6 March 2015

Weekend reading

I haven't had much time for reading this week but here are my findings. I hope things have been good at your place and you have the chance to rest and enjoy some down time on the weekend.

How to make crocheted rag rugs
The vast realm of "if"
How to prune lavender
Upcycling clothes
DIP slippers - these are lovely
McDonald’s will begin to limit antibiotics in its chicken and offer the choice of low-fat and chocolate milk from cows that have not been treated with the artificial growth hormone
Why the man behind Keurig’s coffee pods wishes he’d never invented them


  1. Hi Rhonda, have not posted for a while. However I check your blog every day. Enjoy reading and catching up with you and Hanno. Our daughter was in a bad car accident in November and she and our 14 year old grandson are staying with us as she recovers. We are so thankful that we can take care of them. That is what families do! Blessings, Carolyn in Florida

    1. I'm so sorry to read your news, Carolyn. I hope your daughter recovers well and quickly. It good she's with the people who love her. Take care, love. xx

  2. Thanks for the reading links, Rhonda. I will check them out over the weekend when I have time. I hope you and Hanno have a relaxing weekend.

  3. Hi Rhonda,

    I really enjoy exploring your links and reading some of your past posts. I get so much information and many frugal, simple ideas from your blog. I think many a politician would do well to spend time exploring your blog for real, practical ideas to help families and individuals manage debt and live fulfilling lives.
    I listened with keen interest yesterday at all the hoopla over that latest Intergenerational Report for Australia, trying to fast forward my mind to 2050. There was no mention of simplifying and reducing expenditure to help everyone but more "work until you drop". I don't know many people who want to work into their 70s. Everyone I know wants to have time to enjoy their lives in their senior years and I think it's possible if we aim to be debt free, saving, living within our means and learning those skills we need for a good and simple life. Thanks for providing such a rich resource to people like me who are aiming to achieve these things.

    1. I agree 100% Ellen. My local member, Mal Brough, knows me but I doubt there will be any move towards simplicity any time soon.

    2. That report is very disheartening isn't it? While I very much enjoy my job, I don't want to have to work until I die! It certainly paints a grim future for us Gen X'ers.

  4. Hi Rhonda, just wondering if there is a way you when you post a food picture to make it so we can click on it to go to the post and recipe. Is that orange marmalade? Looks delish!

    1. Sorry love, Blogger doesn't allow me to do that. If you google down to earth blog orange marmalade, the recipe will probably be there.

    2. Hi Rhonda it is possible to use a photo as a link, insert your photo then click on HTML at the top of your page (next to compose) and find the code for the photo that starts or similar you need to delete the code for the photo and insert the link to the post instead, keeping the opening bracket and a href and closing it with the bracket at the end. Ignore me if you know how to do code, If you can't make head nor tail of my description then Google it and you will find loads of tutorials :). Hope you don't mind me interjecting.

    3. Thanks sustainablemum, I appreciate you taking the time to help. I'm stuggling to keep up with the blog at the moment so it won't be something I do soon but I'll keep it in mind when I have more time. xx

  5. Hello :) I stumbled upon your blog today and love the concept and attitude!! I took the liberty of nominating you for the Versatile Blogger Award; for more infos check out my latest post. Feel free to accept or reject :) It's just a little nudge. In any case, all the best to you and continue doing this, it's great!

    1. Thanks for the offer but I don't accept awards. Congratulations on yours though.


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