30 September 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

Today I'm thinking about this little fellow. He's a sacred kingfisher and this little one lives here, darting in and out and making the mad screech they have. I've seen him catch lizards and lots of insects as he usually sits on our front fence to eat them. I took the photo above a few weeks ago as he sat on the fronds of our tree fern. Yesterday, as I was talking to Sarndra on the phone, he flew into the glass window I was sitting behind. He fell and looked to be unconscious but when I went outside to find him, he was gone. I'll look around the garden this morning to see if he's injured and hiding.

Thank you all for your wonderful comments and good wishes this week. I've been overwhelmed by the number of you who have sent encouragement and support via email too, there must be over a hundred there. I have no hope of answering all of them, so please accept this as my thanks. I really do appreciate your kindness.

ADDITION: I went to look in the garden at first light and didn't find him. Hanno has been working in the front yard this morning and he hasn't mentioned him so I'm guessing he was well enough to fly back to his nest. If he can do that, he might be okay.



  1. What a cutie! I love birds and I had to put a couple of decals on my back window after a dove crashed against it. It broke my heart. I'm sure this little guy was just a bit stunned and flew home.

    This is on my mind this weekend:


  2. What a gorgeous kingfisher. we have some on the creek too and that flash of blue as they flit about is something to see. How lucky you are to have one in your garden.
    On my mind this week is 'pride in our children' at http://thelittleblackcowblog.blogspot.com

  3. Please check me out at http://tasmanianminimalist.blogspot.com my picture is up !

  4. Joining in again this week http://littlejennywren.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind.html

  5. Hope the little kingfisher is OK. Rescue Remedy works really well for birds that are injured and I have used it successfully on birds that have flown into windows.

  6. That's an awesome looking bird on a strange looking plant. Awesome.

  7. I actually finally blogged a photo Feature!


  8. Rhonda,

    I have not participated in On My Mind this week as I just did a post today on how to can fruit which contains many more than one photo unfortunately! I love this picture of the kingfisher, he is gorgeous! Hope to join you next week, but feel free to stop by and check out my little "tutorial" if you like. I hope that it will encourage others to think about preserving their own fruit at home, which seems to be a a bit of a lost art these days.

    Thank you!



  9. Hope the sacred kingfisher is ok. It's funny to think it's a cousin of the raucous kookaburra.
    On my mind today is the storms we've been having http://paperpenspasteandthings.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mindstorms.html

  10. How lovely to have such a bird around. We have King Parrots (I think that is what they are) visit frequently, but have not managed to get a pic

  11. My first time joining in "On My Mind" I've been enjoying the Friday photos for a long time


  12. Hi Rhonda, He's gorgeous! I haven't ever seen one. Btw I bought my first magazine for ages yesterday. Wonderful article!

    On my mind today is the anticipation of a great weekend. http://greenhavengoodlife.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind-gardening.html

  13. I have a blog giveaway for digital scrapbooking and that's on my mind today. Hope your little bird friend is OK Rhonda...


  14. My first time doing an On My Mind.


    I love kingfishers, too. We seem to get them smashing into our windows here, too, and sometimes they make it and sometimes we don't. We have a freezer in the shed for crab/fish bait that we put any dead bodies in; they get planted under trees eventually so they don't go to waste. Sounds ghoolish but it beats putting it in the garbage bin.

  15. Good morning Rhonda, what a cutie he is! Please let us know if he's OK.

    Christmas cakes are on my mind -- still.


  16. Hi Rhonda, what a beautiful photo of this bird. I love the colour of his feathers, and I hope he is okay - I'm sure he will be.

    What is on my mind today is: waiting for a letter to arrive.


  17. The bird is beautiful ; thanks for sharing the lovely photo. I've been meaning to post congrats to you but it's been a hectic week. It has to be a wonderful honor to be chosen to write for such a popular magazine; I know you will meet their expectations and then some. Season change is on my mind... http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind-falls-arrival.html

  18. What a great bird! We have a family of cardinals that lives in our garden and we enjoy them so much!

    On my mind today is my excitement about finally getting to start the garden!


  19. What a beautiful bird, hope it's OK as it's probably nest-building somewhere nearby. I like the barefootbride's idea of not wasting their little bodies too.

    Hope you're going to close the gate and have a restful weekend after such an exciting week, Rhonda.
    Love from Sue xxx


  20. He is a beauty Rhonda!

    On my mind today - homemade rainbow candles and a small giveaway~!




  21. Hope his O.K!
    Stop by to see my new veg patch:)

  22. I've got sunny things on my mind today - food and flowers! Today is a glorious day here in Tassie and I've been sowing seeds for more flowers in the summer - can't wait!!

  23. What a delightful garden and so it should be shared by such beautiful birds.

    Today on my mind is Beatrix Potter and would love anyone who loves books like I do to come and visit.

  24. What a lovely looking bird. I hope he is okay, maybe he banged into a window or something and knocked himself out for a bit. We have birds that do that from time to time.

    On my mind today is a craft project


    Have a great weekend.

  25. That is a beautiful bird!

    Here is my entry. My pride and joy is on my mind this week - http://glossaryking.blogspot.com/2011/09/i-participate-in-this-feature-which-i.html

  26. I bought my second "new" magazine this year!!! The WW!! - just so I can read your article and then send it on as a Giveaway!!!

    I also have a digital scrapbooking software giveaway running at them moment.

    When that is finished I will do the Women's Weekly Magazine Giveaway promoting Rhonda' great Blog :-)

  27. What a glorgeous looking bird. I hope he/she is okay. We don't get these ones over in the west as far as a know. I have never seen one with those amazing blue markings.
    Thinking about school lunches today.
    Take care

  28. I'm inspired every day by what you're accomplishing! I hope that by the end of my 100days challenge I'll have a fraction or your organisation!


    Today I had Tomato's on my mind!

  29. On My Mind today is : An addition to my Memory Collection
    ~~Peace & Love & Blessings~~

  30. Hi Rhonda, how wonderful to be able to experience such neat wildlife in your own backyard! I do hope the little guy is ok though.

    I haven't had much time recently to post on my own blog although I have been trying to keep up reading everyone's wonderful blogs, so today I thought I must make some time. On My Mind is my latest sewing creation :) http://comesmelltheroses.blogspot.com/2011/09/its-in-bag.html

    Regards, Ruth

  31. Beautiful photo of the kingfisher Rhonda! On my mind today is the October Challenge of the charity knitting group to which I belong...knitting squares this month

  32. On my mind....thanks to LIFE!!
    Gorgeus spring days, baking, working, my kids!!http://ale-ligeradeequipaje.blogspot.com/ here is my on my mind contribution.
    Thanks Rhonda, I love your posts!!
    From far far away Argentina!

  33. On my mind today is the publishing of my mom´s second novel. How proud I am of her at her age.

  34. Kingfishers are just exquisite. A pair of them memorably stunned themselves on a house boat holiday with my family when I was a kid. I still remember cradling those delicate beauties in my hands, worrying for them. Both were knocked out cold but both recovered and flew off a few hours later. So there is hope. On my mind is camping and wondering if I am soft but I've got more than one pic so I think that breaks the rules.

  35. Beautiful picture!!

    Mine is up :) http://viggiesveggies.com/?p=1537

  36. It is definitely lovely to look up, and suddenly find a bird in mid-flight or mid-activity.
    Hope the birdy is fine!

    On my Mind: An interesting quote by Sydney Eddison, and the search for the name of the flowers, whose picture I have posted.

    Would be great if you (or anyone who visits) can tell me the name of the plant.


  37. Those tree ferns amaze me! The 'fiddle-heads' are so enormous. Here in Canada, folks eat the tender fiddleheads of little woodland ferns. The ones you're growing would feed a crowd (and you'd probably need steak knives)!

    Here's my goofy moment this week:

  38. I love those birds. Where we live we have the belted kingfishers. I love how they screech down the canal.

  39. End of summer and an empty garden is on my mind.


  40. Birds of all kinds are a joy to watch.

    We have many birds visiting our yard, next to put up feeders.

  41. I don't have a post for "On My Mind" But I have to say "a pretty bird"

    Coffee is on.

  42. On Thursday night, whilst on an occasional look out for owls (they roost nearby and call out from the trees), Howard saw fireflies moving through the oak tree that overhangs our garden.

    NOT native glow worms - these were flying. I suspect that they arrived from France with the heatwave. Would be interested to find out if anyone else has seen them.

  43. We have the belted kingfisher here. Your vairety is quite stunning! I'd like to see one with my own two eyes!


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