3 February 2012

Weekend reading

A Green Journey to inspiration  - here you'll find news, videos, info about courses and many inspiring stories about people who are living sustainably.

For Australian jar lovers and cooks - check out the solar powered light jars

Thank you for your visits this week and for taking the time to comment and add your ideas to the mix. I hope you have a beautiful weekend.



  1. Excellent news on being nominated again!
    Well done you!


  2. Just voted you in again Rhonda =)
    Was overjoyed when you won last year.
    I just listened to the interview and I have to say that the first thing that struck me was your voice.
    You sound young yet warm and 'motherly', accomplished yet approachable, confident yet humble.
    Now I know the voice and the face even though I am miles and miles away =)
    Trinidad & Tobago

  3. Wonderful Rhonda,like many others you are always on my look and see list whenever I want to make something or check something..a wonderful blog for all things in life.

  4. So nice to hear your voice...thanks for the link. Also, thanks again for your encouragement...to live a life more like what my parents and grandparents did... Hubby is soon retiring and am looking forward to at the least de-stressing. We are not home owners, so will have to find other ways to live simply. But one way is we are downsizing a lot...a whole lot more!! So we can live smaller anyway. You share so many ideas that help, regardless of what kind of dwelling, jobs, etc we have.
    Elizabeth in NC

  5. Dear Rhonda, I just voted for you as you do have the best blog and I look forward to 'tuning in' each morning. Thank you for the link to your interview on the ABC. Great interview.
    Enjoy your weekend. Jean, Brisbane.

  6. The warm fireplaceFebruary 03, 2012 10:39 am

    Enjoyed the interview i have been working hard on your ideas and things are coming together, i am cooking from scratch working out menus and have cut down drastically on housekeeping, i am so grateful for all the ideas will help us make it through the difficult times here, two drops in salary in a year.

  7. Enjoyed listening to your interview.

  8. congratulation :)
    May you win this time too
    Follow each other

  9. Thank you Rhonda for the link to the radio interview. I have been following your blog for over a year now and it was such a treat to hear your voice.

  10. Hi Rhonda, enjoy your blog very much and have learned so much from it. I too have voted for your blog again as I truly believe that it is the best.
    Cheers Lexie

  11. Thanks for the Friday list Rhonda.

    I really do enjoy going through them, and they often take me in interesting directions.

    It doesn't surprise me that one of the top regrets of many men (and probably women) on their deathbed is working too hard and missing out on family life.

    There's too many men in my office right now who sacrifice their family life for their careers, so I will be sending the link to that article out later on this afternoon to give them something to think about over the weekend.

  12. I've been reading your fabulous blog for a month or so now and have read MANY past posts! I've just added a blogroll to my blogger homepage and have added your fabulous blog there to share with others.
    I am going to join your forum as we're moving to a larger property and aiming to be debt free in 5-10 years and live a more 'simple' and self sufficient life! :) Excited to get lots of useful advice here!

  13. PS. Just voted! :) Wishing you luck again this year!

  14. Rhonda I´m just coming back from my holidays. I missed your blog a lot !!! I had no internet!!!
    I´ld love to have your book.
    Is it on Amazon so I can have it through my Kindle??? Or is it at bookstores because I live in Argentina but I have a friend who is travelling to Sidney Australia next July and I ´ld love to have it buy ther!!
    Waiting for your answer. Sorry for my poor English


  15. I usually wake up during the night and turn on the radio and listen to the depressing world news on the BBC. Last night I turned the dial for a change and there was your interview, a repeat I suppose. It was such a nice change! I forgot to add your blog to my favourites when I got a new computer, but it's back again now, and I'll look for your book at the bookshop tomorrow.

  16. Congrats and thanks for the wonderful links. The one on Regrets of the Dying was quite telling.


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