31 March 2015

Jamie's birthday and lots of house work

Happy birthday Jamie, he's four today! He's still in Korea and will celebrate his birthday with his mum, Korean grandma, aunties, uncles and friends. They'll be back home on Friday so we'll have another birthday then.  There was a time when I never thought about being a grandmother. Now I can't imagine life without my two precious grandsons.

This is him at the airport with his robot bag full of little toys.

I seem to be all over the place at the moment. Each task I carry out is calm and considered but I go from one to the other so frequently, it makes my head spin at times and I have to stop and think about what I'm doing.  All the extra work is caused by my book writing and a photo shoot for the book we're having here at home soon. Hanno is painting the front verandah, something we've been going to do for years, and this is the perfect reason to actually do it. I am writing every day with a deadline every two weeks and in between the writing sessions I've been decluttering my wardrobe (again) and chest of drawers (again), finishing off some knitting, cooking, baking, tidying and reorganising cupboards.

Baked this week - orange and whiskey marmalade jam drops.

I'm thankful that the new forum has settled down well and is working like a charm. We even have a little chat place there so we have live chatting happening too. I'm blogging as much as I can and happy for the chance to do it because it always seems to clear my head and gets me focused again. It reminds me too that you're all out there, we're all in the same boat, that life is tough sometimes, and that the tough times always give way to something better.



  1. Best wishes to Jamie for his 4th birthday, a well travelled young man! Good luck with your book writing. And those jam drops look so yummy!

  2. Yep!! Don´t forget! We are all in the same boat together!!!
    Happy birthday to Jaime!

  3. Your grandson is so sweet. Your cookies would be perfect with a hot cup of tea. :) Best of luck with your photo-shoot. Deb

  4. What a cute photo I can't believe he is turning 4 as I remember him being bor. that's when you think gee I have been following that blog for x amount of years. Have a good week. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane

  5. Yep - we are all out here. Never forget your writing touches real people every day and truly makes a difference.

  6. I can't believe Jamie is four already! You must miss him while he is away. I hope life settles down for you soon once the writing deadlines are all met, Rhonda. No more late nights :-)

  7. Know what you mean, we have our first grandchild's first birthday coming up and we are just so in love!! My dad had a t-shirt that said "if I had known the grandkids were this much fun I would have had them first"!! Those cookies look yum. I suspect you accomplish more with your 'head spinning' than most do on a normal day! We appreciate your efforts!!

  8. happy birthday jamie! wow how time flies! yes totally agree with phil there, we are real people & we thoroughly enjoy your writings
    selina from kilkivan qld

  9. happy Birthday Jamie, all this sounds like you are busy, but very happy &fulfilled.

  10. I'm glad that you still find blogging rewarding, because I still find reading your blog rewarding and calming. I've been following along here for a while now ;) and never tire of it. It's reassuring when times are tough and always comforting.
    Thank you and cheers

  11. What a seasoned traveller Master Jamie is! Happy birthday Jamie.

  12. Happy birthday Jamie! Even throughout circumstances are different I can appreciate what you are saying about your head spinning Rhonda some days I find myself saying to myself ok alyce whats next haha I have to keep myself on track. I am so excited to read your next book. Xx alyce

  13. Mmmm... these cookies look delicious!

    Happy birthday to Jamie!

  14. Happy 4th Birthday, Jamie(cute dude:-)!

  15. Jamie looks so adorable in that photo. It made me chuckle just looking at it. He looks like he means business striding out with his little luggage.

    The new forum is great, I'm really enjoying it. Best wishes for the photo shoot.

  16. Aww lucky little guy to have such loving families.
    Those cookies look delicious!!

  17. Love that description of your everyday happening, from writing to sorting to baking to home upkeep. :)
    It was a lovely read just before I turn in for the night.

  18. Happy Birthday to Jamie! 4 already? Where did the time go? Hope the painting is going well despite the weather. (We're a bit south and were soaked overnight, but the garden is loving it.)


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