7 November 2011

Down to Earth - the book

I knew this day was coming but I didn't know it would be so soon. Last Friday, I held my book in my hands for the first time. Jo, my Penguin editor, sent it from Melbourne on Thursday, one of two advanced copies, it arrived on Friday. I asked Hanno to check the mail when he went out. He returned home with the shopping, unpacked everything, talked to me a couple of times and I presumed there was no parcel. Not a problem, I thought, it will be here Monday. About half an hour after he came home, he walked into my work room where I was writing my Women's Weekly column, with an express parcel and two little bottles of Grolsch beer. 

When I saw the parcel, I got scared. What if I didn't like what was inside that package! I opened the envelope, saw the familiar cover, opened the book and fell in love with it. It is so beautiful. I'm really proud and happy to call it my own. I flicked through the pages while Hanno poured our beers, then we drank a toast to the book, to the work put into it and to all the people who helped with it. Hanno was my main helper, without him, there would be no book. Thank you Hanno. I can't show you a photo of the book because Penguin is working on the promotion and publicity and I don't want to jump the gun.

For those of you who are new to my blog. I started writing this book many years ago and tried to get it published. No one was interested, so I turned the beginning of that old book into this blog. I thought that what I had written might help others as well as provide a valuable record about what we were doing here. Well, a couple of years after I started blogging, I received an email from Penguin asking if I'd like to talk about the possibility of publishing a book based on my blog. That email was from Jo Rosenberg, who ended up being the editor of my book and who I now consider a friend. Sometimes it's strange how things work themselves out, sometimes you have to wait for the right people to come along.

The book is called Down to Earth - a guide to simple living and although I see my name on the cover, I still don't quite believe it's my book. I guess time will remedy that. Down to Earth will be on sale in Australia in March. I'm not sure about sales in other countries but when I know, I'll let you know. I am hoping to sell some signed copies from my blog.

So, there you have it. Years of work, a different way of living and monumental change, all condensed into a few small paragraphs. I guess I learned something about simplifying along the way.  :- )



  1. Congratulations again. Will have to start searching UK Amazon to see when it comes up.

    And what a lovely quilt - such a lovely way to remember a dear companion.

    I may take advantage of my enforced time at home to get some more writing done. I have been forced to write out instructions for Howard so he can get on with the garden tasks that are usually my remit (propagation, pruning, choosing and placing plants). It's only when you're stuck indoors on a fine Autumn day that you realise how much work there is to do.

  2. Congratulations! I will be purchasing one as soon as they are available in the states. Enjoy your well earned success and your Grolsch :)

  3. Congratulations!! What a great testament to your work, and your patience!! I hope it will be on sale in Canada, eventually.

    And I love the quilt you have pictured here :)

  4. Congratulations, Rhonda, what a wonderful feeling it must be to be published. Just goes to show that more and more people are interested in leading a simpler life, hoping to save money where possible, and take better care of Mother Earth. I look forward to reading your blog every day, and have already made changes to the cleaning products I use.The fabric softener is no more, and white vinegar rules!!!! Next step is to make your washing liquid! Sandy. :)

  5. Congratulations Rhonda, I can't wait to purchase a copy of your book!

  6. I am so thrilled for you! This is your passion and your gift, both the simple living and the ability to communicate your ideas clearly and yet with a quiet passion that inspires. I am so looking forward to being able to buy a copy myself! I hope it will be sold in the US, but if not, I hope I will be able to buy a copy from your blog which I've been reading for years, Rhonda.

  7. Sweet! Congratulations Rhonda Jean.

  8. Yay!!! Many congratulations to you (and Hanno, too!) You must be beaming today :) -Jaime

  9. I have been reading your blog since 2007 and I want to say I have enjoyed it, learned A TON, and I can hardly wait to buy your book! Congratulations!

  10. Congratulations! You should be very proud xx

  11. I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to have one in my hands :) Dreams do come true when you work hard!

  12. Congratulations on the book. Funny how your blog got you the book deal. I am very pleased for you.

  13. Congratulations! I'm thrilled for you- savour the moment...

  14. Congratulations Rhonda - what a thrill, you must be so proud. I can't wait till I'm able to buy a copy.

  15. Hello Rhonda Jean,

    I'm proud to be the first one to congratulate you on your blog with the upcoming publication of your book. I've been following your blog for some time now, on the other side of the globe. You, over there, will soon be experiencing summer. We, here, are preparing for what is predicted to become a horror winter. Nothing like that at this moment, though, it now feels more like spring. I find your blog most inspiring and has made me rethink the way we live our lives. Perhaps someday I can report you of my changes down the path of homemaking.Thank you for your inspiring words.

    Kind regards,

    Tonneke, the Netherlands.

  16. Hi there, I have been reading your wonderful blog for a while now without commenting but I had to say congratulations! I hope to somehow get my hands on your book here in Ireland :) Ruth

  17. Congratulations, Rhonda. It must be a wonderful feeling to see the result of your efforts - both recently and since the beginning.

  18. Wow, Rhonda, congratulations :) Can't wait to have my own signed copy.
    Have a wonderful week, Madeleine

  19. Congratulations Rhonda! I am so happy for you :-) And what a wonderful way to celebrate it!

  20. Congratulations Rhonda! That is a huge acheivement. I can't wait until it comes out and I can have a look at it. I feel as though I know you through this strange blogging world, and therefore feel excited about my 'friend' have a published book!!! Good on you!

  21. Congratulations Rhonda and much deserved success to you for all your hard work and dedication. Your commitment to frugal living is amazing and we are all better because of it. I'm so glad my friend introduced me to your blog.

    Big hug and keeps us posted when we can find the book in the U.S.


  22. Congratulations!!! I am so proud of you, and excited for you. I sure hope that it is going to be sold in the States, I can't wait to read it.

  23. Congratulations Rhonda. I will definitely be buying an autographed copy in March. Something to look forward to. xxoo

  24. Cheers! With Grolsch beer, on your book!! Congratulations, Rhonda.
    Grolsch is Dutch, did you know? It's originally brewn in Groenlo, Holland. I'll buy your book when it's available over here. May you can try to make a deal with Grolsch... :>)


  25. I know that Jean StClair and Francis James McGrath
    will be beaming from ear to ear. Very well done, little Sister, and keep up the good work.

    With love, Patricia Margaret

  26. Congratulations, Rhonda!!!! I can't wait until it is available in the USofA! So exciting!!!

  27. I am so proud of you! I love had this feeling inside of me that 'living simply' was where I needed to be.

    The 'be' where I was, was busy and rushed and stressed so it was not moving or shifting I needed to do but releasing and letting go (which is sometimes harder).

    I you I feel I found a mentor, a fearless woman who had her eye on the prize of enjoying life and simplicity.

    Thank you for your blog and your willingness to share and journey with us all.

    Thank you also for being Australian! Often times I find American blogs and though they are good I do not feel the same connection and it would give me the excuse of not trying as I couldn't relate as well as in my own backyard.

    I WILL be eagerly waiting until March too for your book to come out!

    So well done Rhonda, well done!

    From a blissfully, in love mother of 5 little ones living 'my' simple life in beautiful Melbourne, Australia

  28. Dear Rhonda, I am zo glad for you.. you can't emagine. Congratulations!! (okay.. I know.. I've said it many times before..)
    I hope you will ship a signed one to The Netherlands? 'Cause I would LOVE to buy one!!

    Love from Holland!

  29. Congratulations! Can't wait to see the book!

  30. What a wonderful moment Rhonda! Well done, and I can't wait to see it for sale in the uk! :)

  31. Ooh well done! I have amazon.ca credits, I hope it will be stocked there soon.

  32. Congratulations from South Africa--what an achievement. Count me in on the signed copy.

  33. Congrats Rhonda....such hard work and vision now paying off for you...and the best part is we can all share in it when we buy a copy!
    Funny the way things happen isn't it....think of it this way, if your book had been picked up straight away we wouldn't have this wonderful blog to read and you wouldn't already have a list of people waiting to buy your book!!!
    Have a lovely day
    Jode x

  34. Congratulations, I can't wait to read a copy next year

  35. Well done and congratulations!
    Please mark me as one of the people that would like to receive 3 signed copies.(one for my daughter, another for my best friend Julia Worgan, as well as one for myself)- Hope this will not cause a problem.
    I`m truely pleased for you and your success with the book! Lots of Love,
    xxx Sarina.

  36. I'm so happy for you Rhonda, and Hanno too...After all that hard work...It has certainly paid off for everyone. I will also be looking out for your book. You are an inspiration to all that read your blog AND now your book too.
    Congratulations. You deserve it.

  37. Congratulations Rhonda - what a great day Friday turned out to be! How exciting to hold your book in your hands, at last...

    Best wishes to yourself and Hanno for making it happen and for sharing so much of your lives and experiences with so many.


  38. Congratulations on your book, Rhonda. I too have been reading your blog for several years, but I don't think I have ever commented before. I have put many of your ideas into practice, and love the way my simpler life has been evolving. You are such an inspiration! I can't wait to get a copy of your book.

    Bonnie, the United States

  39. Congratulations! Your blog has become a firm favourite in the couple of weeks since I found it, so I'll be looking forward to reading your book.

  40. I am happy for you that the book you worked hard on is now about to be on the book shelfs! This is not an ordinary book to me but a life lesson book to pass down. Unlike a novel it is an important gathering of information and encouragement. I will be awaiting word that we can get it in the U.S.A. I want to thank you and Hanno for sharing your knowledge with us. I can't stop smiling! Sarah

  41. Well done Rhonda (and Hanno!), what exciting news. Must be wonderful to actually hold that first copy in your hands.
    x Diana

  42. Congratulations. I can't wait for March to arrive to buy your book. I've been so looking forward to getting it.

  43. Congratulations on your book Rhonda. How exciting. Looking forward to buying my copy. I love your blog, read it every day with my first cup of tea.
    Best wishes

  44. hello rhonda,
    congratulion !!!!! i hope to somehow get my hands on your book here in germany.
    have a nice week,

  45. How exciting! I don't know if I can wait until March! Congratulations Rhonda.

  46. How very exciting for you! I can't wait to buy my copy and I have already decided that my 4 sisters will each receive a copy for their birthdays next year!

    I love how you have used a simply scrap of material and have captured Alice's likeness in the quilt, it's gorgeous!

    Cheers - Joolz

  47. Hello Rhonda Jean and congratulations on the safe arrival of your book. I have only been following your blog for a short time and still have a long way to go until 'living simply' but it is a highlight of my day to rise early and read your daily news with a cuppa. Thanks and keep up the great work. Looking forward to the book in March!

  48. Congratulations, Rhonda. I can't wait to get a copy of your book. How wonderful! You have so much knowledge to share, I am glad that your book was published.

    Have a nice day.

  49. Happy Day! Can't wait to see a copy.

  50. So exciting for you,(and Hanno)congratulation's!i can't wait to get my very own copy,xx Carol

  51. Congratulations Rhonda. I'll be buying a couple ...one for me of course and the rest will be gifts for my kids. Maybe you'll teach them a few new tricks. Maa

  52. Congratulations! It must feel a little surreal to hold the book in your hands. Can't wait to read it next year. Enjoyed your WW column and your mention in the editors letter. I think you may have struck a chord with many people. Would love to know what the red knitted item is - looks gorgeous.

  53. The universe is a mysterious thing, isn't it?
    All the planets had to be just in the right place!
    How absolutely wonderful and exciting and satisfying it must feel.
    My warmest congratulations to you for giving life to your dreams.

  54. Congratulations and well done Rhonda! Looking forward to purchasing my very own copy of your book :)

  55. Very well done. I will drink a glass of wine in your honour tonight With lots of love and very best wishes for all you do. Congratulations. Kate xxx

  56. Congratulations and yipeeee.... can't wait to get my hands on it... hopefully we'll be able to get it in the States real soon!!!!

  57. Oh Rhonda. Congratulations. I'm so happy for you. Yours was the first blog I ever read and I'm looking forward to having a copy of that book to add to my collection. Well done! (*raising my tea cup to you*)

    Anne xx

  58. congratulations...can't wait to get my hands on a copy...well done

    Best Wishes

  59. Fantastic, Rhonda! This is so wonderful. Really looking forward to it being released. Enjoy this moment after all the hard work you've put in, you deserve it. xx

  60. Congratulations Rhonda. It is so true that when we fight too hard for things they often do not flow into place as easily as when we let life chart its own course. It reminds me of my favorite little saying. "Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it the more it will elude you, but when you turn your attention to other things it will come quietly and sit on your shoulder." I can sense that quiet happiness in you.

  61. How exciting for you, Rhonda! I can't wait for its release in March. :)

  62. Congratulations, Rhonda! Wonderful news! I hope your book will be available here soon. I can't wait to have a copy of my own after having enjoyed all you've written here. Love your memory quilt.
    Jo-Anne, Canada

  63. Rhonda, you are the best! I've followed you for quite a while and look forward to reading my RSS feed every day. I am so excited for the chance to read your book in March...I'm sure I will love every page of it. Congratulations! You are an inspiration to us all!
    -a BIG fan in TEXAS

  64. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  65. Congratulations Rhonda Jean and Hanno, you make a great team. I am very hooked on your blog and look forward to buying the book. Since discovering you in the dentists waiting room a few weeks ago (Women's Weekly) I have been in a frenzy making yummy yoghurt, baking lots of cakes (husband says thanks), producing ginger beer, pickles, lemon butter etc etc. Even the endless cleaning up after is now done with joy. I cannot thank you enough for flicking my switch.

    Happy Grammy

  66. Congratulations Rhonda, what an exciting time for you both, to see yourselves in print at last...well worth the wait, I'm sure.

  67. Congrats, Rhonda I am so excited for you, and excited to get my own copy of the book. I hope it doesn't take *too* long to be available in Canada. But I think I'd like a signed copy :)
    Can't wait, it seems I've been holding my breath along with you as I read about its progress on here the past few years!!
    ~Melanie in Canada

  68. WOO HOO!!!! How very sureal and super exciting! Will you sell the book in your shop? Can't wait for the big read x Chrissy

  69. How wonderful!! I can't wait to buy my copy!! How nice for you to be able to hold in your hands proof of all of your hard work! Well done for both you and Hanno!!

  70. Congratulations Rhonda!! How exciting, and what an amazing opportunity to help others! You've been an inspiration for so many already......now you will be able to reach so many more people!! Enjoy your acheivement :) (will your book be out before xmas?? I would love to pass copies on for presents)

  71. Congratulations Rhonda!

  72. I can hardly wait until this Canadian girl can get her hands on a copy, let us all know when international sales happen!

  73. WOO HOOOO!!!!! Congratulations, Rhonda! I'm hoping it will be available to us ladies in the US.


  74. Congratulations Rhonda!! This is monumental. I am so happy for your happiness. Enjoy it! xo m.

    PS. Can't wait to get my hands on it too!

  75. Congratulations Rhonda and Hanno! How exciting! I cannot wait to read it one day soon :) Regards, Ruth

  76. Congratulations Rhonda & Hanno!

  77. Congratulations Rhonda! such good (and exciting!) news!

  78. Congratulations Rhonda Jean! This is so exciting for all of us I think!

  79. Congratulations Rhonda I'm certain you were meant to write the blog first and I'm sure the book is going to be a huge success. I will make sure it gets into my local library. It is just the sort of book I can see being out on constant loan so I will be buying my own copy of course!

  80. Wonderful news about the book. I am an avid reader of your blog and have been inspired many times. I can't wait to buy your book amd give them as presents to family and friends.


  81. So exciting - congratulations Rhonda!

  82. Where's the happy-dance icon when you need one? ;)

    I'm really happy for you two, oh and the chooks. I can't forget the chooks!

  83. Well deserved applause Rhonda, you must be so proud,I think your pretty amazing. Keep well.

  84. Hi
    You are doing such a wonderful job even on your blog and this is added pleasure, I am a very regular reader for a long long time and have you on my side bar so every update is read with pleasure and that pleasure I get everyday thanks to you...
    I normally sit very late after finishing my household chores on the computer and its early morning in Australia when we are ready to sleep late as 12.30 at night.. and so when I go to my blog I always find a update from your blog which I read and sleep that has become a ritual and I am probably the one of the first ones to read your post everyday...

  85. Oh Rhonda, I am so happy for you. Good things come to those who wait. I often think we all feel we need to make our mark on the world in some way and you have done this through your blog and writing your book. The best thing is that in all 'your famousness' you haven't lost sight of who you are and that in itself is a very special thing and something to always cherish.
    I will be buying a book and I will also be buying them for friends too as special gifts. Well done Rhonda.It is a delicious feeling being published and a feeling that never goes away.

  86. I absolutely could not be happier for you!!!!

  87. Congratulations! I think you've both earned that beer!

  88. Congratulations! That must have been such a sweet moment for you. You've got one UK reader here who would be happy to buy a signed copy from you when it's published.

  89. Yay Rhonda, congratulations!! I'm so excited to get my hands on a copy! Though i'm guessing it will have to be ordered online...the Angus and Robertson and Dymocks and Borders are no longer around in the outer sydney suburbs!


  90. Congratulations! Looking forward to your book being released.

  91. Hooray and huge congratulations to both you and Hanno on this wonderful achievement Rhonda!
    What a sweet reward for all your hard work. I continue to love your blog and can't wait to buy your book!
    Warmest wishes to you,
    Heidi, Mt Barker, South Australia

  92. Hello Rhonda,
    I am so happy it is out! Do we still have to wait till March!!! Looking forward to reading it!

  93. Congratulations - and yes I will be one who will purchase this book. Cheers, Wendy

  94. I'd just like to add to the congratulations :)

  95. Sharing the joy of this journey and with love, congratulations and thanks...planning special reading time in March! Jan

  96. Congratulations Rhonda, what a proud moment that must be. I'm so happy for you.

  97. Congratulations! Can't wait till it hits NZ.

  98. Congratulations! How exciting for you to see your years of hard work condensed into a book that you can easily share with other, including those without internet.


  99. So very excited for you Rhonda.
    All of the hard work and faith in what you are writing about has paid off. Must be an amazing and surreal feeling to finally hold that book in your hands.

  100. Congratulations Rhonda!!! I can't wait to read it!

  101. Congratulations Rhonda and Hanno. Well done for persevering and showing us all, how it can be done.

  102. Congratulations, Rhonda! That is excellent news. I'm looking forward to the time it is for sale in the U.S. I'd love to have a book to read and browse and cart around with me. :)

  103. Congratulations! I haven't been around in awhile, so this was great news to see at the top of your page. I'm looking forward to when it comes out in the U.S. I haven't commented much, but I have learned so much reading your blog. Thanks, Rhonda!

  104. Congratulations! It must have been so exciting to finally hold the book in your hands.


  105. CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful partnership you and Hanno have. I can't wait to see your book for sale this side of the world and to get a copy.

  106. Yay! Haven't had time to check in in a while because I have a new baby, but I wanted to say congrats. Hope to read it one of these days!

    Heather in California, U.S.

  107. oh my original comment hasn't appeared :0(

    Just wanted to add my voice of congrats to you both!! I didn't realise that this blog was originally intended as a book, you've come full circle!

    Am hoping I'll be able to buy it in the UK. Can't wait for March. Much love xxx

  108. Onya Rhonda. Please do let us know when your book is available. I want a copy. Your blog and all the bloggers who post on it are an inspiration to my husband and myself proving Down To Earth living is possible.

  109. Well done Rhonda. All your hard work and knowledge has paid off. I cant wait to see the book. Marlo (MUZZY) XX

    PS I still pop in from time to time, just really busy with living slowly and simply. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

  110. Congratulations Rhonda & Hanno!!!
    I'll definitely buy a copy from your blog, but wish I didn't have to wait til March.
    Glad to see that you have a Rosenberg as editor, as I'm a Rosenberg too :D
    I bet that beer went down well, I'll have one this afternoon for you, especially to toast you!
    Lynell Rosenberg

  111. Rhonda please don't ever lose sight of who you are and what spurred you to start your blog

  112. Wow! What a wonderful story. Hugest congratulations from south west WA. I so look forward to reading my own copy.

  113. Woohoo! Congratulations. You are just the coolest!

    brenda from arkansas

  114. Congratulations Rhonda! I wish you the best of success with your book and I'm looking forward to reading it :)

  115. Congratulations to you both! And I love the quilt or throw you're working on - very appealing.

  116. Congratulations, Rhonda and Hanno!!


  117. Congratulations Rhonda and Hanno! I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of this book on store shelves...but to buy a signed copy from you...even better!!!! So pleased for you both, Amanda

  118. Tears of happiness for you! Well done. I'll be counting the days till March.

  119. fantastic! congratulations :)
    I look forward to its release in India!

  120. Can't wait to read it Rhonda.

  121. I can't wait for your book! I'm in the US but I'll find a way. :)

  122. I have just received my copy of your book in the mail and cannot put it down. It is everything I have been looking for and more. I am so happy to have found all this information in one place.


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