understanding statistics and much more.

If it's the writing workshop you're interested in, bring along your manuscript or an idea for one and we'll workshop ideas in the group. Again, there will be only six people in each workshop so I can help move your project along or start you off on the right foot. I have been through the process of signing book contracts, advances and royalties, book proposals, chapter structure, deadlines and delivery of a book project three times, I've also worked for the Women's Weekly and Burke's Backyard as a columnist so I have recent experience to share with you and plenty of working documents to show you.

Blogging and writing are fun activities that will enrich you and I hope that experience starts at the workshops. We'll be working on our back verandah but there are plenty of places to sit and think or discuss ideas. I think you'll go home feeling inspired and that what you hope to do is possible and within reach. For more information or to book, please contact me at rhondahetzel@gmail.com


Set up a new blog or improve an existing one
9am - 3pm
10 October, 2015 
at Landsborough, one hour's drive north of Brisbane
$125 per workshop
All day tea, coffee and water supplied, BYO lunch

Set up a new blog or improve an existing one
9am - 3pm
24 October, 2015 
at Landsborough, one hour's drive north of Brisbane
$125 per workshop
All day tea, coffee and water supplied, BYO lunch


Are you writing a book you want published? Not sure what the next step is?
9am - 3pm
11 October, 2015
at Landsborough, one hour's drive north of Brisbane
$125 per workshop
All day tea, coffee and water supplied, BYO lunch

Are you writing a book you want published? Not sure what the next step is?
9am - 3pm
25 October, 2015 
at Landsborough, one hour's drive north of Brisbane
$125 per workshop
All day tea, coffee and water supplied, BYO lunch



  1. I am sure you with inundated with people wanting to come along, Rhonda. What a lot of fun that would be.

  2. If I lived a little closer I'd be putting up my hand like a shot for all of these.......so many questions, ideas etc.

  3. Almost worth the cost of the flight from UK........:)

  4. Oh I would LOVE to go to this workshop! I'm enjoying blogging very much just for fun as a record for our family but there is so, SO much I don't know.

    And a writing workshop would be really helpful, but alas we are a long way away and our budget does not allow for such extravagances as a trip that far, sadly.

    Good luck Rhonda and to the people who attend, I'm sure you will all have a wonderful, interesting time and learn a lot!


  5. How exciting Rhonda! I would be very interested if you ever facilitate workshops via Skype or video.

  6. I would love to attend, Rhonda. What a pity I'm in SA!!

  7. Wish I live close. So good of you to share your knowledge and experience.

  8. Hi Rhonda
    I would LOVE to come to your blogging workshop but as I live in the U.K it is not possible :-(
    I wonder if you might be able to set up some kind of on-line class?
    The suspense for your new book is driving me mad and I can't wait for it to be released - hopefully I can buy it through Amazon U.K.
    Eve xx

  9. I wish I could attend!! I live in Southern NSW, so can't get up there. I wish I could find a babysitter for the weekend....

  10. Another one from the UK who would love to join if you ever get Skype or webinar workshops set up :-)

  11. Man if I only I wasn't in Canada. Sounds like a lovely and informative time.

  12. Oooh, I could come, I'm only 2 hours away......this is a great idea Rhonda and it sounds as if you could go on tour doing these workshops.

  13. Like your other readers, I would love to attend but are in Tassie at the moment........couldn't do Skye or FaceTime because of our limited download (8G /m) and I sure need some help with my blog as I have lost interest in it which is sad because I used to enjoy doing it.

    Maybe it is just a phase I am going through. One issue I am aware of is that my blog s not in real time,,,,I am always writing about what happened a month or so ago and I never seem to be able to catch up....maybe I should just start afresh, write less and more often.

    I started blogging as a way to document our travels (we live on the road in our caravan), so was not really interested in an audience, only had one person leave a comment and that was to tell me I had written some incorrect information...I am glad she did and told her so. Oh well, I get new download tomorrow so maybe I will blog again. Good luck with the workshops Ronda...it would be so lovely to be there.

  14. Oh, what a wonderful idea! Starting a blog has been on my mind a lot lately, but beyond setting up an account on a site like Blogger or Typed, I know nothing! I have so many questions! Like everyone else who's commented here so far, I'm too far away (Ohio, USA) to attend your workshops, but I know they'll be a real blessing to those who can attend. I see by your You Might Also Like feature that you have posts about blogging here on your blog, so I'm going to check them out!

  15. How fun! You have so many readers, I am sure your workshops will fill quickly. Drat that time and space travel haven't been invented yet so I could just zap there for a day... but the idea of a 24 hour flight makes me break out in hives!

    Enjoy all of you who are fortunate to attend!

  16. Like so many others I would so love to be there to learn from you, however since I live in Florida(USA) I can't afford to be there! I want to blog but don't know enough to do so. Hope that everyone attending will have a lovely time. Blessings, Carolyn

  17. I'm in North Idaho, united states hope you have chance to share some tips on your blog...Good luck with your classes.
    Coffee is on

  18. Gosh, I wish I lived nearer to you - coming from th UK I guess is too far to come for a Workshop! - because I would book up on your Blog Workshop in a flash!

  19. Having just started a blog I would love to do your workshop, distance though is too hard (6hrs) I recently attended 3 online web courses for forum Rose's recommended budget course, so when you can organize that technical stuff I am in.Good luck think the idea is great with all your experience.



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