25 March 2015

A wedding in Korea

Sunny and Jamie are over in South Korea at the moment enjoying some family time. They went over for the wedding of Sunny's younger sister Sung Ji, who married Dong Ho Choi. He is a career soldier in the South Korean army. Sunny sent some of the family wedding photos and said I can share some of them here. 

 Sung Ji and Dong Ho being saluted by the soldiers.

And here is the guard of honour, under drawn swords.
This beautiful photo is of the bride, Sun Ji, with her mother Sunja Cho (left), Sunny and her sister Yeon Hee. Sunny, her mother and sister are wearing the traditional Korean chima jeogori, worn during festivals and celebrations.

 And look who is here. Jamie in traditional Australian dress of socks with sandals :- ) Very cute. 

Sunny and Jamie again.

It's so interesting seeing how other cultures celebrate important events such as weddings. Congratulations to Sung Ji and Dong Ho. I hope they have many happy years together ahead of them.



  1. What a beautiful ceremony! It's really interesting to see what other cultures do for different celebrations.

    My wife and I were married last December after years of putting off because of costs! In the end we pulled our socks up and tied the knot on a budget. The day was more than we could ever want it to be and as a little nod to our friends in the east we also handmade 1000 origami cranes for the day. It took forever!

    If you're interested in see some photos you can do so here: http://skintdad.co.uk/2014/12/office/

    Not sure if I'm allowed to link like that so please delete if not.

  2. Don't the ladies look beautiful. Wish we still had a traditional dress in the UK

  3. Thank you for sharing the wedding with us. It was really lovely.

    Congrats to the bride and groom.


  4. Congrats to the newly weds and thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures!

  5. Lovely photos, Your Grandson is adorable.

  6. Oh my gosh, the bride's party looked beautiful...and those gorgeous dresses!!!

  7. Love the pictures. The bride's gown was lovely and the bridesmaids (is that a the term in Korea or maybe attendants is more right?) are just adorable.

  8. Such beautiful photos, Rhonda. It is so interesting to learn about other cultures. Jamie is growing up being a part of two cultures which will hold him in good stead down the track I am sure.

  9. What a splendid celebration!

  10. Congratulations to the lovely couple; they are wished the best in life. And the pictures are stunning.

  11. Congratulations to the happy couple, all the ladies are lovely, esp. the bride!

  12. Congratulations to Sung Ji & Dong Ho Choi!

  13. interesting how they mixed the 2 cultures together.
    congratulations to the happy couple, may they have many happy years together

    thanx for sharing

  14. Congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple; Sunny looked lovely and what a delightful picture with her sisters and mother. Their traditional dresses are beautiful and with their empire line jackets and the military honour guard it quite reminds me of a Jane Austen novel. Gorgeously elegant.

  15. My goodness, that Jamie is sure a handsome young man! Congratulations to the couple!


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