29 November 2011

Here it is - the book cover

I have some exciting news and a photo to share with you today. I have wanted to show you this for the longest time and I finally have the go-ahead from my publisher, Penguin. My book will be published on 22 February 2012, it's a hard cover and will cost $39.95. Here is the beautiful cover. It was designed by Allison Colpoys, Greg Elms took the photographs. The page design is by Nicki Townsend but I can't show you her work yet. I love it so much, even now, after first seeing the cover so many months ago and having my own copy of the book here. Every time I see it, I smile.

See what I mean! It just suits our topic so well. 

The first photo is the high resolution shot sent from Penguin. The second two are photos I took of the book I have here. The photo quality isn't as good but I wanted to show you the spine and back cover as well. They help tell the story of the book at a glance. I love the buttons sewn on the spine, the wooden spoon and scissors blend so well with the peg, string and egg on the front cover. I think it's beautiful, but then I'm biased.

I remember the day my editor, Jo Rosenberg, sent me my advance copy. I froze when I saw the parcel, unsure about whether I would like the look of the finished book. I'm not good with saying I'm happy with something when I'm not. What if I had to promote a book I didn't like the look of? Well, I shouldn't have worried, I opened that packet and fell in love with it. I love the feel of it - it feels like a linen cover. I love look of it, not only the words I've written but every single atom of it - cover to cover. I am so proud to call it 'my book'.  

What do you think?

ADDED LATER: I'm not sure about overseas sales. I will sell some from my blog and Hanno and I are happy to post world-wide if we are asked to. As soon as I know more, I'll let you know.



  1. I think that is so fitting and beautiful, Rhonda. I especially like the buttons on the spine and I can imagine how lovely this will look sitting on my bookshelf...

    Congratulations. You deserve this moment! :o)

  2. Elegant AND simple - fantastic cover Rhonda! I will look out for your book in NZ.

  3. It is simply beautiful Rhonda. I have always preferred simple, uncluttered designs and I think it perfectly encompasses everything you write about, right down to the 'hand-stitched' edging. Can't wait to see it in the bookstores and I usually place a cookbook on my wrought iron book stand but that will look beautiful out on display in my kitchen! Definitely on my wish list!

  4. It's beautiful and very fitting! Love the cover!

    Mary Ellen
    The Working Home Keeper

  5. Congratulationsl! I love the simple, natural, earthy look!

  6. Oh Rhonda, the book front is just lovely. I would want to buy it just by looking at that cover, no matter who had written it. Congratulations. Put me down for one copy - signed, of course!!!

  7. It's VERY appealing! Congratulations.

  8. It's beautiful. The 27th February 2012 will be my 47th birthday. I now know just what I would like to receive as a present. Will it be available worldwide at that time? I'm in England.

  9. The cover looks stunning, Rhonda. I am so very happy that you have been given a wonderful opportunity to share knowledge to all of us, even this 53 yr old.
    Thank you for sharing.
    I am hoping that I can purchase it in the US through Amazon.
    Have a great week.
    Denimflyz In Nebraska US

  10. Congratulations Rhonda, it is a lovely cover, very "down to earth" and simple. Can´t wait to see it in the bookshops.

  11. I think it's perfect! Congratulations, I can't wait till February to buy my copy. What a great year it's been for you - two new grandchildren and this, your third 'baby'.

  12. Oh Rhonda, I think it looks absolutely beautiful. You are right to be proud. AH but the big question is... how does it smell? Isn't there something amazing about the smell of a book!

  13. Hi Rhonda,
    It is lovely! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy, February seems like a long way off.

  14. It's absolutely PERFECT! How thrilling for you!! I can't wait to see it for sale, not long now! :)

  15. I'm so very excited for you, and I think the book cover is perfect!
    I can't wait to be able to buy a copy and sit down with a nice cup of tea and finally get to read your book.
    Thanks for a sneak peek. :)

  16. Now this is TOTALLY AWESOME as the young people say. Great job Rhonda. B

  17. Beautiful! You must be thrilled! Will the book be available via Amazon?

  18. It looks irresistible! Congratulations :)

    I understand completely about the importance of feeling good about the "package" as well as the content. One of my design jobs included a book jacket that I still feel well pleased with, 12 years later. When it's right, it's right!

  19. It looks lovely! It's clean, simple, and homey, which is totally fitting.

    Will it be available in the UK and the USA? Or only Australia?

  20. Rhonda, it is absolutely beautiful!!!

  21. I love it - the cover totally suits the contents of the book! Looking forward to getting a copy when it's released in Feb 2012.

  22. Rhonda,

    If you are biased then I think we will all be biased. The cover to your book is awesome. I have followed you from the days of Aussies Living Simply and have waited that long for your book.

    I can't wait to get a copy. My daughter lives not a million miles from you in Caboolture and I hope she might indulge me with an early birthday present as soon as it is published. You deserve all the kudos that this book may bring.


  23. Rhonda! This cover is amazing! It's cozy, warm, and simple. It completely reflects the type of life you are inspiring others to make for themselves. I can't wait to have a copy on my shelf. Congratulations!

  24. Congratulations, Rhonda. The book looks so beautiful. As you say, the look of the cover suits the content so well. I can't wait to see copies in book shops.
    Thanks for sharing.

  25. Rhonda, the book looks beautiful! Love everything about it. The buttons are a nice touch. Sure hope we'll be able to get it in the US sometime. Congrats again!
    Tricia in NH

  26. Hi Rhonda, I adore it! wow, did you get lucky with your publisher! I have seen some books with beautiful content but awful covers. Hard cover with cloth is very special and I cannot wait to hold my own copy and read it.
    Have a beautiful day, madeleine

  27. Oooooh!!! How enticing! I can hardly wait for my very own copy. I LOVE THE COVER!!

    Diane in North Carolina

  28. I love the "simplicity" of it! Can't wait to get a copy for my own library.

  29. It's lovely and PERFECT Rhonda! I can't wait for it to be available in the U.S. And...are you going to tour the U.S.? If so, please make a stop in the east coast (preferably in North Carolina ;-)).


  30. Just please tell me that we will be able to get it in the UK, and I'll be very happy!! Fingers crossed xx

  31. I think it's absolutely beautiful! Very simple, natural, and elegant. Congratulations, again! You must be so proud :)

  32. Oh Rhonda it is lovely, not what I was expecting, but still lovely. The linen texture holds amazing appeal for me. Thanks for mentioning it. Congratulations again. x

  33. It does look beautiful Rhonda - can't wait to take a peek inside. Congratulations, what a wonderful achievement. Kindest Regards, Miki

  34. Oh Rhonda, how beautiful is your book! What a wonderful book has been produced by yourself, Hanno and the team behind you. I cannot wait to be able to have my own copy to treasure, I just really hope it becomes available to us overseas soon after its release. A globally known book yours will become I'm sure! Congratulations Rhonda and Hanno! Regards, Ruth xx

  35. I like it, Rhonda :-) I had a different picture of it in my mind for some reason, - maybe because your blog is so colourful and full of photos and images, but the simplicity and lack of 'busyness' of the book cover is really apt and fitting. I hope it'll be available in the uk soon.

  36. I'll put in an order!!! Looks fabulous.

  37. I think it looks wonderful!! And I will be ready to buy it on that day,I put it on my calendar to remember! Congrats again on all your hard work and accomplishment! Darlene

  38. I got goosebumps looking at it, Rhonda! My first impression: "that's a book I would pick up and buy!" Perfect! You should be really proud!

  39. Congratulations! It looks beautiful.

  40. Love it Rhonda! You must be so excited! So am I - can't wait to get a copy of it. will they be doing pre-order orders?

  41. Congratulations... it's beautiful.

  42. It looks great. I am looking forward to purchasing this book and reading it. I'm so excited for you. Lori

  43. Warmest congratulations Rhonda on a fantastic achievement - you are an inspiration to us all!!! The book looks warm and inviting, very much like your blog and I am much looking forward to purchasing my own copy though as a minimalist I rarely purchase books but this is one very excellent exception.
    My very best wishes for a sellout run upon release, Francesca

  44. It looks wonderful! Congratulations!

  45. Giving us all a planned,post Christmas gift to look forward to! Well done and thankyou..be blessed as you bless...looks absolutely wonderful..

  46. Magnificent, as I would expect from you. Well done!


  47. Well done. These last few years with the blogging you have accomplished so much. I do hope that your both well. May your physical strength keep you living simply for many years to come.

  48. Rhonda,

    Your book is gorgeous, what an accomplishment! You should be so proud of what you are doing to influence the world; you are truly an inspiration. It is a dream of mine to publish a novel in my lifetime and your success shows me that anyone can do it as long as they have a passion and put their mind to it. Congratulations!! I look forward to purchasing it.



  49. Fairy from Organised CastleNovember 29, 2011 6:53 am

    Hello Rhonda

    Thank you for sharing the book cover. It is absolutely stunning in its simplicity of design and links beautifully with the content. I know it will look as good in reality and that the content will exceed expectation.

    I have a very select collection on the my bookshelf but this is one that will definitely make the cut.

    Congratulations and best wishes for a very successful launch.

    Most importantly the service you are providing by sharing your knowledge is inestimable. I suspect it will prove to be essential reading in the not too distant future as it becomes a necessity rather than a choice to live simply.

  50. I cant wait to read your book Rhonda, it look terrific and very "you". Congratulations
    Kathy R (Tas)

  51. Oh it's fantastic!!! Congratulations Rhonda! :)

  52. Simple uncluttered look for a simple uncluttered life, beautiful.

  53. GASP! Beautiful...just beautiful. I'm so happy for you, Rhonda!

  54. Looks great Rhonda...so very exciting for you and Hanno.I think the cover really is a very good 'fit' and sums up what you are all about just with the photos!
    Well done!!!

  55. I love it!! The linen cover is especially beautiful to me as I love ecru linen. I soooo hope it will be sold in the U.S. too!! I can't wait to read it! This is sooo exciting!! Sarah

  56. Hi Rhonda, perfect just perfect. I am getting 4. Let us know when you are taking orders for signed copies.....Love Julia in Bowen

  57. That is a beautiful cover! I would love to get my hands on a copy of this book when it comes out but unfortunately I live in Canada and the shipping alone would be more than the book.
    I hope Amazon or some other book seller picks carries your book so the rest of us can enjoy it.

  58. Rhonda that is REALLY exciting. A huge congratulations!

  59. It looks lovely congratulations.By all the comments I think it will sell well. HeHe you better start thinking of book 2.Next year may find you doing book signings all over.Such an exciting time. We (your fans) are all very proud of you.

    Chris at Coffs Harbour.

  60. Rhonda, it IS beautiful! Thanks so much for letting us peak at it. I am going to buy my copy as soon as I can!
    ~Melanie in Canada

  61. Congratulations!!!!! It does look so beautiful. Can't wait to have in my hot little hands. lol. So happy for you Rhonda....... and so happy for us to have access to such a wealth of knowledge. :)

  62. Congratulations Rhonda, you must be so proud. The cover looks perfect, lovely and simple - it really reflects the whole simple living ethos. I can't wait to have a look inside - it's definitely going on my birthday present list, so hopefully not too long a wait. Thanks again Rhonda

  63. Lovely just lovely, I will be ordering as soon as you have copies available.


  64. the cover says it all - simplicity at its best

  65. I am certain that everyone in your face-to-face life is just as impressed and proud as we are here. Congratulations! As noted above "what an accomplishment".

    brenda from arkansas

  66. I'm doing a happy buttony dance!

  67. Absolutely beautiful and totally appropriate Rhonda - and dare I say fashionable? You ARE the in crowd! Chooks too!

  68. Congratulations on your book, it looks truly beautiful!

  69. Dear Rhonda. I love your book cover, and I'm sure the inside will be just as inspirational. Looking forward to buying my copy. Jean

  70. LOVE it! Can't wait to get a copy :-)

  71. What a handsome looking book. Will start saving now!

    Cape Town, South Africa

  72. It's beautiful! Can't wait to get one :)

  73. You're not biased, Rhonda. The cover is beautiful and very fitting for your topic. You should be so proud :)

  74. Well bust my buttons...it is a really wonderfully awesome thing....I cannot wait till i can get my hands on one and a couple more for my friends...I only wish it was out for Christmas. hugs to you both


  75. It's gorgeous!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! SO very exciting! Fantastic choice of images that sum up your blog and what you stand for perfectly. Thanks for sharing. xx

  76. Just perfect, Rhonda, I love it! And so you should be proud!
    Diana x

  77. It looks beautiful. Just a perfect fit with the whole concept of what you are doing. Look forward to getting my copy. Congratulations. xx

  78. Congratulations, it's gorgeous! What a thrill it must be. I hope we can get it in the US.

  79. Just gorgeous Rhonda! Can't wait to get my own little copy. It'll look perfect amongst all my old homemaking and cookbooks.

    Anne @ Domesblissity xx

  80. Oh it's beautiful!
    Not at all what I expected!
    I was imagining something in red and blue (??)

  81. I've only found you recently. I LOVE this cover - the linen look is perfect for what I've found to be the feel of your website/life.
    I can't wait to get a copy! :) Congratulations on such a wonderful achievement!

  82. Rhonda, your books looks lovely! You should be very proud. Thankyou for sharing it with us. I cant wait to be able to buy a copy!


  83. Your book looks lovely Rhonda. I can't wait to order one and have you "post" it to me in Pennsylvania, USA. I so admire your calm, thoughtful encouragement each day.
    May the happiness you share with others return to you and Hanno each day!!

  84. Congratulations, Rhonda! I absolutely love it. Oh, it is so beautiful! Even prettier than I imagined!

    Olivia in TN, US

  85. Perfect in every way...I love the meaning behind the simple cover too.

  86. I think the book cover is lovely and I really like what you're saying about the linen texture - will it be available in the US, as well?

  87. Congratulations! It looks phenomenal. Really beautiful! So happy for ou Rhonda. Can't wait to read it! xo m.

  88. Wonderful! Even though I am no longer doing many of the things I am sure are covered in your book, I still want a copy so bad I can taste it!!! Oh, I am sooooo excited for you!!

  89. Can't wait to get my own copy!

  90. Rhonda, the book is simply beautiful! I love the color, and the cover illustration is superb. You must be very proud of such an achievement. I hope we can get it in the USA.
    With sincere congratulations....
    Jeri, Utah, USA

  91. I'm SO excited for you! LOVE that cover!

    Blessings from Ohio/USA...Kim<><

  92. Beautiful, Rhonda! You must be so proud of it. I know you are. And it is justified. I wonder if it will be sold through amazon.co.uk? We'll have to see. I certainly want to have a copy! I've been reading your blog from pretty early on.

  93. That's so wonderful, congratulations!!! Like everyone one else, I would love to own one too!

  94. Your book is gorgeous Rhonda. Please let us know when you are taking orders. Can we pre-order? xxoo

  95. Oh Rhonda, it is beautiful!!! I just love it, and can't wait to have my own copy :) A big Congratulations!!!

  96. Oh my, Rhonda, the book is absolutely stunning and so perfect! Congratulations!

  97. Congratulations, Rhonda!!!!!!!!!!!!! You must be very proud!!!!! The front page is so beautiful and it perfectly explains the essence of the book and of such a special way of living. Take care, Clara.

  98. Oh Rhonda! It is so beautiful I am just so delighted for you,and I can't wait to own a copy. I will cherish it! I have read your blog for so long,it is part of my daily routine whether I have time to comment or not I check in each day. Having your book on my shelf will be such a great reminder of the wonderful reading and journey's I have shared with you and your family through your blog. When you read a blog each and every day you can't help but feel a connection with the author. You are such a wonderful mentor to all of us who wish to take care of our family the best we can here at home. You are a generation above me and I read your written words of encouragement and advice as though I am listening to the wisdom of a favorite aunt.


    Amy :)

  99. Oh Rhonda....... It's BEAUTIFUL!!!

  100. Ooooh I'm so excited about this - I'm so looking forward to buying it and hope that we will be able to get it in the UK.

    Congratulations - a beautiful looking book but more importantly one that is sure to be full of wisdom and simplicity.

  101. Rhonda, the book looks fabulous! What a fitting tribute to all your hard work and commitment!!!
    I shall have 3 books from you direct if you can manage that. Please, sign them for me. I`m willing to send you the money plus the shipping costs.

  102. Congratulations! It looks fantastic :)
    I hope to be able to get a copy too, here in India :)... well, I am sure we will all figure it out, and somehow get our copies :)
    I'd love an autographed copy too!

  103. How wonderful !!!! I love the look of the book. Very natural and simple, beautiful.
    I hope you will send to The Netherlands too !!
    Congratulations with your book.
    Hugs from The Netherlands.

  104. Yikes, I missed out on reading your words this morning and have only just had a chance now! Look what I almost missed...!
    The cover is delicious!!! Simple, elegant and a mix of old fashioned and up to date - really very well done! And I'm sure your words of wisdom will be there on every page.

    Congratulations Rhonda - can't wait to read it!

  105. Rhonda, it is simply PERFECT!!! Love it. It must feel incredible to hold that book in your hands.

  106. I really, really hope you will send me a copy of your book Rhonda. Can't wait to finaly welcome you here in our home ;o)

    Love from Holland!

    Oh, and yes! I like the cover of the book. Só simple ;o)

  107. Congratulations! I know this will be a book worth reading!

  108. Dear Rhonda,it looks absolutely perfect what a beautiful book. Congratulations. I have got a feeling it will be a best seller.

  109. Hello, Rhonda. If the inside of your new book is as handsome as the cover, then we're all in for a real treat. So good to see this lovely book in reality. I can hardly wait for it to go on sale here in Canada. Again, congratulations on launching your new book! Jo-Anne, in Canada

  110. Terrific, Rhonda! Congrats on this and you keep going. It is a beautiful book.

  111. I would say congratulations but that implies to me that it's something that "happened" to you. And that's far from the case!!!

    A job greatly done, Rhonda Jean! I hope a US edition materializes (hopefully keeping the Australian words and phrases). Would love to read it. :-D

  112. Perfectly appropriate.
    Love the colors and graphics.
    Very clever that the title is in lower case.
    Makes it all very friendly and approachable.
    Indeed a book to be extremely proud of.

    Trinidad & Tobago

  113. Congratulations Rhonda! The book looks beautiful. So simple, it's just perfect. Hopefully it will be available in Canada! Maybe amazon.ca will sell it.
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  114. Simply Wonderful! I look forward to finding it overseas! I have no doubt it will come over. You have a wonderful voice and equally important, wonderful things to share. Congratulations!!!

  115. You Should be proud! You worked hard!
    I live in the US, and would love to order a copy.


  116. I will indeed get a copy as my husband and I are now retired and your book will help us to live a much simpler life.

  117. Wow!!! Very many congrats Rhonda, I cannot wait to thoroughly examine the beautiful cover of my own copy :) It looks fantastic! I'm in Canada, but you can bet I'll be ordering a copy as soon as it comes out, even if I have to pay extra for shipping.


  118. Some of my *Favourie Things* on the cover! All the Best to you, Rhonda. You're one in a million.
    {{hugs}} ~Carolyne

  119. Congratulations Rhonda. The cover/book looks beautiful. It will be promoting itself just by looking at the cover. It is the sort of book you will pick up when you see it on the shelf. No matter how extravagant our lifestyle is, deep down we all crave for a simple life.


  120. A huge congratulations Rhonda!!!it looks like a beautiful book,I just cannot wait to get a copy and have it sitting on my kitchen shelf:):) thanks so much for all your hard work:)

  121. Congratulations Rhonda. I will definitely wanting a copy of your book so will be on the lookout for it. It definitely has the look of what you were after.

  122. Oh my goodness, Rhonda! That cover is absolutely perfect! Congratulations (again!) and best wishes!

  123. What a lovely looking book!! I do hope to purchase when it is available!!
    Elizabeth in NC

  124. Your book looks simply beautiful. Best wishes with it. I do hope it will be available in Canada too.

  125. Love the cover. Nice, clean design. A cover to be proud of.

  126. Your books cover is lovely, I look forward to getting a copy when it is released.
    Best wishes. Kyrstie

  127. Congratulations! I will be keeping an eye for the book!

  128. I'm so pleased for you Rhonda! It really is a dream come true!

  129. It is so beautiful! My jaw dropped, literally, when I saw it.

    Can't wait to buy it!

  130. Congratulations! It's beautiful! I live in the US and follow your blog daily. I hope to be able to get a copy of your book when its published.


  131. Rhonda - your book looks great! I'm more interested in what's inside and can't wait to get my own copy! Congrats all the way around!

  132. Hi Rhonda, your book is beautiful and I can't wait to purchase a copy! Kathi

  133. Oh Rhonda - it looks beautiful! You are an inspiration to other people - to be in your 60's and publish a book wacko! Wishing you many,many sales!

    Love Leanne Nz

  134. Looks fantastic, Hope I'll be able to order a copy from France?

  135. How exciting! I'm in the U.S. & would love, love, love a copy when it's available!!

  136. Beautifully simple and stylish - and I can't wait to see what's inside!

  137. Oh Rhonda your book cover is stunning and promises a truly wonderful read and heirloom to pass on to my children and their families. Congratulations and I am counting down release day with you!

  138. It's wonderful! I hope we can get it here in the states! I would love to have a copy:)

  139. Congratulations!!! I love the "look" of your book! Now, I can't wait to read the inside! I'm in the USA, so it will be wonderful if they can sell it overseas. Thank you for all the love and hard work you put into this blog and book to share with all of us. Elly in WV

  140. What a beautiful cover, I absolutely love it! I'm in the US, and with do just about anything to get my hands on a copy. :)

  141. LOVE it !! I think I need it !! :) congrats on being published !! Lauren X

  142. Oh Rhonda, it looks AMAZING! I've been waiting for your book to come out! I'm in the US and I'm with the other noters, I will do just about anything to get my hands on a copy. :)

  143. Rhonda Jean it looks utterly perfect and utterly beautiful and i can't wait to read it. Can't wait. You are so super inspiring, it's wonderful to see this in print!!!

  144. Yea---so happy for you! Know you've been working toward this for a long time now. You've graced the lives of so many via the blog and now to see it in a real paper book must be so incredibly rewarding. Well done Rhonda!

  145. That book cover is gorgeous! I just want to dive into it. Really looking forward to it's release!

  146. I haven't been spending much time in the blogging world so although I knew you were writing this book, I missed that it was not only finished, but published. Congratulations. It looks gorgeous. I'll be visiting my sister in Oz at the end of the year but will put a reminder into my diary to hit the bookshops while I'm there and get a copy.


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