9 May 2014

Weekend reading

I took this photo of Hanno last week when we went down to the beach to have lunch.

Another week has flowed under the bridge and the weekend is about to open up its arms again. I hope you have some interesting projects to get stuck into and that you spend time with those you love.

We had some good news this week with Sunny and Jamie making plans to come back from Korea at the end of the month. They've been gone almost four months. We miss them so much but we're pleased they both had time to spend with their Korean family.

Terms and Conditions
Green Lifestyle Magazine
Dining out in Japan
Recipes for smoothies
Moments, not things, this Mother's Day
Homemade sweet Italian sausage at Buttered Side Up
For those of you going into the warmer weather - cultured popsicles @ Nourished Kitchen
Tiny House Living
10 things creative people know - my pick of the week
It's time to reclaim your kitchen - Michael Pollan infographic
I love this story about Kitty and Doll Doll from the Spitalfields blog. It highlights how much life has changed in the past 90 years.
Using code words for family safety



  1. I love this post. I always see it on Thursday afternoon and makes me so glad that Friday will be here soon and the work week will be over (the clock in/out kind of work). I live for my weekends when I can be home in my garden and working towards simplifying our life! Hope you have a blessed weekend!

  2. This is a grandchild weekend for us. We will keep our youngest, Liam, overnight Friday night and see our other three who live almost 300 miles away on Sunday. Our oldest grandson's 6th birthday is Sunday so we will be having a very simple birthday lunch for him. I know you can hardly wait to see your Jamie! Aren't grandchildren grand?

  3. Rhonda, that photo of Hanno at the beach makes me long for another holiday at Caloundra. I just love it there. The weekend I need to work on my projects for the forum swap and hopefully spend some time in the garden now that it is warming up a little after the cold weather at the beginning of the week. Have a relaxing weekend.

  4. Happy Mother's Day for Sunday Rhonda. I was so happy to see that my Grandson brought home from Pre-school a mother's day gift that fits with our family values of simple living. They had made a little plant pot from newspaper with a strawberry cutting in it. What a great gift.

  5. g'day
    what a beautiful shot of hanno! he doesn't look a day over 45!
    hope you both have a great weekend
    happy mums day for sunday!

    selina from kilkivan qld

  6. Morning Rhonda, I know you are taking a break to get other work done, but I hope you are still reading your comments. I have always enjoyed your Weekend Reading Lists. Sometimes I get to them , sometimes I dont but I was obviously meant to see the list above today. The 10 Things Creative Peolpe Know was just what I needed this morning. I haven't been around your blog much lately, you see I lost my dear husband early in the year and things have been quite horrid at times. Good things have happened too, my youngest daughter got married so that was a time of great joy for all of us.
    I really grasped onto those four things that the traditional healer asks. Singing has always been a joy for me and when I start doing that again, it will give me hope that the future may not be as bleak as what it is now. Writing on my little blog is helpful and now I know why; telling your story and being supported in that, is good for the soul. Thank you for all the wisdom you impart through your story (you have been an inspiration to me many times ) and I hope that the book work is going well.
    Kathy R

    1. Dear Kathy, I'm so sorry to read about the lost of your dear husband. I can't even begin to understand how that must feel but I hope you're coping with the support of your family. I love it when I put something on the blog that is there at just the right time for someone. Keep writing your blog. I have found over the years, it's great therapy. Take care. xx


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