23 May 2014

Weekend reading

I am hoping to get my patchwork quilt started this weekend. I have the fabrics selected, I need to work out the size of my patches now, and then start cutting. During the rest of the weekend I'll be knitting, cooking, cleaning, gardening and on Saturday I have a live interview on local ABC radio. I hope your weekend is restful and productive.  See you all next week. :- )

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The rise of mending - how Britain learned to repair clothes again
Stitched up
Get the most out of your clothes
How to make a swaddle blanket - I've posted this before but there are a lot of new babies at the moment
How to make a simple patchwork quilt
Quilt gardens
Growing older should be a source of pride
Rare orchid found in Dorset sewage works
Vegan mac and cheese recipe
The perfect cinnamon buns
Recipe for Monte Carlos (biscuits/cookies)
History through the eyes of Google View



  1. That is an adorable tea cosy. Have a wonderful weekend Rhonda.

  2. I hope you make good progress on your new quilt. I'm wondering about the link to the 'simple patchwork quilt'......oddly, it takes me to my blog list .....that can't be right? Thanks as always for the weekend reading and I hope your weekend is pretty good too.

  3. Enjoy your quilting, Rhonda. I'm hoping to lengthen a curtain for the dining room door to keep the heat in.


  4. That teapot cosy caught my eye too, Rhonda. I just read the article about growing older...an interesting article. Have a great weekend. Our Simple Living Toowoomba group has the cheese making workshop tomorrow which I am looking forward to and the weekend weather should be warm and sunny.

  5. Thanks for the links. I have had a look but will return.

    Enjoy your weekend and quilting.

    Quilting is much admired by me and I know several people who make exquisite quilts. It doesn't call out to me to start, which is probably just as well as I live in a small apartment in suburban Sydney with little storage.

    However I am am feeling virtuous today having just darned a pair of handknit socks. All my socks are handknit and I have quite a lot, accumulated over the years. I'm not hard on socks but was devastated to find a hole in a favourite pair. My grandma would not be impressed by my efforts but it is many years since I had to darn socks and I am out of practice. They are now wearable again.

    My weekend will be spent making more chemo hats for Westmead Children's oncology awards. Miss M, my nine year old granddaughter has leukaemia, although prognosis is good. This is one way I can express my gratitude for care for her and hats are always needed. They treat many hundreds of children and teenagers a year. sadly, not all have the same outlook for the future as she does and even her cure is years down the track.

  6. I am making those Monte Carlos this weekend! They are one of the few store-bought biscuits I'm tempted by.

    Those Google View images really give you a sense of perspective, don't they!

  7. I can't knit worth a darn; but I have made a quilt before. Last year I made one for a new baby in the family. It was a pinwheel quilt and I followed Moda Bake Shop's Baby Pinwheel Quilt quite successfully. I did not do the prairie points, but the rest all went well and for my first quilt, I was quite proud! Yes, it was satisfying indeed, and I am working slowly on a quilt for a Queen-sized bed.

    Enjoy your quilting, Rhonda.

  8. That is fantastic Rhonda! I am looking forward to seeing your fabrics and pattern.

  9. I'm in a bit of a mending challenge and I don't want to give up on hubbys pants so thanks for the link. Well I am certainly a much happier person than i was in my 20's now that I am older and fatter. Good luck in the interview.

  10. ,Dear Rhonda I have just realized that you are amazing.. Not only do you do your household duties extra well, your family, write books and your blog but also find all these neat sites for your readers.. Always love your Weekend Reading Posts.. Thanks again...

  11. My Saturday morning treat is always to pop by and look at your weekend reading and catch up your weeks news. It made me smile to see one of the links this week took me straight back home to Dorset. It hadn't heard about this news locally! I enjoyed listening to your radio interview too. Sarah x

  12. Interesting links, thank you! Have you got a new photo of yourself? New glasses, maybe? Suddenly you look 10 years younger (and less terrifyingly efficient!)


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