30 May 2014

Weekend reading

 Maya Angelou RIP
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

I had a busy week with three mornings spent at the libraries meeting many wonderful like-minded people. I'll be at home today, tidying up and cooking. Tomorrow there is another radio interview (local ABC radio at 9am) and then lunch with two dear friends at Daisy's Place. I am really looking forward to that. I hope to have a slow and quiet weekend, relaxing, gardening and sewing.

I hope you have a lovely weekend too. Thank you for visiting this week. See you again soon. :- )

Hector wins the Red Oche Prize
Germany leading the world in solar power
Simple solar cooker for five dollars
Recipes for leftover apples
Ten things that will make you happy
How to mend a ripped seam
Blue honey
How to separate eggs
The Fearse Family
Reuse recognised
Our economy wants you to be in debt - 5 things you can do to take charge


  1. Great quote by Maya. I just finished a book of hers early this month. Thanks for the great reading! I have already checked out a few and hope to get through the rest! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Shocking but not a surprise that Americans are 11.5 trillion dollars in debt. As of this week we are 100% debt free. We paid off our house! WooHoo! It has been hard to process.

    1. Great work Lana! Congratulations. It will make a big difference in your lives.

  3. You have been busy. Hope you have a lovely slow weekend:)

  4. Enjoy your time with friends and a relaxing weekend. I haven't been by all week so I have some catching up to do on your blog. I love the new photo of you. Deb

  5. Have a relaxing weekend after a busy week, Rhonda. I just had a look at that solar cooker in your weekend reading links. Quite intriguing.

  6. Have a restful weekend Rhonda ... if you haven't been to Daisy's Place, it's lovely!

  7. Hi dear Rhonda.. Thanks again for the reading list and your thought at the beginning is so true.. I am at the cottage a lot without internet until middle June so can only check in a bit.. Have a great weekend.. xo

  8. Hi Rhonda, look forward to your reading list every Friday here in Colorado. I have a question regarding the liquid laundry soap { recipe from your blog that I have used for years, starting with the powder soap...thank you ], it seems as if it needs an extra punch. Any suggestions what I can boost this laundry soap with? My whites and soft colors are looking poorly. Summer is here and hanging the laundry out for the sun to bleach is helpful but hubby is starting to notice the dullness of the clothes. Any thought would be appreciated. Have a wonderful weekend. Your loyal reader.

    1. You can do one of two things, Eileen. Either soak all your colours and white in oxy bleach - here it is called Napisan, I think yours is Oxy Clean. I soak mine in hot water with napisan in a bucket, then wash normally. Or you can add a cup of the same thing to your mix and wash as normal. I think the soaking does an excellent job. Good luck, love.

    2. Thanks Rhonda, I have oxy-clean and I have only been throwing in a TBLS per load....I need to use more per load. Will try that today and the tough whites will soak. Thanks for responding.

  9. Thanks for your great blog Rhonda. You have inspired me to try to slow down & to even start blogging about our life here on the farm.
    Love the new photo of you.

  10. That's an especially great set of links this week Rhonda, thank you.


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