9 November 2012

Weekend reading

Thank you for the comments left during the week, especially those yesterday in response to Jill and Jack's call for help. Reading many of the comments, I found myself nodding in agreement and thinking that after love and time from parents, how little a baby needs in this world that tells us the opposite. All of you taking the time to help shows me again the true value of this wonderful community of friends who read here. We may not live near each other but we're close.

What's it like living off the grid


Diann's Domaine

Cabbage Tree Farm

Hands Heart Passion

I hope you have a lovely weekend and have time to relax and enjoy what you have around you. I'll be having an electricity-free day and night tomorrow, just because I can. I'm also deep cleaning my work room. Happy days!  See you next week.


  1. Rhoda, your links are always so useful. Thanks for spreading the common sense and comfort that there is another way.

  2. Thanks for sharing the Christmas Craft Idea link. The children will have fun making some of these over their break from school.

  3. Love the Weekend Reading posts. I hold my little "command" key down and click click click. Now I have a heap of tabs to devour, and no doubt a heap of new blogs to subscribe to. :)

  4. Hi Rhonda I am wondering if you could help me I am looking for natural remedy for allergies in young children my daughter is two any help from you or your readers would be fantastic.


    1. Hi Linda,
      Check out the Eco Mum's blog/website. She is fantastic and should have lots of helpful advice for you. You can email her questions and age is also on Facebook if you use FB.

  5. Thank you so very much. I look forward each week to your Week end Reading list. Always very interesting content. :)

  6. Oh Rhonda, thanks for sharing! I LOVE the idea of Repair Cafes and wish we had one here. I'd use it often, I'm sure! I really enjoyed the photos of the sheds as well ~ some of them are so fun! And I love the article about living off-grid....found myself taking mental notes....I always dream and wonder what it would be like to live without electricity. Although I hope I never have to find out!!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  7. How cool is that. The Repair Cafe? I had never heard of that before (and I am Dutch). I googled, and found out that we also have one here, where I live, so that means.. that I might take part in one, mending clothes probably (because that is something I am good at) and watch how other people repair sewing machines etc. Interesting! Thank you for the wonderful links you post each week!


  8. Hello Rhonda, I hope your radio is charged up with batteries - can't be missing the cricket! Have a lovely weekend.


    1. LOL I told Hanno last week that I'd be sitting there on the first day but I forgot about it! I haven't had the TV on much at all so I didn't see any reminders for it. Oh well, I'll watch a little bit on Sunday and that will have to do. My computer is on battery today. ;- )

  9. Thanks so much for Renters guide to sustainability! I can't wait to share it with Prince Charming.

    I really like the blogs you linked to as well! I even bookmarked one of them to read on my rounds.


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