25 September 2013

The winner of Slow is ...

Tracey September 24, 2013 7:47 am  Congratulations Tracey. I'm sure you'll enjoy Slow. It's a very good magazine. Please email your postal address to me and I'll have the magazine sent to you.

As you can see, there is no follow-up post about partial self-sufficiency today. I'm working to a book deadline at the moment with only a couple of weeks before I send it in. I've been making my notes about the points I want to raise in the next post but I'm also writing the book, doing my house work, looking after my family and a few other things.  I need down time to sit, think and read as well. Generally, the thing that gets dropped is the blog. So please be patient, I certainly haven't forgotten about my place here with you, but over the next couple of weeks, I might be missing a few days. I hope to see you here tomorrow. :- )


  1. Wishing you well Rhonda, you are amazing! We can't "do it all" can we? Something has to give when we spread ourselves too thin. I hope your days are productive and bring the results you wish for! Regards to Hanno also.

  2. Keep cool Rhonda, enjoy your rest time over the next few HOT days, it is easy to get sick when we "run on empty".
    Hope all goes well with the book deadline looming.

  3. Congrats Tracy! Woo-hoo! Rhonda, don't they say 'slow and steady wins the race'? We'll miss you but until we all grow 3 heads and 8 arms, we have to focus our attention on one thing at a time mostly. Good luck on the book!

  4. Congrats Tracy, you'll have to tell us how much you enjoy the mag. Take it easy Rhonda.

  5. It sounds like busy times, Rhonda, take care :)


  6. congratulations Tracy. we will be here waiting Rhonda :)

  7. I hope the work goes well Rhonda - sometimes everything comes at once! If your readers are interested in the slow life they might enjoy a visit to www.slow-it-down.co.uk.
    AnneLizzie, Sussex England

  8. Life is always a balancing act, so sometimes something has to give.

  9. Congratulations Tracy. For those like me who can't get the magazine at their local newsagent they do have subscription for $40/year if you go to the website. I was reading and writing today about mindfulness which is all about slowing down and appreciating the moment...appropriate as far as Slow magazine goes. All the best with your writing Rhonda.

  10. Congrats to Tracy! The magazine sounds so interesting. Looking forward to the rest of your thoughts on sustainability. It is good that you have your priorities! This is still sometimes a problem for me...I still tend to want to do it all,even tho I know I can't! LOL!

  11. Awww.... Thanks Rhonda! Very excited to win. I'll report back on my blog after ice had a sit down and read :)


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