13 November 2012

Family and friends at our table

I spent a few very pleasant hours yesterday with Katie and Reuben from House of Humble blog. I had met Reuben once before on my book tour but Katie was working that day, so it was good to finally meet her. They are such a lovely couple and we had a lot in common, talking about our lives, writing and our blogs. I made a vegetarian quiche with backyard eggs, local cream and cheese and a salad from the last of the backyard produce. We drank raspberry cordial and elderflower cordial and had a great time of it. I get a lot out of speaking with young people such as Katie and Reuben. They ease my fears that we're not doing enough.

When they left, I started on a new piece of redwork. I bought a metre of this fabric when I was with Tricia in the Blue Mountains about two years ago. It sat there in a brown paper bag and when I was tidying up my workroom, I rediscovered it. Tricia made me a template of a running hare she used on one of her quilts, I rediscovered that too so I traced around it with pencil, and started stitching. It's going to be a table runner. 

This type if simple backstitch embroidery is the easiest thing to do. If you've never tried this before, get yourself a plain piece of fabric, draw on a simple design and see what you come up with. I have some needlework instructions here and free patterns; they make lovely Chirstmas gifts. All my stitchery patterns use this simple stitch.  Try to use a course weave pure cotton or linen fabric. The stitches will sit best on that kind of background.

The other small bit of sewing I've done this past week is to make a cover for my office chair. This is the chair I sit on when I'm on the computer and I've always wanted it to be more colourful. Well, look at it now! All it took was 30 minutes, a piece of fabric about three inches wider than the seat on all sides. I cut out the shape while the fabric was on the seat, I ironed down the hem, threaded elastic through using a safety pin to guide it and it came up really well. The top was just fitted to the size of the back rest and hemmed at the bottom. It's simple, it's easy to remove for washing, it used up some of the fabric I have here and it's made the seat look much better than it did. Not bad for 30 minutes work.

Hanno and our visitors will come home today and I'll be pleased to see them. It's been seven days since I've been out anywhere and while that doesn't bother me at all, I do have to pick up some fresh milk and fruit. Kerry, Sunny and Jamie will be here tomorrow so our dining table will be extended out to its full length and we'll all be packed around it for lunch. Luckily we have two high chairs - one for Jamie and one for Jonah. I think it will be another day to remember.



  1. What a great job you did on the chair, Rhonda! Well done and makes such a difference.

  2. beautiful calming words for me today,
    thank you Rhonda.

    cheers Kate (Lenny)

  3. Beautiful job on the chair cover! A small detail but one that makes work in that room all the more pleasant, I would imagine. I am glad to hear that you had a whole week of solitude... what bliss. If I was offered a holiday somewhere exotic OR the chance to be home alone for a whole week, I would choose the latter :)

    Enjoy your family lunch tomorrow - that sounds like a memorable occasion - do take pictures! What are you serving?

    1. Hi Sherri. I need a meal that can sit in the oven and wait because Kerry, Sunny and I will be going over to look at the house they're going to move into soon. It belongs to a friend of mine and she's letting them have it at a very cheap rent even though it's beautiful, five bedrooms and fully furnished. They're saving for a house deposit so they are both very appreciative of her generosity. So I'll cook a chicken casserole in the morning and when we come back I'll make a separate tray of baked vegetables and a pot of spinach. Coffee cake for dessert, water melon for the boys. Photos will be taken.

  4. Good morning Rhonda. I love Katie and Rueben's blog and agree what a lovely young couple they are. Gives us hope for the future to know that the younger ones are following our lead.
    Love your new chair cover as well.

    Cheers, Karen near Gympie.

  5. such a classy chair! the office black and greys are really awful. I'd love to get into embroidery, my mum's excellent at it.

  6. That chair cover is brilliant! I've been looking around to see if there are any correspondence courses in how to re-upholster furniture as ours is very kid worn - but that is a very simple way of making something look nice again. Thank you :)

  7. Good morning Rhonda,

    Ha ha, a running hare table runner. Very good. Have a lovely visit with everyone tomorrow. Regards, Barb

  8. That chair looks very spiffy now! I can't wait to see your table runner finished and in use. Funny how we need time to let new projects percolate sometimes, and then sometimes it's like your chair cover - start to finish in half an hour! Thanks for the intro to House of Humble, I don't know how I missed it before, but it's a gorgeous blog and I'm going to get a fresh cup of coffee and dive in!

  9. Hello Rhonda..I love your office chair re-covering project. I've used chain stitch in the same way you're using back stitch...outlining always looks lovely.Have a good day..
    Barb from Australia

  10. I love the office chair cover!! I have been eyeing chairs in thrift shops that are very little money but the upholstery is always awful. Now I just won't worry about that and recover! I need a chair for a new sewing area I will soon have.

  11. Good morning, Rhonda! I'm so excited to see the link about the "redwork"! I actually found the same fabric among my stash after my move and now I know what I will do with it! Thanks!

  12. One Christmas I embroidery a set of pillow cases. But right now we been doing some tossing out all stuff and reorganizing...It feel good to get rid of lot of junk.
    I'll check out your link to the other blog now.

    Coffee is on.


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