20 December 2012

The sandpit is officially open

Just dropping in quickly to share this photo of Alex, the first visitor to the sandpit. Sarndra and Alex arrived yesterday afternoon for a quick visit and will be off home this morning. If I have time, I'll be back later, if not, I'll see you all tomorrow. I hope you have a lovely day.



  1. Oh Alex looks to be the perfect first time guest. He is adorable. B

  2. Alex is looking pleased with himself, well done Grandma and Opa... My 4 kids (2-7 yo) love the sandpit, its a time old tradition that I hope I will see my grandchildren play in - you just never know with this day and age and all the gadgets... but if their Oma (me in 20 years) hasn't anything to do with there will be a sandpit at our place too....

  3. Ohh lovely. The little boys are going to have so much fun. Have a very Merry Christmas Rhonda and Hanno.

  4. yaa what fun,and such a cutie too.xx

  5. Oh goodness what an adorable picture. It certainly looks like the sand pit is a success :) I can see two happy little boys playing in the sand together in your future :)

  6. Oh he is SUCH a little sweetheart! He must have been THRILLED with the sandpit! :) Pour a nice cold glass of cordial and sit in the shade by the "pit" for some first class entertainment! SO FUN!

  7. I want to run over (to where ever you are) and plonk Jarvis in the sandpit with Alex. It looks amazing. I have asked for a saw and a drill for Christmas so I can attempt to make one. I have also asked Santa to borrow your husband for a couple of days so he can teach me how to make it.

    1. Iliska, Jarvis would happily fit in with us. I reckon there's enough room for three little boys to play in there. We're just north of you in Landsborough. I hope you build your sandpit. Don't forget to download the how to build it plan on the post. Get all your timbers cut to size, Hanno said that only cost an extra $10 at Bunnings, and then it's just a matter of screwing it all together. Good luck!

  8. this made me cry with happiness....what a joy it is to see the little chap enjoying the sandpit lovingly made by his Opa

    Happy Christmas to you all


  9. What a sweet picture. I am so happy to see that sweet little face beaming up at you. I know that sand box (sand pit) will bring many happy hours of fun.

  10. It looks fantastic Rhonda! And doesn't he look happy in there :)
    Have a wonderful Christmas break with your family.

    Ps Thanks for the mention in your weekend reading list - that was unexpected! You are always so encouraging and I appreciate it always.

  11. AHHHHH What a terrific picture!!! May the kids enjoy it forever :)

  12. hahaha....fantastic Rhonda...He looks so happy...Thanks to his wonderful Opa and Nana..

    Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and family.

    Priz from Malaysia

  13. You must be very proud Rhonda, of your gorgeous little grandson and the very clever Hanno! He has done an amazing job. I've made a mental note to show Daniel. We were just saying the other day how Violet keeps playing in the gravel and that she needs a sandpit. I'm not so keen on the plastic ones, and we're a bit worried about snakes with an uncovered one. Wonderful picture :)

  14. Absolutely perfect! I love it!!! :)

  15. Such a beautiful picture! On an evening when the freezing rain is beating on the windows in the Great White North of Canada, to look at this makes me very happy. :)

  16. I think the sandpit will be a great hit with the boys! Alex looks thrilled!


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