10 October 2012

Unmitigated optimism and selfishness

I am filled with unmitigated optimism at the moment because I have made some decisions lately, based solely on what I want to do. Selfish I know, but sometimes you just have to put yourself first. Behind me are a few months of exciting and memorable book promotions and years of enriching, life changing and sometimes demanding volunteer work at the neighbourhood centre. I have given up all my paid writing work. I have enjoyed all I'm leaving behind but home is where my heart is, I have grandchildren who need their grandma and opa at home and I want to develop different interests, write some more for you and be a homemaker again.  

Late afternoon in the lounge room.

To tell you the truth, I feel like I did when I first closed down my business and discovered the joys of domestic life. Then my friends queried my shift towards homemaking but I had discovered something precious they didn't know - it was an empowering and creative way to spend my time. What better project to work on than my life, in my own home? And that is where I am again but now it's not so much a major project, rather I'm modifying for older age and tweaking our home to better suit visits from grandchildren, family and friends. 

It's all ahead of me and I'm so ready to dive in. I want most of what I do now to come from my home and or be for my home. So what are my plans? Let's start with some good news. My book, Down to Earth, has gone into its second printing. I'm very proud of that because there were 12,000 copies printed in the first run and as my editor said, "that seemed so ambitious at the time", but they sold, in eight months. Penguin told me recently that an ebook version of Down to Earth will be out before Christmas. The ebook will not look the same as the paper book, otherwise the file would be too big to download but they're testing different formats at the moment and I'm hoping to have an update about it soon. By the way, the ebook is for sale only in Australia and New Zealand as Penguin doesn't own the copyright for any international sales. My New York agent, Abby, is currently at the bookfair in Germany and she has my book with her as part of their portfolio to promote this year. It's very exciting!  But here at home, one of my projects will be to write some ebooks on particular topics to sell from the blog. They'll be well priced so anyone can buy then and they'll be sold both here in Australia and internationally. And I'm still going ahead with the blogging workshops with Ernie - the first one is scheduled next week, in Maleny. Later we'll do some more on the Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, the Gold Coast and possibly Toowoomba.

But even though all this will be going on, my main focus will be to remain grounded here at home - the writing will be woven into my days around the baking, cleaning, cooking, gardening, sewing, mending and knitting. This where I am at my best, nothing will change that. So if I nurture myself with home time, coupled with housework done to my old routines, I know I'll write well and do well when we go out for a workshop. The workshops will be fairly infrequent so most of my time will be here, at home, with Hanno, Hettie and the chooks, and occasional visits from family and friends.

Some of Hanno's family are visiting from Germany next month and they'll be staying with us. There will be a long road trip while they're here but I'll stay at home to keep everything going and will really enjoy the solitude. Before they arrive, we have an ironing room to turn back into a bedroom and about three weeks ironing to do. Maybe that's an exaggeration, it's probably more like four hours.

Winding a shank of cotton into a ball. I have to get Hanno to look at this winder, it's not extending out as it should.

Ahead of me right now - today - I have housework to do. In the coming weeks, we have to declutter again, I have the major task of reorganising my work room and there is sewing and knitting waiting. I want to make a couple of nightgowns for myself and a quilt for the bedroom we're bringing back to life. I have a cardigan for Jo's baby waiting to be finished and some vests and cardigans for Daniel and Laura's baby to start.

Before and after of the cutlery drawer.

There is so much to do! Domestic life is opening up its warm and loving arms to me again and now I have the time to make the most of that. I am even going to clean out my gadget junk drawer in the kitchen. :- ) I might make a challenge out of that task because I know you have a drawer just like mine lurking in your home too. We'll do that together next week sometime. Today I'll be making bread, ironing, writing content for our blogging workshop website and finishing off our logo. What will you be doing today?



  1. I can hear the excitement in your words, enjoy this new season!

  2. Great post, Rhonda - it does help to re-group once in a while.

    After work today, I'm going to my Tuesday night knitting group with a wonderful group of women here in my community. Then will re-heat leftover dinner from yesterday that I cooked in my crockpot.

  3. Congratulations on your book Rhonda, my copy sits in my lounge and I re-read it all the time. I have to tell you I made your raspberry cordial and we all love it especially my daughter with a sensitive tummy, last weekend I bottled my first batch of ginger beer and it's delicious! I have another bug on the go at the moment, I made jam drops last weekend and their nearly all gone, it's a quick and easy recipe. I'm baking bread more often, trying to be more organized and setting the bread maker so it's ready at 5.3o am. Than you for being an inspiration Rhonda. Xx Shari Hawkins

  4. I can imagine you feel so much lighter knowing you are going back to the life you love Rhonda.
    What will I be doing today? - I did a double casserole yesterday as I knew it was going to be a busy day and we needed a nutritious meal tonight . Today will be spent catching up in the house and making beds before our next lot of farm stay guests arrive.

  5. I am so excited for you, Rhonda. I know you are doing what is right for you and your family. I've never been able to even think of paying money for books in recent years, but perhaps that will change, and your book is among the first I would like to get.

  6. Dear Rhonda, life is too short to compromise on your happiness, and I applaud you listening to your heart and doing what's right for you. Good for you. Enjoy!

  7. Good morning Rhonda. I really enjoyed reading your blog today, it sounded so refreshing, with your plans for the future. What am I doing today? I'm off to Beelarong Community Farm in Morningside where I have my allotment. A group of us meet every Wednesday morning to work on the community garden and today we are being joined at morning tea by the Deputy Principal of the local High School who will be bringing some students along. We are planning to join forces and invite some of the students from the High School to do volunteer work at the farm. At the High School students are awarded certificates for the volunteer work they do in the community. I think it's a grand way to involve the students with the community garden at the farm. And it's always good to have young people around us - many of us volunteers are retired.

  8. It's just like having a warm, wise virtual mother. Bless you

  9. I'm doing much the same today, working a lot in the kitchen to get the refrigerator cleaned and reorganized, and to give everything a good scrub! My baby has discovered the spice cabinet, so she's reorganizing that for me while I work ;)

    There really is so much to do at home - I get frustrated when people say, "what do you do all day?" Everything! And when I'm away from home for the day, I notice how quickly things pile up and start becoming disorderly. I'm very thankful I'm able to be here at home more than I'm away.


  10. Hi Rhonda,
    I don't have to be at work until 12.30 today,so I'll be doing some baking,cooking beans to go into a casserole tonight and pottering about in the vegetable garden.
    I'll also spend a bit of time playing the piano. The older I get ,the more I realise it really is important to do just we we want to do sometimes,otherwise life becomes one long 'to do' list.
    Enjoy your day :) Madeleine

  11. That sounds wonderful, i would never have though it before I did it, but homemaking has made me the happiest I've ever been. today we're making leek and potato soup, playing in the park (the sun is out-yay!),planting vege seeds and seedlings, and if i have the energy, baking bread. all at a leisurely pace with a toddler. pretty much my perfect day!

  12. Hi Rhonda...I so wish I could buy one of your books here in the UK.

    It's evening here now...tomorrow I will be at my allotment again, digging and ckearing ready for the long winter months. I have some garlic to plant too.

    1. I had an email this morning from a UK reader, she said she bought my book on Fishpond UK. I tried to check it out but I keep being redirected to the Australian site. Enjoy your allotment tomorrow.

    2. I got mine from Book Depository UK. It arrived promtly and I am enjoying it immensely.

    3. I have had Rhonda's book on Book Depository's want list but they have been out of stock for months.

    4. This is part of an email I received from a UK reader this morning:

      I just wanted to let you know (if you didn't know already) that the Down
      To Earth book is available to UK readers now, with free delivery :-)

      Last week I ordered your book from fishpond.co.uk and it arrived here
      this morning. I am pleased with their service and I'd recommend them
      to UK readers.

      The book costs £25.99 and there is no delivery charge (even though
      it's been flown in from new Zealand?!)

      I just thought I'd share, as I've been after a copy of the book for a
      while and had been put off by the postage charges until I discovered
      that fishpond has a uk site.

  13. I have small grandchildren and I have been making things out of Oliver & S book Little Things. This is a wonderful book and I have made about two thirds of the stuff in it so far. The patterns are so easy to follow and the clothes come out perfectly. The sun hat, the explorer jacket and the paint smock are my favorite. I laminated some cotton for the bibs - all wonderful.

  14. Congratulations on the success of your book, Rhonda. I look forward to the day that it is available in the USA. Your three weeks of ironing made me laugh! Sounds like my mending basket. :)

    This day is about half done, and I am about to start a batch of pumpkin muffins to have with our supper. I've already made yogurt and done a bit of knitting (I am working on Christmas gifts). And of course my children are with me.

    I don't think you are selfish at all. Putting ones home and family first is quite lovely - we are just blessed in that we enjoy it so!

  15. Sounds like you're at a wonderful time in your life. :)

  16. I was so disappointed by this post. You wrote "I have given up all my paid writing work" but then go on to tell us you'll be "writing some ebooks on topics to sell here on the blog"

    This used to be a blog where information and tips on frugal life and homemaking was shared freely, not a money making enterprise. Of course this is up to you if you want to your blog to be all about making money for yourself but I do feel that you are purposely drawing readers in by saying you have returned to being a homemaker writing the blog as you used to do.

    Good for you that you have had such sales of your book but please don't treat us all as gullible readers who don't understand just what you're about.

    1. I'm disappointed in the comment but I respect your right to an opinion. Giving up paid writing work meant the work I did for other people that I got paid for, not my own writing work that I will make money on to live. This still is a blog about frugal life and homemaking but above all else it is my own personal blog, writing is a part of my life, I have to make money to live and if you don't, that's great for you. The majority of us have to work.

      I have never thought of the people who read here as gullible and I'm saddened that you do. I hope they see that I'm just an ordinary woman who writes about life and who sometimes makes money doing that. I'm not going to apologise for it and if it offends you, you shouldn't visit here.

    2. Beth I think you should take a deep breath and think about what you wrote. Rhonda writes articles for paper publications as well as for her blog and it is this commissioned work that she is giving up. I think it is really unfair and unkind to suggest that all the information, encouragement and pleasure that she has given us all - for many years now - was little more than a calculated ploy to get rich from her clueless readers. Have you not read her posts? That's the last thing Rhonda would do! Putting just a fraction of the knowledge, recipes and methods that she has into an ebook would provide many people with a easy to read and buy, ecologically beneficial form and she is entitled to be rewarded - yes - monetarily - for that effort. If you are going to flounce off in a snit then perhaps you should think before you speak because you have just been incredibly unfair to a very generous lady.

    3. Beth, how can you be disappointed with Rhonda for being a totally honest & generous person? I have only recently found this blog and have bought Her book, followed some of Her suggestions and have been very impressed by her no nonsense approach to life.

  17. If you are considering Toowoomba for the blogging workshops How about Ipswich too?

    1. I'm not sure about Ipswich, Jeanette. There will be workshops in Brisbane that may be close.

  18. The warm fireplaceOctober 10, 2012 7:23 am

    We all have to get back to where we are happiest, i too am hoping your book will come to the uk.

  19. Oh Dear, I think Beth has misunderstood and grabbed the wrong end of the stick!
    I am definitely in for next week's gadget drawer clean out! Right before you said that I was admiring the baskets in your cutlery drawer thinking how they just might help organise the gadgets. My mother hates my 2nd drawer!
    Congratulations on the 2nd printing, that is a HUGE achievement, well done.

  20. Good for you Rhonda! And congratulations on the second printing! In the past few months I decided to do what I want and go back to my art practice (despite everyone's "concerns") and already I've had a solo show and am now a finalist in the first art prize I've entered. When you follow your gut things just fall into place, not without hard work of course, but it's like the path is already there and you are just uncovering it. It's like there's a map for all of us but we only get to see ahead one step at a time and we just have to have faith that it's taking us in the right direction, and trust our guts! We all have a role to play on this earth and being "selfish" often means we're simply carrying out that role. Thanks for being a great example.

    1. tillieandcoco, congratulations on your solo show and fingers crossed for the art prize. How fabulous it that! Please let me know how it goes. xx

  21. So glad you'll be able to focus on what you love Rhonda.

  22. Welcome home Rhonda! As always your descriptions of home creates vivid images of a space full of love, warmth and security.

    Today our solar panels are being installed and I will be at home with my 7 month old and 3 year old as the men work on the roof. We will spend some time in the garden and do some baking, I have gravy beef to cook for tomorrow nights pie and while the children nap I will be packing for our upcoming camping trip. :)

  23. Poor Beth, I'm sorry that she didn't understand your post. All about making money for yourself?! No, nothing could be farther from the truth. I hope Beth will continue to read your posts. I'm sure if she does, she'll reconsider her words. I'm going to give her the benefit of the doubt and chalk her words up to maybe she was having a bad day.

    Yours is the blog I look most forward to reading every single day. You are a very unselfish person in sharing your knowledge and it is we, your readers, who earn the most, not you.

    Diane in North Carolina

    1. I have to agree, Diane. This is by far my favorite blog. I have learned so much from her book and her blog. I feel like I am getting the tutelage of Grandma and Olivia Walton when I read her blog and book.

      I don't understand why people begrudge others for success.

      Monica - Virginia, USA

  24. Sometimes I think we all need to focus on what is important to us and I actually don't think it is selfish. We are here to feed our own souls as well as thinking of others.
    Wonderful news on your second print and an e-book sounds great. :)

  25. Oh, and today, I am going to see if my mum is free for a visit. She has some paintings being exibited as part of her art group so I thought she could take me to have a look at them. Otherwise, I need to make some more bread and soup. Hopefully some sewing if there is time.

  26. Hi Rhonda I must be selfish too but I am so happy you are still doing your blog . I enjoy my morning read with my cup of tea .

    Linda :-)

  27. Congratulations on the second printing. For me, Wednesday is my outdoors day. I will pot some seedlings that have just sprouted from seed in my seed tray, but aren't big enough to play out yet. I also have some washing left from yesterday that needs folding and putting away. And I will make bread this morning too, so we have some for lunch. Actually, better get on to that before I run out of time!

  28. How fabulous that the book is on it's second printing!!!
    Fab news with the ebooks too.
    I just love reading your posts about getting into the home, it really encourages me.

    Today I have some washing to do, general routine stuff and then I home to finish off a project I started the other day.
    Dinner is a simple spaghetti bolognaise but I'll be adding in the remaining veg from the fridge as it's shopping day tomorrow.
    Oh that means writing the shopping list too, menu plan is done though :)

  29. Good decisions Rhonda. I feel we have to keep making the same lifestyle decisions over and over - you made a decision to give up your busy working life and be at home. Then, through your writing, you were taken off on another busy working journey. It is lovely to see that you've been able to enjoy the experience and then come back to what you truly want your focus to be. Enjoy this time, I am sure you are a wonderful grandmother to those lovely little boys.

  30. Oh I am so excited for you. Back to the domestic basics after an incredible dream project that is still going strong all by itself and does not need you to continue promoting. Sounds like heaven:) B

  31. Thank you for your very encouraging posts Rhonda, I find them very helpful. After working most of my life, I retired two years ago and found your blog early this year. I purchased your book and have changed a number of things at home and am continuing to do so.

  32. It all sounds so exciting. I can certainly understand how you are feeling. We work from home on the farm and nothing pleases me more than to be able to do that. I love to work out in the market garden and then come in throughout the day. And I sure do want to be able to have the time to spend with the grandchildren.

  33. You inspire me to no end! My husband and I are working very hard to get to the point where I can stay home full-time. We've made many changes in our lifestyle and we will get there! Thank you!

  34. I was wondering lately why was I getting stressed. Then it came to me outside work was effecting homelife. So I'm making a change, so I can get back to my right balance. Moneywise we might have less, but thats not important as my health and being there for my kids. So Good on you :)
    And I have your book, love it :) have already shared it with others. Thank you

  35. Congratulations on the second print run of your book Rhonda. That is a great achievement. Best of luck with the ebooks too.

    Today around here: it's my daughter's birthday, so I am reflecting on eight years of motherhood - what I have learned about life and myself since she arrived, and what a blessing she and her brother are to me. I have work deadlines looming, so most of the day will have to be dedicated to those, but in between calls there's washing to be hung out, birthday party treats to be made, dinner to be organised and a rain dance or two to do in the hope the downpour predicted for tomorrow actually eventuates because the garden is really suffering and the tank is dry.

    1. Motherhood is such a wise and gentle teacher. Happy birthday to your little girl. I hope you all enjoy the day.

  36. Sometimes change can be a good thing, and it must feel good to have a renewed enthusiasm for the home front. I know myself in the past, if I haven't been able to be at home much I do start to suffer emotionally, and unplanned days at home are such a good chance to potter around and recharge the batteries. It sounds like there is a lot of exciting projects and visits coming up for you - look forward to hearing more. Congratulations on the reprint Rhonda:)

  37. I found your post so encouraging to read today! I've been struggling lately with the expectations I feel I need to meet to "be an author", but I think my heart is really in quiet things and simple beauty. Lately all I've had energy and time for has been meeting deadlines etc. Thank you for your post and the reminder to consider the important things and focus on them - no matter how 'small' they may seem to others.

    1. Penny, I found that 'being an author' was the least of it for me. I liked the work, I enjoyed the success but after all, it's just another job. The work of living well is never-ending.

  38. Hi Rhonda Jean

    I have been a follower of your blog and occasional poster for quite a few years, but I wanted to let you know how much of an impact your posts have had on me over the last few months. I am a stay-at-home mum to two gorgeous little girls and we recently had started to fall behind in our finances. My husband and I decided that I would go out to work a few nights a week to bring in some extra income. We live fairly simple (or so I thought) but were still struggling. I also was lacking a bit of direction being at home with the girls, so off to work I went. At first I loved the 'me' time and the extra money was a big help, but it only took a few weeks before I felt very stressed and started really missing not being home those couple of nights to help get the girls ready for bed and read stories etc. Work was asking me to do more and more shifts and I found the relaxed and slower pace I had lived my life was speeding up...i didn't like it at all. After 5 weeks of work I resigned, and started a new role...Manager of the Budget at home! Whereas before I thought we were living frugally (buying the homebrand versions of everything), the desire to stay at home full-time has taken things up a notch and now I make the biscuits instead of buying and also the laundry detergent too. I have returned to my home and I will not be leaving any time soon.

    Thank you so much Rhonda, your posts have empowered me and made me realise I could be my own boss and return to the life I loved.


    1. Good for you, Lauren! There is always something you can do. Making from scratch is often a good cost saver. I look at everything we buy and if I can make it myself, I do. I wish you all the best in the coming weeks and I hope it all falls in place for you and your family.

  39. Rhonda, love this post, I stay at home too and know the joys of being a homemaker and the love and care that one can put into a home!
    I would love you to think about writing a post about 'older' people and how we can best prepare our homes as we age, there must be ways of organsing things/our homes and rooms inthe house etcto make life easier as one ages . . . not much is written about that and I think you'd do that well! looking forward to a post on this.

    1. It sounds like something I could do, Winterwood. I've put it on my list. Thanks for the suggestion.

  40. I'm having a quiet day because I'm having one of those rare times when I'll be at on my own till this evening. I've potted around doing bits and pieces this morning and now I am going to spend the afternoon sewing. I'm really enjoying being able to just soak in the quietness. Like Winterwood, I'd like to hear more on how you are preparing your home for an easier older life. Like you, I love my home and I enjoy staying at home as much as possible. I happy for you that the book is going so well after all the effort you put into it.
    Blessings to you both

  41. Hi Rhonda,

    I loved this post as I love all of your posts. What is it about Spring that makes us want to clean out cupboards and organise our homes? I am sure that I get the urge more in spring time than any other time.

    Have also just slowed down from work and I already feel less stressed and happier being home. The hard part sometimes is other peoples lack of understanding. People are so geared into thinking that everybody wants to make more and more money. It drives me a bit nuts at times.

    So glad to be able to come to this page and know that there are like minded people out there.


  42. Ahhhh, I've read your blog and all seems right with the world again. I often question myself for wanting to be a home maker- none of my friends share my interest, and those that do stay home full time are not interested in living simply. A quick read of your blog though, and I know in my heart that I am working towards true happiness for my family. A scan of the comments reassures me there are lots of people like me out there, I just have to find some who live near me!
    Thanks for a wonderful, inspiring, honest blog Rhonda.

  43. When I find myself tired, I am too busy and stretched too thin, there is nothing like being at home to reset myself. The peace and joy I have working here in our home is like nothing else. Fine tuning and organizing our home is so satisfying as it just makes the flow of our daily work so smooth and enjoyable.

    I am happy for you that you are now able to be home as you like now that your book signing journey has drawn to a close. Your cutlery drawer look very nice and I know you will be so satisfied as you work your way around the house fine tuning. Hugs :)

  44. Encouragement and comfort, as always! My day? I will finish digging this coming year's onion bed, ready to plant overwintering onions (rural Lincolnshire, England)- a sunny day is forecast. Michael is cutting willow rods to dry off ready for next year's climbing veggies and sweet peas to grow up.Using up some old eggs in a baking session and freezing the resulting bounty as sponge cakes to fish out for unexpected visitors. Starting another quilt, using old fabric from jumble sales and unwanted shirts. I make smallish ones to cover up ugly doors in our house!I can't afford brand new fabrics so make a point of creating "summat from nowt" as we say round here. Jane, smallholder, UK.

    1. Jane, I'm envious of those willow rods. I wish we could grow those here. It sounds like a full day ahead, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself.

  45. Rhonda thank you for your generosity given in all the knowledge you share on this blog and the hours of research you save me as I move from one project to another. Thank you also for showing that it is possible to earn a living and also be a fulfilled home person.

  46. Hi Rhonda
    I wanted to thank you for giving me the courage to buy a chick. We adopted 'Squish' 6 months ago and have loved watching her grow into an affectionate young hen with a unique personality. She became a member of our family, following us around the yard, keeping me company as I hung washing on the line or just wanted a quiet moment.

    Unfortunately today our next door neighbors dogs savaged her, leaving her for dead. My 6 year old son found her and even though we raced her to the vet, she couldn't be saved and had to be put to sleep.

    I'm writing here because I know you will understand how much this loss has hurt us, and that it's not 'crazy' to mourn the loss of your pet, regardless the species

    1. I'm sorry Squish died in such a way. We've had chooks that have been killed by dogs and it's heart-breaking. It's sad you're son found her too. Chooks are wonderful pets for young children. They teach responsibility and the routines of feeding and watering and for boys especially, they teach gentleness. Squish has also taught your son about death - always a harsh and difficult lesson but one we all need to learn. I hope you buy more chooks. If you do, buy two, because chooks love the company of other chooks as well as being around people.

    2. Hi Rhonda

      We had two but living in a residential area had to give our 'sexed' female Matilda to friends when she started crowing :/. Evidently Matilda was destined to be a Matthew!

  47. Hi Rhonda, Can you let me know where I can find the details about your blogging workshops (did you mention a separate website?). Maleny might be a push but Brisbane would be great! Penny

    1. We haven't organised the Brisbane dates yet, Penny, when we have, I'll post them on the blog.

  48. I enjoy your blog so much! So happy for you on the second printing! I have learned a great deal from you. Today we are off to buy truck parts with money my husband got for selling an old clock and repairing one for a friend. Between the two, he got enough to buy his needed parts without dipping into our savings. I'm also picking up an expensive pair of jeans for my son from a niece who needed to clean out her closets. The jeans are costing me a forth of what they would in the store. We all need to help each other out, the give and take brings us all closer to our goals. Thanks for taking time to give, Rhonda. I appreciate your efforts.

    1. Annie, well done on your cost savings! You and you husband make a great team.

  49. I have done over our youngest son's room into a grandchild room after our son's July wedding. I have a crib, a toddler bed and a youth bed in there for them which suits all the ages of our 4 grandchildren right now. They are SO incredibly proud of the room that is all their own at Nana and Poppa's house. They also sleep so much better when they come which keeps the parents happy too! I found a little table and chairs at different thrift shops and painted them to match my kitchen and have them there for snacks and puzzles and coloring. Again, they are so pleased! We have outfitted ourselves with highchair and boosters so that mealtime is easier for them and it has been a great help also. I have purchased small plastic plates and bowls and sippy cups. It is wonderful to be grandparents and our kids are happy to bring them since we are prepared for the care and comfort of the children. Besides that, I had so much fun doing it all! You will have a great time doing it all too!

  50. Rhonda, I wish to thank you for your wisdom and generous sharing of yourself. I discovered your blog last January during a very challenging time in my life. I had left a demanding career to stay home and care for my husband who has an incurable cancer while he is still well enough to enjoy life together, although his energy and stamina are not what they were. Your blog is a wonderful reminder of living mindfully in the moment and enjoying the simple pleasures of everyday life. Home now has especially become a place to create rich memories, experience the little joys and comforts as our world shrinks during our bitter sweet time together. One of my little joys is reading your blog regularly. We live in Canada and my husband would like to buy your book for me. Do you know when it will be available in Canada?

    1. I'm so sorry you're both going through this.

      At the moment there are no plans to sell the book anywhere except Australia and NZ, however, individual book sellers may stock it. On my side bar are sellers who will post from Australia and yesterday I heard that Fishpond in the UK have it listed.

      May you both enjoy this precious time together.
      with love
      Rhonda xx

  51. Great post Rhonda. This is one of those that I'll print out and paste into my notebook. You always remind me of what is important, you get me back on track. Thank you.

  52. It's great to see your happiness... :-D
    And I'm glad you'll sell your e-books: it's quite complicated to import "physical" books from Australia to Brazil. ;-D


  53. Hi Rhonda,
    Today I worked on phonics and math with my little ones, investigated some mysterious plants growing in our yard(we are going to try to figure out what they are), researched some vitamin supplements for my parents and ordered one for them, learned a bit about self lymphatic massage, and generally guided the house for our family of 7. I also wrote a short article for pay.

    It's a great life!

  54. Hello Rhonda,

    Have just discovered your blog this week and love it. This is how we all used to live once, simply, albeit with some very hard work. Home is where we should be most comfortable, cherished and content so it stands to reason we need to put some time into making it a place of warmth and welcome. Enjoy your time!

  55. Hello Rhonda,

    I only found your blog a short while ago and it is like a breath of fresh air! I've wanted to do what you are doing for as long as I can remember, but recently I decided to chase that dream. I up-sticks from the UK and moved to Bulgaria, where house/land/cost of living is so cheap and now I can start living my dream!

    My tip about drawers, is not to have too many. In my last kitchen, I only had 3 drawers, 2 for cutlerly and one for tea towels, dusters, dish clothes, etc. Here, in BG, I shall do the same, assuming that I will have a kitchen this side of Christmas, lol!

    Keep up the good work!

    Jak x


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