2 November 2012

Weekend reading

I did it!

Greenhorns is an American organisation who promote, recruit and support new farmers. I think this is one of the best ideas of heard about in a long time. I wish we had something similar here. Maybe we have, do you know of anything? If I had a bit more time I would certainly be open to mentoring some young people who were setting up their own place near me. Check out their blog, it's loaded with excellent articles and essays.

Almost half of all mothers in two-parent families are back at work before their youngest child turns one, completing a social revolution than has seen the dividing line between home and career disappear in less than a generation.

Cinnamon girl - featuring kale and bacon hash

Top ten pudding recipeshttp://www.taste.com.au/recipes/collections/top+10+pudding+recipes from Taste.com

Teenagers value the simple things in life

From the comments here this week:

Life in the Cotswolds 

The Old Milkcan

The Little Black Cow Blog


  1. Oh there is a lot of interesting sites this week being a farmer I look forward to the farm ones.
    The room looks all ready for your guests have fun.
    You would be a great mentor to the couple down the road. B

  2. Rhonda, I'm not sure why its happened but when I am signed in and click on the link to Top ten pudding recipes, you arrive at my 'live' dashboard. When I am signed out, it opens up in the blogger sign in page.

  3. Well done on the room! Hope hanno is doing better.

  4. The spare room looks very inviting. Well done :)

  5. For my weekend reading I'm going to be reading your book! :-)

  6. Guest room looks great, I knew you would get it done. LOL

  7. I love that quilt! Thank you for including my blog on the weekend reading list. It is like seeing someone in a crowd smile at you :)

  8. congrats, the room looks great, love the bed & the quilt, deb m

  9. Just to say hallo. I like the room. I might have a go at making a quilt, even though I am a bloke!

  10. Lovely room and space to be in! Thank you for including the Little Black Cow in your blogs this week . I have been enjoying looking at the other farming sites too.Have a lovely weekend.

  11. Thanks for the reading list Rhonda...i have been feeling overwhelmed these past few weeks with sick twins but i think a little weekend reading when they are in bed could be just the pick me up i need...have a lovely weekend x

  12. The guest room looks so pretty. I'd love to stay there. ;-)

  13. Well done on getting the guest room done! It looks great. And thankyou for offering advertising space on your site - I have just bought two beautiful pieces of jewellery from "Olive Spoon Studio" for Christmas.

  14. Thanks so much for the link. Happy to have found this community!

  15. It is a terrific looking room. Thanks for that and the links. Glad to hear Hanno is on the mend as well. The cherry juice fix takes a long time, just like most natural solutions do.


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