10 February 2012

Weekend reading

Over 600 delicious looking vegan and vegetarian recipes.  Well worth a visit.

Owlet - a charming blog about family, life and food.

It's Pickles again - this time, the Cool Kid Hooded Hat. It's perfect for those babies and toddlers who keep pulling their hats off. This free pattern is available in all sizes.

The Many Australian Photographers Group - a series of photos of the drought.

Inspectapedia - a free encyclopaedia of building and environmental inspection, testing, diagnosis and repair.  A must see for the home handyperson and whoever does the maintenance in your home. Includes winterizing your home, how to determine the age of a building, water pipes, stain diagnosis, roofing inspection and diagnosis, insulation inspection and improvement, common indoor air pollutants, and much more.

How tourists are helping to save the Tasmanian devil.

I am currently reading Wendell Berry's wonderful book Bringing It To The Table. This is the first Wendell Berry book I've read and wanted to see more and know more about this intelligent and inspiring man. I found this - Wendell Berry discusses life.

It's Friday ... again. Time to sit back and enjoy the end of summer, or if you're in colder parts of the world, the end of winter. Soon you'll see the beginnings of spring. Have a lovely weekend.


  1. Howdy, good morning Rhonda! Yesterday I added two clocks on my website. One for myself (Europe) and one for you (Australia). Funny to see it is so early in the morning at your place. We are now in our evening-mood..

    Have a great weekend and thank you for these lovely links!

    Love from Holland

  2. Nice to meet you Rhonda! It looks as though you have a lot of helpful information here on your blog. I'm looking forward to reading more from you!

    Warm wishes from Kansas!

  3. Have a wonderful weekend Ms. Rhonda! :)


  4. I've just walked home through the drifting snow to discover that Mr TH has cooked 'whatever-is-left-in-the-fridge-stir-fry' for dinner- I am a lucky woman! (Enjoy your breakfast in sunny Oz!)

  5. You've discovered the wonderful Wendell Berry! Oh, enjoy! I stumbled across him a year or so ago when I borrowed one of his novels in the library, the only book of his they have. Wonderful, wonderful man and such thoughtful writing. I'm slowly adding to my collection of his works, both fiction and non.


  6. Some interesting links to explore there Rhonda..thank you! We have a glimpse of sunshine today so hopefully it will be a nice weekend...hope you enjoy yours x

  7. Oh, I just looked at the owlet link--what a delightful find! I appreciate the youtube links as well. I tend to get lost on youtube so I appreciate you doing the directing for me. :)

    Enjoy the weekend, Rhonda.

  8. I discovered your blog this week and have loved reading through it, thank you.

    I also want to give a big thank you for the link to the vegetarian site, barley AND kale mentioned in the first 2 recipes!! I now know whats for dinner mmmm.
    Enjoy your weekend


  9. Hi Rhonda, Lauren from Owlet here :) I just wanted to say hello and thanks for the mention. I've been a longtime follower of yours here and come back to certain posts over and over for inspiration. Thanks for all you do. xx

  10. Like Wendell Berry, I live in Kentucky; his accent and allegories sound like what I hear in my everyday life. I've only read a few of his books, though. Like many locals, we forget that greatness is just a stone's throw away and often miss what's under our noses. I'm glad you have enjoyed his wisdom.
    ~ t.

  11. Hi Rhonda, I love reading your blog, it inspires and energises me! Sometimes I lose confidence a bit as so many people around me are choosing a different path. Your posts and readers comments always reassure me and give me lots of ideas. Thankyou for everything and have a lovely weekend!
    Alison from Scotland xx

  12. Hi Rhonda,

    What a breath of fresh air to arrive here on your blog. We need a revolution to simple living and saving our planet from all the stuff!

    I am on my Simple Says Me quest, again...thank God he gives us the grace at second chances and a new and fresh outlook.
    I intend to purchase your book and I am in hope that I can get it at our local Barnes store.

  13. Hi Rhonda,
    I've been enjoying your posts!

    I just wanted to stop by and let you know that I have selected you as a recipient of the 'Versatile Blogger Award'! Stop by my blog to accept your award!



  14. Hi Rhonda I have just been notified by Fishpond that the release of your book has been delayed to the 14th July, Whats happened, I thought everything was ready to go.Sorry to post this here, but the delay has shocked me.

  15. That's not correct Shanka. The book will be published on 22 February,

  16. Hello Rhonda,

    I found your blog about two weekends ago because Penguin put your new book on their facebook feed. In that short time, I have been inspired to bake bread, rolls and cheesy paprika scrolls, mend clothes that had been sitting around for far too long, make relish, and clean my bathtub with Bicarb soda and liquid soap (not home made just yet- Bonner's castille soap with Eucalyptus). I consider myself time poor and yet love the satisfaction doing these things has brought.

    On my list is yoghurt making, sewing and embroidering simple gifts, lemon butter and more. I cook a lot from scratch but I love how you take this to the next level.

    Thank you for your inspiration and for sharing your experiences with people online- especially 20-somethings like myself who have forgotten or not learnt the fine art of homemaking from their mothers (although my mum is). It's also great knowing that you are just up the road- I'm in Brisbane- and go to Maleny often as my parents are on the Coast. It's a beautiful place to live!

    Erin (Egads on the forum)

  17. Well technically we're towards the end of summer but summer hasn't felt like it's started down here in Sydney this year...more rain today...it just means snuggling up in bed with a book tonight for me :)
    could be worse...

  18. Rhonda!

    Wendell Berry! He hails not too far up river from where I grew up. He makes me proud to be a Kentuckian. If you are interested in the culture of my grandparents please read "Memory of Old Jack".

    Good luck with your book. Mary

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