2 September 2011

On my mind ..

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

Sewing is on my mind today - soakers and little summer pyjamas. I'll also start knitting an organic cotton cardigan for Alexander - that's what those red buttons are for. Sometime over the weekend I hope to tidy up my workspace; as usual, it looks like a dog's breakfast. With the weather warming up, there will be time spent in the bush house planting seeds and getting things in order for the hotter months. Time goes so fast for me now.

Thank you for your visits and comments this week. I rarely comment on comments, unless someone asks a specific question, but I read every one and love that connection with you. I feel like I know all my regular readers and often smile as I read your thoughts; each comment adds to my perception of you. I hope you have a beautiful weekend. See you all next week!



  1. You are such a wonderful Grandma! How lovely to be making special things for special little people.

    On my mind (even though it's still thursday where I live) : http://urbanhomesteadinholland.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind.html

  2. I did clean out my sewingroom today so I can get on with the next projects. Need the space and clean slated mind before I can get creative again.
    This morning I made Peach-applesauce and nectarine-applesauce. Enjoy your weekend everyone!


  3. Love the buttons and ribbons Rhonda, I'm still not organised enough for sewing, but enjoy your weekend of sewing and knitting for little ones.....
    On my mind....Community Gardens & Freecycle.


  4. Isn't it a wonderful thing to be making things for grandchildren I just love it! My dad is on my mind today. http://purplepearorganics.blogspot.com/

  5. Hi Rhonda, I look forward to seeing what you sew. Being creative is on my mind today http://www.girlswearbluetoo.com/2011/09/crafty-things.html

  6. "It usually looks like a dog's breakfast"! I love that phrase!
    On my mind is giant zucchinis! http://theprofessorswife.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind-giant-zucchini.html

  7. I loved knitting and sewing for my girls - it felt wonderful to see them dressed in things I had made - there was love in every stitch.
    On my mind today is the prospect of having half of our allotment taken away.....the thought of which makes me sad and angry in equal measure


  8. http://tasmanianminimalist.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind.html

    Hello this Friday from to a favourite blog and blogger. I have my latest on my mind post up too. I love reading your words all the time, you are my inspiration.

  9. What lucky grandchildren you have. No photos from me on my post as tissues are what I am thinking about http://lifeatarbordalefarm.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind-is-getting-better.html

  10. Cleaning up creative spaces seems to be an ongoing thing, doesn't it? I guess it shows that they are being used!! I'm hoping to get a bit more creativity in, before the weather starts to beckon me outside in no uncertain terms! Here's whats on my mind today -

  11. Ha! I grinned at the expression "dog's breakfast." What a great description!

    I have a sewing project on my mind too! http://bld-in-mt.blogspot.com/2011/09/on-my-mind.html

  12. Good morning Rhonda, such cute buttons! I'm thinking about sowing seeds too:


  13. Lovely post Rhonda!
    I'm joining in today too. Thinking about our gorgeous grandson who is turning TWO tomorrow!


  14. hee hee My work space looks like the breakfast of several large dogs but we did have a lovely dinner last night, the first day of Spring


  15. Hi Rhonda, I have a thing about buttons, love them, collect them, photo them. It's crazy. On my mind today is my garden and spring time actually it was on my mind yesterday too and will be tomorrow. My garden needs so much attention but even though it has been lacking love, mother nature always lends a helping hand during spring.

  16. I hope you enjoy sewing those beautiful garments, Rhonda. It is a busy time of year. What is on my mind now are Fathers Day menus.


  17. Those buttons are so cute! I love a good button. :)

    Our daughter is turning 19 months old today, & as usual, she's on my mind.

    Happy weekend!


  18. Sounds like some lovely projects ahead! On my mind is Chore Wars! http://hearmumroar.com/2011/09/on-my-mind-chorewars/

  19. Rhonda, your picture makes me want to pick up my current crochet project right now!

    As our school year has just started, waste free school lunches are on my mind right now.


  20. I love the notions in the photo.

    For this week on my mind I am sharing a glimpse into my kitchen.


    I love this idea of all of us being able to share what is on our minds. Thanks Rhonda.


  21. On my mind today is how proud of my children and all the support they give to help fundraise for the Royal Children's Hospital Foundation through sharing their stories of living with Cystic Fibrosis.



  22. Rhonda those buttons are gorgeous :-)
    On my mind today is the feeling of accomplishment as I have 2 knitted throws ready to hand in to K4BN charity.

  23. Adorable little buttons :)

    Mine is up here: http://viggiesveggies.com/?p=1507

  24. Happy sewing for the grand kids, how lucky are they to have such a generous granny!
    On my mind today is my colleague´s farewell party at work for which I baked an almond meal chocolate cake.

  25. I can't wait to see your projects when you get them done. I'll bet they'll be adorable.
    Your comment about your work space looking like a dog's breakfast made me laugh because I could very well use that description for my sewing area!
    Hope your weekend is peaceful and relaxing.

  26. Hi Rhonda---have a great weekend. We are on a 3-day holiday weekend here in the states and on my mind is that I am going camping:
    NW Drizzle: Goin' Camping


  27. My kiddo will be 3 this weekend, so he's on my mind over at Expat Prep.

  28. On my mind this morning is my niece who just had her son yesterday and how sad it is that my brother (her father) passed away three months ago today. The young lad has his Grandpa’s chin...

  29. Sewing and knitting for your dear Grand babies must bring you so much joy! To weave love and kisses carefully into each stitch must delight you beyond measure. I have kept every single handmade garment that my wonderful Mother made for each of our children. Sweaters, hats, dresses, bonnets, blankets... all lovingly packed away for my children's children!

  30. Sewing areas are distrubed by elves in the night!

  31. So inspiring! I've just discovered your blog and have become your new follower. Soon I must return to read more. Love it:)

  32. I watched your blog from basically the day you started it, and I didn't make any posts for a while on mine and it deleted everyone that I was following, but I was just going back through all my comments and I found you after all this time....This is the best news ever!!!! Yahh I am so excited

  33. don't know why, but trims and buttons really do it for me...fun to imagine all the things that might be embellished!


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