9 September 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

When I wandered into Hanno's shed on Wednesday afternoon to take a photo, I re-discovered this old barley twist tea trolley that my sister Tricia gave me. The top shelf was badly deteriorated so Hanno is fixing it. It's on my mind now and I'm hoping it will be ready soon. Hint hint, Hanno. :- )


  1. That is a LOVELY tea cart. I'm sure you will be so thrilled to have it in a useful state once more. On my mind... injury, weird finding and floods for family and friends in Upstate NY.

  2. I don't have an 'On My Mind' post so I hope it's ok to comment anyways. :) That trolley is gorgeous- there are so many possibilities here! I do hope you post an update with pictures once it's finished. Do you have any special plans for it?
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  3. Such a nice idea to restore this piece. You will both enjoy it but I know he is doing this for you. What a kind and gentle soul he is.

  4. Hi Rhonda,

    As usual I found inspiration from your blog. I checked out "Wild Fermentation" and started a project with kale. However, I'm not sure if I'm on the right track. Perhaps you or your readers might help? Fermenting greens is on my mind......


  5. Lucky girl. Both for the tray and for a husband handy enough to finish it.

    Free things are on my mind today.http://onesimplefarmgirl.blogspot.com/2011/09/best-things-in-life-are-free.html

  6. I'm certain when Hanno is finished with the cart it will be a beauty to behold..can't wait for the reveal when finished....
    On My Mind today is feeding 2 adults on $60.00 a month budget..
    Peace & Love

  7. Wow, thats a beauty, Rhonda! It will come up lovely once it's finished. And now I know what those gorgeous twisted legs are called....barley twist, very quaint!

  8. It doesn't look too far off Rhonda, By the end of the weekend I'd say. I do admire the way husbands can fix hinges on laundry baskets and broken handles on trowels....It makes him a super hero every time. He says they're just little things but I wonder if he is trying for humility. Puts me in mind of a song I like "Little Things Mean A Lot", one of my favourites. I'll be humming that for a couple of hours now!

  9. Rhonda, that trolley is just beautiful and I can't wait to see it finished. I love pieces of furniture like this. So practical and so gorgeous.

    I have been cooking this evening and have a bit of Australian 'cuisine' on my mind.

    Take care

  10. On my mind....the start of the Rugby World Cup in NZ. Just finished baking some zucchini bread for my late breakfast viewing of the opening ceremony and the first game with a friend tomor morning.

    Cape Town
    South Africa

  11. Hi Rhonda, I hope I'm not commenting twice but I haven't seen my comment come up yet. I must have forgotten to post it.

    Anyway, I love the trolley. Old furniture is so beautiful! What a handy hubby to have!

    On my mind is the good and bad of country life. http://greenhavengoodlife.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind-country-kids.html

  12. What a gorgeous trolley with endless possibilities, I hope you show us when its done!

  13. Ooo. I can't wait to see pictures of that cart when it's done! :)

    @Becky - yeah, we're north of the flooding, but I have friends in towns where they've declared a state of emergency, or boated people out of their homes.

    Which leads me to what's on *my* mind...


  14. Oh that trolley looks lovely Rhonda, today I wrote about the garden bed I am working on http://www.girlswearbluetoo.com/2011/09/making-garden-bed-on-my-mind.html

  15. Ooh Lovely, It will look beautiful when it is finished. Do you have a special spot for it in mind Rhonda? Or will you use it to serve your Tea?

    On my mind today is something new that I am actually quite nervous about! I have done all the research, lets just hope it all works out now!

  16. I can't wait to see the finished cart!

    Food is on my mind:


    Have a lovely weekend all :-)

  17. Oh my goodness, Rhonda! I have one of these but with straight legs...I bought it at a car boot sale so don't know it's story but I'm sure it's quite old. It displays some of my vintage cake stands.
    On my mind today are tomatoes

  18. Love that tea trolley!

    I'm getting back to basics today... http://nallerangcreekfarm.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind.html

  19. Hi Rhonda,
    Please post a picture of the cart when it's finished because I know it'll be beautiful. My parents used to pick up odds and ends, pieces of old furniture at sales then bring them home and refinish them. I always loved the transformation.

    On my mind this week has to do with the cooler weather we're getting now and homemade chicken noodle soup.

  20. What a gem it will be when you can use it. Such a practicle piece of furniture. On my mind is the reason for my blog drought http://lifeatarbordalefarm.blogspot.com/2011/09/posting-drought-on-my-mind.html

  21. Your tea trolley looks lovely with the twisted columns. It will be gorgeous when it's restored!
    On My Mind today are some recipes. One is the freezer biscuits I mentioned in the comments a couple of posts back on Rhonda's blog

  22. Oh Rhonda, I love that tea trolley! I have one too but no where near as fancy as that one...cant wait to see what it looks like when Hanno has finished. I have a side board with barley twist legs, it is one of my favourite pieces.

    This is what is on my mind today...


  23. I'm envious of your tea trolley, Rhonda! That is a lovely, thoughtful gift from your sister, and I hope we'll get to see a photograph when Hanno has the time to restore it. What is on my mind this Friday is my country kitchen.


  24. Love the tea trolley it is going to look so beautiful when it is finished.
    I have one that was my mother in laws and I love it.
    On my mind today - getting my new woodburner ready for a fire tonight. The smell of it while it proofs is not nice but the warmth it will give us is going to be worth that smell.

  25. Ooh, I love it! Marvelous. Looking foward to seeing it after Hanno's touch.

  26. Hi Rhonda and all those participating in the on my mind series. My on my mind is very personal this week but unites every single blogger world wide. I have a blog friend that shared he has cancer and on my mind I shared a way he can see he has volumes of support and prayer worldwide.

    I pray that every one understands that Glenn is any one of us. I pray that as many bloggers as possible put a simple link to my post...you see if it any one of us, a simple post may be the boost emotionally we need.

    So please come over. Please tell your friends...


    New Mexico

  27. Hint, hint some times is the only way to get thing's done! Good luck :)
    I have so much on my mind im going nuts!

  28. I am sure that tea trolley will come up lovely with a new top....I have one with handles on both sides...and a pie crust edeged top which has two sides that fold down...so you can wheel your trolley into the room with all your meal makings on the shelf underneath, then fold the two side flaps up on each side and voila, an instant oval table!!! I think old style furniture was ingenious...Ikea has nothing on my old table/trolley...!!!

  29. A beautiful piece just waiting for someone special to fix it up to its former glory. There is nothing like imagining just how lovely things will look when they are finished.
    On my mind this week is 'creativity' at http://thelittleblackcowblog.blogspot.com

  30. I'm sure it will be stunning once Hanno fixes it up....
    On my mind.... http://justlikemynanmade.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mindknees-medicals.html

  31. What a lovely old tea trolley Rhonda! How clever is Hanno in being able to repair and restore it. On my mind today is the re-emergence of certain wildlife in our yard now that the weather is warming up again...

  32. Hi Rhonda, can't wait to see the finished product! What a lovely piece to treasure :)

    Today on my mind is the opening to the Rugby World Cup. I'm very proud of our country and watching the opening ceremony was just a powerful experience as a Kiwi. We let our two boys stay up to watch and they were just in awe. Loving sharing these memories with our little guys :)


    Regards, Ruth

  33. Mine is up finally...you guys and your fancy time zones already getting an early start on me :)


  34. Joining you today!

  35. What a wonderful piece !! I hope it will be finished soon too, so you can show it to us ; )Have a great weekend.

  36. My husband brought home a piece just like that, they were throwing it out at work because it was very rickety. I gave it to my Dad who repaired it back to it's former glory.

  37. what a great cart...look forward to seeing the after photo!


  38. Rhonda that is a beautiful cart.

    On my mind the garden harvest that is taking over my bowls and counter space.


    Blessings to all

  39. Hi Rhonda,

    What a lovely tea cart! On my mind is my fall garden. It's almost fall time here in the states and it's starting to feel like it where I live in TN. I've had my ac off and my windows open for days now.


  40. I am looking forward to seeing the finished tea cart.

    On my mind today is healthier lunches for my kids.

  41. Hi Rhonda,
    Looky what I found on the forum thanks to you!
    A recipe published by a member from Thessalon Ontario Canada - who I thank very much for the recipe also :)

    Crisp Oatmeal Cookies:
    In a bowl blend together.
    1.1/3 cup of AP flour.
    1.1/2 cup of oats.
    3/4 cup of coconut.
    ½ teaspoon each of salt, soda and baking powder.
    In the mixer bowl cream together until fluffy.
    1 cup of butter or veg shortening.
    1 cup of white sugar.
    1 egg.
    Add flour-oats mix until well blended.
    Use a one ounce ice cream type scoop to insure they are all the same size but a teaspoon to put them on the cookie sheet will work, press them down a bit with finger then bake at 350 for about 7 minutes or until golden.

    Now if only I can get a beautiful tea cart ;)

    Trinidad & Tobago

  42. Hi Rhonda,
    I just coincidentally, whilst looking for the recipe I posted earlier, learnt about ANZAC biscuits! AND that ANZAC Day is the 25 April! I was born on the 26th April, so this makes it extra special.
    Here is the recipe I found for this gem:
    1 cup rolled oats
    1 cup plain flour
    1 cup sugar
    3/4 (three-quarters) cup coconut
    125g (4 oz) butter
    2 tablespoons golden syrup
    ½ (half) teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
    1 tablespoon boiling water
    Combine oats, sifted flour, sugar and coconut.
    Combine butter and golden syrup, stir over gentle heat until melted.
    Mix soda with boiling water, add to melted butter mixture, stir into dry ingredients.
    Take teaspoonfuls of mixture and place on lightly greased oven trays; allow room for spreading.
    Cook in slow oven (150°C or 300°F) for 20 minutes.
    Loosen while still warm, then cool on trays.
    Makes about 35.

    Trinidad & Tobago

  43. On My Mind today is my sewing room, still being put back together after our move.
    I am feeling the need to sew!
    Dayla http://badgerfarmwithdayla.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind.htm

  44. I've been travelling and I have not had much of an opportunity to blog due to intermittent WiFi connections. However, I will promise to do more when I return. On my mind on this fine Friday is Disneyland and Universal Studios.



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