12 May 2014

A break in transmission

I'll be busy finishing off my book and doing some book publicity this week so there will be no blog posts for the next few days. I'll see you as soon as I'm finished. I'll be back with a knitting post, some thoughts on slow cooking and whatever else pops into my mind. Take care everyone.


  1. have fun, we'll keep a light on!

  2. Have a good time away from Blogland, Rhonda but come back soon! Thanks for all your tips and encouragement. Hugs from the UK xx

  3. Make sure you have a nice cup of tea in the garden from time to time :) See you when you get back.


  4. Hello Rhonda,
    That's strange. You said you will mention slow cooking. Just before I looked in tonight, I thought I wonder if Rhonda has any tips on slow cookers or pressure cookers. Never had either piece of equipment, but now toying with the idea. Always been a bit wary of pressure cookers, but thought I might get a slow one, after buying one for my daughter a few years ago & had some lovely meals from it.
    I look forward to what you have to say.

    Best wishes,
    Angela (south England) UK

    1. Don't forget to check out wonder bags and boxes as well, both of which you can make rather than buy. They use no fuel at all!

  5. Enjoy Rhonda! Best of luck with it all :)

  6. Don't forget to have a little 'me' time too, look forward to seeing you back when you can, hope it all goes well

  7. Hi Rhonda, I saw your name mentioned in the local paper ... we live just around the corner from you. We both would love to implement what you are doing; but sadly one of us is too busy the other is unwell. We have the desire, the books on the shelves ... ah well! ... one day! I am so happy to be able to follow your posts ... may you be refreshed as you take a short break from blogging.

  8. Enjoy Rhonda, I hope you have an easy time finishing off the new book :)

  9. Dear Rhonda, enjoy your little stay away from the blog! I'm sure you'll be back in NO time with lots of good reading stuff.

    I have sometimes wondered, over the past years, were you get all those great topics and ideas to write about every day! But since I started writing my own blog, with similar topics as you have, I think I found the answer...

    You just write about what 'is going on'! About what your hands find to do, what your head finds to think about. Amazing how many beautiful subject there are to write about, when you bring simple life to practice.

    You have inspired me for so long. Because of this, I got enrolled in a new education, Biologic Dynamic Farming, two years ago. Now I have set up up a middle size vegetable garden. For my own family, for some friends and some to share with families that have not enough money to buy organic. If it wasn't for your blogging, this garden would not exist!

    Go on with that book! Can't wait to buy it! And hope to read you soon again!

    Love, Clarien

    1. Hello Clarien. You're right. I'm often asked how I find the topics I write about. I always think I have two topics - what I do and what I think. They'll keep me going forever. Good luck with your blog. Biologic Dynamic Farming is the Steiner farming I think. If so, do you make/use Formula 500? I have some here but haven't used it yet.

    2. Yes, I use the preparation 500, you mean the fermented cow horn manure? You bury the horn in your land in the fall, dig it up in spring, and than stirr it with rainwater for an hour. Than sprinkle it over your land. It is supposed to 'open' the land for the new season. It is symbolic but also technically a very beautiful way to start up sowing season. I'm sure on Google you can find more details on this preparation and the other 6. If not, let me know. I'm happy to send you some info on BD preparations.

  10. Best of luck to you and look forward to when you get back :)

  11. I'd love to hear about knitting. Don't read this post keep your focus on finishing that book!

  12. Dear Rhonda,

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I feel privileged, with as many followers as you have. Best wishes on your new book; I'm sure it will be delightful!



  13. Yes! I'm so looking forward to another great book! I have read, reviewed, and shared your other 2!


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