23 October 2012

A child in the house

It's quiet here. We hear the general noise of most small neighbourhoods, like an occasional car driving by, lawn mowers and sometimes a dog barking, but most of the time it's birds or wind or just silence. Late in the afternoon, especially around this time of year, flocks of ducks and magpie geese fly overhead. At the moment, willy wagtails are swishing over the grass, competing with the chooks for insects and the spangled drongos are here to rest on their annual migration to New Guinea. 

It's been a slow and gentle day. I've done some writing, baked a cake, vacuumed and washed the floors and then there is the sound of a car driving in and look who walks through the door. It's Jamie!

It is amazing to me how quickly the feeling of a home changes as soon as children are about. 

Soon there are snacks to make.

and stories to tell.

I wonder who I can play with...

Opa is here! We can play you push my car.

And there is so much to do outside. There are chooks to chase and so much grass to run on.

But I still help Opa collect the eggs.

And I have to help daddy wash the car so I'll zoom around like a jet so he can't splash me with that hose.
 Opa and I walk in the garden and talk about the flowers.

What's that grandma, it's time for tea?

 I'll just put these on and she won't recognise me.

He's is growing up so fast, but I said that about his father too and I guess my mum said it about me. Soon we'll get to see much more of Kerry, Sunny and Jamie  because at the end of the year, they'll move up the coast to be closer to us. We're looking forward to that and to being able to help care for Jamie while Kerry and Sunny work.

It's 5.30am and I can hear Jamie waking. He's talking to Sunny. Soon they'll be up, breakfast will be on the table and the day will begin with a child in the house. I hope you enjoy your day.



  1. This was a lovely post. I'm still in the teenage years with my boys so grandchildren are a long way off (well... they'd BETTER be or they'll be in a world of trouble!!) but it was nice to see a picture story of this stage of life.

  2. What a happy, adorable child! Enjoy the visit!

  3. Dear Rhonda, I hope you will have a wonderfull day ahead of you. What a love and joy you are showing us today!

    We have had a 'water-training' today. Due to a broken waterpipe we (and about 50.000 other villagers) have had no water for about two hours in the morning. It was a good exercise for when there is really a disaster. But thanks to you and your book.. we were prepared! ;o)

    Love from Holland X

  4. Jamie is such a cutie. Jamie visiting you reminds of what it was like when I visited my grandparents. Lots to to and learn.
    I so agree how children fill a home. I notice it so much when little people go home.
    Have a lovely day Rhonda.

  5. Such wonderful scenes from your home. Jamie is growing so fast and what a beautiful boy he is. It will be lovely for you all to have them living closer. My daughter and her family are moving closer to us in November, which I am also looking forward to.

    1. That's good news Kate. I find it's very reassuring having them close.

  6. Grandchildren are such a blessing, I can't wait till I get some. But as my children have only just left home I'm happy to wait alittle while.

  7. That's a lovely post Rhonda. Children are lovely to have around the house, they make you smile and somehow make you see the meaning of life. I love the way they look at everything so differently from us adults as everything is so new to them...we should learn from them.

  8. What a sweet post, Rhonda. I still have small children at home, and I do cherish every day of it! I'm happy that your family will soon live near to you. Have a lovely day.

  9. A lovely post today Rhonda. I'm lucky that my little grandson (4 years) is visiting today. We are going over to my allotment to water it so that will be fun.

  10. Good morning Rhonda,

    What a lovely treat to have a little person about. And isn't Opa's hand healing well - good German blood - that's what my mother always says! Best wishes to you all. Barb.

    1. Barb, I didn't realise, until you pointed it out, that you can see the scar now that the bandage is off. Yes, it has healed very well. Hanno's been going to a very good OT who specialises in hand injuries. She's been doing his dressing and has given him a range of exercises to get back the full use of his hand. So with all that, and the good German blood, he should be back to 100% sooner rather than later.

  11. Delightful! I'm glad to see Opa is "bolly" free.

    1. Rose, we've washed the cover and now it's sitting on the chest of drawers in the bedroom, just in case.

  12. What a handsome little man! My mother is traveling to Sydney today to help me with my daughter. Sometimes you just need another set of hands! I'm sometimes envious of those that have family close however I try to focus on how special the times are when my parents are able to visit and remember that when I was born my mother's closest family was 8 hours drive away! I hope you enjoy your day- I think I'll enjoy the results of a day of spring cleaning without stopping every two second to tend to baby! :D

  13. What a nice post this is - he's awfully cute, too.

  14. beautiful post Rhonda. Best of luck with the grandma duties while mum and dad work ; )

  15. what a wonderful post Rhonda,what a beautiful day.xx

  16. GOLLY he has gotten so big. You are so right about them growing up quickly.

  17. What a lovely time it is when the grandkids pop around. Our two were visiting over the weekend and they love running around the garden paths. They discovered some loofas that needed to be peeled and de-seeded and got a bit enthusiastic about flinging seeds everywhere while they shook the loofas. Now I will see the results of their visit popping up all over the garden and remember their laughter as they watched seeds being flung far a wide! I am definitely more patient as a grandparent than I was as a parent!

  18. What a beautiful grandchild! We have already had the raising of 6 grandchildren, but with two unmarried sons - well there is always hope. And three of my grands are marrying age now, so the potential for great grands is looming. And I'm prepared - have saved the good story books and hand-made toys and dolls - ready and waiting I should guess.

  19. He is totally gorgeous and growing so fast...I love this age group...so interested in everything and generally busy :) Lovely that they will be closer to you both...I loved my relationship with my grandparents...unfaultering in their love and a constant in our lives even with many km's in between

  20. What a handsome Grandson you have....wishing you all joyful days together.

  21. Hi Rhonda

    a question a little off the track, but I am interested to make some beaded cloth food covers for summer and notice that you use these. What fabric do you use and how do you make them?

    Gold Coast

    1. Jane, use cotton netting or a loose weave muslin. Cut into a circle and hem, then crochet a longish lacy edge that you attach about 10 beads to. To edging needs to be fairly heavy to prevent the cover from blowing off the jug if used outside.

  22. Most of the time, when I read your post... I end up geting knowledge, know how, inspirations...but today, I felt I went to spent an enjoyable time with your family of various age group - yet as one...love it :-)

  23. Rhonda, your post and pictures today remind me so much of when I was a child and would visit my grandmother's farm. I have such strong, emotional and happy memories of those days, as I'm sure your grandsons will too. My children don't see their grandparents much as my folks still work fulltime, and that always makes my heart a little sad.
    It's also good to hear from a grandparent how much joy you receive from the visits - it reminds me that my children are not a chore to their grandparents, but a delight.
    Hope you had a lovely day,

    1. Rachael, we love these visits. It feels so good to have the family back here. Hopefully, a little later down the track when your parents don't work ful-ltime, there will be lots of visiting going on over there. xx

  24. A lovely family day, you just can't beat it can you, the sound of a child's laughter ringing through the house.

    Sue xx

  25. Rhonda,
    I love that 'egg' picture. Too adorable. Reminds me of collecting eggs whilst visiting my own grandparents. Amazing how simple things bring the happiest memories. I know there is a lesson there.

    Trinidad & Tobago
    p.s. love those flowers. They look like what we call 'easter lilies'.
    p.s.s. Lovely to see Hanno feeling better and pottering around with his grandkid.

  26. It is a priviledge to share in these moments, and to know that we are shaping young lives. It reminds me of my late Dad. He just loved our adopted children - unconditionally, even though there was an enormous age difference, however they seemed to share that wonderful 'connection' between one another. Just being with each other was beautiful to watch. Such moments can never be lost, as we share their journey of discovery and fascination of the world around them.

    A family is a wonderful thing. Let's celebrate and affirm each member for what they uniquely bring to our lives!

  27. What a beautiful boy. Such a blessing to see your home and yard through a child's eyes. My grandbabes change my perspective every time they visit. And how lovely to see your green grass as I woke up to a blanket of white snow this morning in Montana, which of course is also lovely. Enjoy your little visitor.

  28. A beautiful post Rhonda! And Jamie has certainly grown a lot; lovely photos and captions :-)

  29. Children make you see even your own homes differently. As they go here and there exploring and trying and looking they show us things we did not notice ourselves! Jamie is so cute!!! I used to love visiting the family farms. There were never any bought toys of any kind there for us. Why would there be? There was so much nature and animals and people to see and interact with we wouldn't have had time! We learned so much that to this day affects our lives. Sarah

  30. Rhonda, Jamie is so, so darling ~ I'm sure you can't get enough of him! My house is always full of young children so I love reading about your quiet mornings and serene goings-on. Hope you enjoy the visit ~ it's so nice that they'll be living closeby.

  31. You are absolutely right about the energy that a child brings to our homes. When my son was little I said the house actually vibrated when he was awake. Now he brings his 4 kids to visit and the house almost jumps off the foundation. Thanks for reminding me of that memory.

  32. That is lovely! I think this is how my parents feel when we show up. Even though my youngest sister is about four months younger than my oldest son (I am the oldest of eleven,, and we are spaced out a little)my siblings are quieter than my children o_O

  33. What a wonderful post! Good to see Hanno about looking very well and healthy. So glad to see he is healing well.

    I felt as though we got to follow sweet little Jamie around on his adventures for the day. I know it's stating the obvious but I cannot believe how fast he is growing!!! What a cutie, I can just imagine his talking and playing and having fun while at your home. Enjoy your visit what beautiful memories are being made. Hugs :)

  34. Oh this is a feel good post it is just like one of those big warm hugs my Grandma used to give. Boundless love and trust from people who take care of you and are always there. I have great memories of my Grandparents and I feel sorry for those who never experience this kind of love and support, there is nothing more valuable to a child and future adult.
    Grandparents are a vital part of a child'd life and you and Opa are nurturing the feelings of generations to come.
    I am so happy you will get to enjoy more of that nurturing.
    Oh I cannot wait to be and Oma or Grandma.
    I love a noisy house full of giggles and love. B


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