14 September 2011

Goodbye Alice

Many of the long term readers would know we have an old Airedale Terrier. Alice has been getting weaker this year, she's deaf and almost blind, and as she is drinking a lot of water now, I think she may have diabetes.  Yesterday, while I was at the Neighbourhood Centre, Alice deteriorated more; last night, Hanno had to carry her outside to do a wee.

Today we'll take Alice to the vet for the final time. This is not going to be easy. It's time to say goodbye. 


  1. My prayers are with you, Hanno and Alice. I can't imagine how difficult this must be, but now Alice will be healthy again and will run in the green pastures of pet heaven (or at least that what I like think). Big hug to you and kiss Alice for all us who love our pets like family members.

  2. Oh Rhonda, I am so sorry that you will know this pain. Big Hug. Mercy for our pets does come painfully.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry. Losing a beloved pet is just so difficult. My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. xoxo

  4. Oh Rhonda. My thoughts are with you.

    It is never easy - saying goodbye to a best friends - and I have had the pleasure of 3 best (canine) friends in my life.

    The only thought that consoled me was the erasing of their pain and suffering.

    But it is not easy for those who are left behind. Just know that the love is / was returned. And Alice knows you are acting in her best interests.

    Take care.

  5. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. I love that our dogs can be such a huge part of our lives, but it's so hard when they have to go. I dread that for our dogs, they are just a part of home. :)
    God bless you, and may you have His peace as you deal with this hard time.

  6. What a tough decision, but what a loving one! Sending you gentle thoughts!

  7. Oh, Rhonda..... losing a long time well-loved pet is so painful. And having to decide when it is time to say goodbye is even more painful. I'm so sorry.

    After taking our sweet Pippin to the vet for the last time, I called all 3 of my children to say, "This is hard to do, but I want you to know and I want you to make this decision for me when the time comes." Everyone needs to make some choices, and everyone needs to realize how hard the choices are to make.'

    Barbara M.

  8. Miss Rhonda, I'm so sorry. Hugs,Espy

  9. I want to wish you all the strenght you'll need.

    Love from Holland

  10. Oh, I'm so so so sorry to hear that! I know exactly what it's like, but I'm sure it will be easier on the dog.

  11. Thinking of you at this difficult and sad time. It'll be hard to start with and then you will remember all the happy years you shared.
    Helen in France

  12. so sorry to hear this, yet she'll be in peace soon. hugs, rhonda.

  13. I`m so sad for you. Loosing a well loved pet does feel just like a human bereavement. My thoughts are with you both on this difficult day. Just keep reminding yourselves of the good times you`ve had with her. She was a lucky dog to have had such caring owners.
    Love and hugs for you both. xxxxxx

  14. I feel your pain, we put our beautiful 17 year old American Eskie MacLeod to sleep in August. We were lucky that the vet agreed to do it in our home so our cats could say goodbye to their friend. Your Alice was loved by your family and had a wonderful live. Take comfort in your memories of her.

  15. Rhonda and Hanno,
    I'm so sorry about Alice.
    It's so hard when we lose a pet because they're so much more because they become part of the family.
    I know when we lost our cat Rusty a couple years ago, I was heartbroken. We got him as a tiny kitten and for whatever reason, he bonded with me more than anyone else, following me everywhere I went and wanted me to carry him around all the time, all 16 pounds of him! The day we had him put down was the worst day, but I held him in my lap while the vet did what she needed to do, and I talked to him as he drifted off. Even now as I write this, I have tears in my eyes. I suppose some people might think that's a bit silly, but as I said before, they're much more than just pets.
    I wish I could offer you more comfort, but I'm thinking of you all and hope Alice's passing is peaceful and gentle.

  16. I am so sorry to hear. My thoughts are with you both.

  17. I'm so sorry. It's so hard when you know it's time to say goodbye to a pet.

  18. Rhonda, I am thinking of you, Hanno, and your family at this time. I'm sure you have heard of the Rainbow Bridge poem: http://rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm I hope this can bring you some comfort in the coming days.

    All the best,

  19. Oh Rhonda,

    My heart aches for you and Hanno. We've had the final trip to the vet with the last goodbye several times with pets over our lifetime. It never gets any easier, but take peace in the fact that you provided her a good life and helped her to die with dignity. Our pets depend on us for that.

    Diane in North Carolina

  20. I'm so sorry, Rhonda. Alice was a very good dog, and she had the very best people to care for her. My love to you and Hanno.

  21. I am so sorry! It's so hard to say goodbye but even harder to see someone you love so much suffering. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  22. I'm so sorry. I know it's never easy. Take care.


  23. Oh, laying a pet to rest is truly so difficult...but you *are* doing what is best for her. I'm so sorry for the loss of a loved one!

  24. I'm so sorry Rhonda. I'll keep you in my thoughts today!

  25. Oh Rhonda I am so sorry, my thoughts are with you. I have been reading your blog for a long time and will miss your writing about Alice and her pictures.
    With heart felt thoughts

  26. I am so sorry to hear of this difficult time. I hope her passing is easy for her and soon you and yours can remember the joy she brought you with less sadness.

  27. I am so sorry.

    Connie in GA

  28. Sorry to hear about your Alice. Big hugs from me

  29. I'm so sorry to hear this, Rhonda Jean. It was almost a year ago my family went through the same thing with our beloved dog of nearly 14 years, Gus. My mom took him to the vet, and he passed on his own two days later. We know he was telling us that it was time.

    I do not envy what you are going through, but rest assured in knowing that you, Hanno, and Alice are in my family's thoughts and prayers.

    Best, Jessica

  30. Oh Rhonda and Hanno, I'm so sorry for you. What a difficult decision to make!
    My heart is still aching because we had to put our beloved cat to sleep three weeks ago. He went very peacefully to cat heaven, because the vet came to our house and we held him close till everything was over. Even our two dogs had the chance to say goodbye to their best friend of more than 11 years.
    I'm sure you're making the right decision because everything else would prolong Alice's suffering. Give her a loving farewell and cherish the good times you had together.
    Your post reminds me of the painful fact that our two dogs aren't youngsters anymore either, both of them are 14. I wonder how much time we've left together...
    My thoughts are with you and Alice on this sad day.
    Thinking of you in the south of Germany.

  31. Rhonda and Hanno,
    I am so sorry to hear this news. I know how much you both loved Alice.
    Big hugs.

  32. so sorry to hear about alice. will be thinking of you today.

    sophie in new zealand

  33. So sorry Rhonda, I know how hard it is. Thinking of you and sending love, xx

  34. Oh dear! I am so sorry to hear this news about Alice. She was a Good Dog for you. I know your pain; we've had to make those same decisions quite a few sad times in this past year.

    Please know you all are in my thoughts today.

  35. so sorry.It is the hardest thing to do,deciding when is the "right" time.Hope that in time you will remember lots of happy memories of good times spent together.big hugs

  36. Dear Rhonda & Hanno,
    Such a difficult day for you both but you are doing the best for her I'm sure. Thinking of you both today.
    Lucy (in Joyner)

  37. Oh Rhonda, I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to make that final decision for our much loved animal companions. We have had to do it many times over the years for our cats. We have such fond memories of all our cats as I'm sure you do of Alice. Take comfort in knowing that you and Hanno provided well for her needs & gave her a good life. Thoughts & prayers are with you and Hanno. {{{{HUGS}}}

  38. May she sleep peacefully in the loving arms of the great mother. And may the memories of many joyful years give you comfort in your grief. Love Becca

  39. Rhonda, I am so sorry. I know how much you both love Alice and how hard this will be. It's one of the most amazing acts of love we can do for our animals who are such a huge part of our lives. They tell us when it's time and all we can do then is let them go. My heart breaks for you. Give Alice a wee kiss from me. I'll be thinking of you today. Sleep well, Alice.
    lots of love xx

  40. Dear Rhonda,
    I burst into tears when I heard your news - what a tough thing to have to do. Alice was lucky to have such a beautiful family to spend her life with. I'll be thinking of you and sending love,

  41. Our family send you lots of love and courage. Our animals are part of the family and we've had to say goodbye several times. It's never easy and always very painful but memories are kept alive to help us reduce the pain.

    Goodbye Alice.


  42. Not an easy day ahead for you, my thoughts are with you. Goodbye Alice.....Nanette

  43. The right thing is not always the easy thing. With advances in veterinary medicine, we are able to keep our beloved pets with us longer than ever before. But are we catering to THEM or to OURSELVES? We had to put a horse down a couple of weeks ago. She was 28 years old, sway backed, could not keep weight on her and she had a bad hip. She was miserable and tired. My husband had owned her since she was a 2 year old and it was the hardest thing he's ever had to do ...but it was the kindest thing he could do for his old friend. She is buried in our pasture and we know she had a GOOD life.

    You are doing the kindest thing for Alice. I know if she could talk, she would thank you for this one last kindness and tell you that she had the best owners/caretakers in the world.

  44. So sorry to hear this Rhonda, we've heard how much Alice means to you. Thoughts are with you today at this sad time xx

  45. So sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you both. ((((hugs))))

  46. My heart goes out to both of you. It is so hard to lose a beloved friend.

  47. I'm sorry to hear that Rhonda. My thoughts are with you. It will be a tough day. xxx

  48. I'm so sorry to hear about Alice. I have been there myself before and it's so very hard. I'm sending comforting thoughts your way. Alice is a beautiful dog who has had a beautiful life.

  49. My thoughts and prayers are with you Rhonda and Hanno on such a difficult day.

    Sleep well Alice.


  50. I am so sorry to hear your news. Losing one you love is never something easy. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  51. O - I'm so sorry to hear that Rhonda. She will be sorely missed. Our thoughts are with you.

  52. so sorry about this Rhonda, but as the first poster said, she will cross the bridge, be young and sprightly again, and once more playing with Rose

  53. ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) to you both!

  54. It's sad, but as you said, it's obvious when the time has come.
    The "green dream" is a lovely death for them.... the last thing we can do to repay a life filled with love.

  55. OH Rhonda, I am so sorry the day has come. It is always hard to part with a loved pet.

  56. Thinking of you all. It is so hard to lose a faithful pet.

  57. Big hugs from me to you both and a sweet heavenly dreams smooch to Alice XXXXXX


  58. may Alice rest in peace. I'm thinking of you both on this difficult day.

  59. I'm so sorry. It's a very hard thing to do. We had our dog for fourteen years and recently had to put him to sleep.

  60. Goodbye Alice, thank you for looking after Hanno and Rhonda. Good dog x

  61. i'm so sorry rhonda and hanno... sweet alice. hugs to all of you. xo

  62. Oh Rhonda, I'm so very sorry :( Saying goodbye to a much loved pet is tremendously difficult. Hugs to you all the way from Alberta (((((((Rhonda))))))).

  63. Oh Rhonda and Hanno...my thoughts will be with you today. So sorry to read this news about your lovely Alice.
    With much love,
    Lusi x

  64. Sorry to hear that, Iv'e wondered lately how she has been doing. Broke my heart 31 may this year when my best friend Harry lab fell ill. The decision to call the vet was the hardest thing I have ever done. Thinking of you and your hub x

  65. So sorry to hear about Alice. Take care,


  66. It is a heartwrenching decision to make,I know and I'm sending you loving thoughts.
    Kate xx

  67. Rhonda and Hanno, I'm so sorry to hear this but Alice has led a long and happy life and the best thing we can do for our pets at the end is to ease them out as gracefully and painlessly as we can. Over the Rainbow Bridge she goes to join Rose and be young and carefree again. My heart goes out to you as I've had to make that decision way too many times over the years.

  68. I'm so sorry, Rhonda. Goodbye Alice.

  69. Oh this is such sad news. Knowing when the time is right to let them go and not leaving the decision till its 'too' late, is very difficult.
    I'll be thinking of you both today ((hugs))
    Be free Alice, to run and play again.

  70. Oh Rhonda, I knew as soon as I saw the title what this story would be about. Even when we know the time is nearing it is a very very hard thing to go through. I am in tears just remembering. When our dog died, our cat his buddy, slept using his brush for a pillow for the longest time. It is so hard saying goodbye as they were such a good part of our lives and we theirs. There is nothing quite like the bond with our pets. I am sorry you had to say goodbye forever today. Sarah

  71. Rhonda, taking Alice to the vet is kinder than letting her die naturally as you don't know what other discomforts she's going through. Hugs to you and Hanno as this is never easy.

  72. I'm so sorry to hear that Rhonda :( my thoughts will be with you today xxx

  73. Thinking of you & Hanno today it is so hard to lose a noble dog friend. You have made such a difficult but kind decision that she will not suffer for any longer. My thoughts are with you.

    Goodbye Alice may you now rest in peace knowing you were a lucky dog for having been owned by such loving kind owners.

  74. Rhonda - May the joy of your memories of Alice overcome the pain.

  75. I'm so very sorry for youe loss.

  76. Hi Rhonda, I am so sad for you. We have been through this too, only our lovely Tilly was relatively young, but went into kidney failure and we found out that she was born with just one kidney. :(
    You are doing today what we did in 2007, showing your final act of love to your precious pet.
    Sending thoughts and prayers to you, and God Bless, Alice. Sandy.

  77. Rhonda,

    My heart is with you and Hanno. Alice knew only love all her days with you - her love will always be close to you.


  78. My thoughts & prayers are with you & Hanno!

  79. Pats to The Lovely Alice, thanks for being my cyber dog Alice, I felt like I knew you.

    Hugs Rhonda and Hanno, it takes a lot to bring me to tears but I'm sharing them with you right now. Love from Rose

  80. Oh Rhonda & Hanno
    I am so sorry to hear this. May Alice rest in peace, my thoughts are with you.
    Lors x

  81. Hi Rhonda,

    My sincere thoughts are with you at this sad time...

    Happy memories of Sweet Alice.


  82. Rhonda my thoughts are with you and Hanno at this sad time...it wasn't that long ago that you left me a message of support when my cat Lina died and you mentioned that you felt that you would be facing a similar situation soon...you'll have lots of memories of Alice's love and devotion for your family.

  83. Rhonda, I read your blog daily and today's post about your beloved dog-child touched me deeply. We made the same decision about a month ago with our 16 year old German shepherd mix dog. He was so loyal and dedicated to us that he didn't even whimper when his back legs gave out and he could no longer walk, either. My son told me afterwards that we had done the merciful loving thing for our dog, which was also the hard thing. You will come to the point when you remember the good times, not the painful end, so much.

  84. I've been through this more times than I care to remember. It's heart breaking but it is the right thing to do. My thoughts are with you both and with Alice.

  85. Oh I'm so incredibly sorry to hear about Alice. This must be absolutely heartbreaking :-(. It is always hard when you have to go through something like this!

  86. Rhonda my thoughts are with you and Hanno. Having lost my own dog last year I know just what a wrench it is and how big a space they leave in your life. I still miss my Carlos and often find myself looking for him around the house. Hugs, Pat

  87. My thoughts are with you. I enjoyed looking at your photos of your lovely Airedales. I'm sure she will be missed. Big hugs from Tasmania.

  88. Rhonda, I was thinking about your Alice last night and wondering about her health. My thoughts are with you and Hanno at this sad and difficult time.

    Gold Coast

  89. Rhonda,

    I'm so sorry to hear about Alice----what a beautiful friend she has been for so long. Blessed we are, indeed, when we have the privilege of special animal friends in our lives. It is particularly difficult, though, when we must demonstrate our love through mercy.

    Thinking of you and sending a warm embrace from northern California. Rest in Peace, Alice~~~

    Love and Blessings, Patti

  90. Rhonda and Hanno, as you and so many others here know, it's the hardest decision to make but the right one. My thoughts are with all three of you today.
    Hooligan hound in Sydney

  91. So sorry for your loss. Blessings...

  92. oh how terribly sad.

    is it possible for the vet to come to you instead?

    we'll be facing a similar decision in the not too distant future and I dread the thought of it.


  93. Such sad news! One of my favourite things about your blog was seeing your dogs. My thoughts are with you, Hanno and sweet Alice.
    ~S. xo

  94. My thoughts are with you both Rhonda and Hanno.

  95. Awwww....I'm so sorry for you and Hanno, Rhonda. It is so hard to do what you need to do. :/

  96. Rest now dear Alice. You have bought much love and joy to your family over the years. Hugs to you both Rhonda and Hanno on this day.

  97. So sorry about your Alice. Several years ago we had a schnauzer that was blind from diabetes and she passed away in the middle of the night while we held her. It is always heartbreaking to lose a pet but if her quality of life is not good it is for the best. You gave her a wonderful life and you will meet again one day. Lana

  98. Oh Rhonda and Hanno I am sorry to read this news. Alice has been such a big part of this blog too and it is so sad to read that you have had to make this decision. I will be thinking of you all today and know the memories of Alice will be forever in your hearts.

  99. I;m so sorry to hear this...she was very much loved and had a charmed life with you both. Bye bye Alice

  100. So sad..... my thoughts and prayers are with you and Hanno...

  101. Thinking of you and Hanno today and sending you warm hugs.

  102. My heart goes out to you. It is never easy but our precious pets are worth it. Saying goodbye is the price we pay for loving animals.

  103. Oh Rhonda and Hanno I am so sorry. Losing a loved pet isn't any easier than losing a human family member. My heart goes out to you. We are trying to come to terms with the fact that we will be facing the same situation soon too. It is one of the hardest things about having pets I think.
    We will be thinking of you.

    Colleen and the Gang

  104. Rhonda, so very sorry to hear this. It's never easy making this decision or carrying out, but is done with much love in the heart. Will be thinking of and praying for you and Hanno today.

  105. such a very hard thing
    joining all the dogs who have gone before her

    will be thinking of you


  106. Awwwwwwww; I am so sorry, Rhonda. It is hard to have to say goodbye; no matter if it is the best thing to do regarding quality of life for Alice. You have been best friends for years, and no one can take that away. My thoughts and condolences.

  107. Thinking of you today Rhonda and Hanno. It is such a hard thing to do, taking your animal to the vet for the last time. I had to do this with our two old Jack Russels about 18months and 22 months ago. In the end I knew I had to for their sake. We have many fond memories of them and will never forget them. xxoo Much love.

  108. I'm so sorry for your loss. They really are part of the family and even though we know their lives are shorter than ours, it's never easy to lose them. My thoughts are with you.

    The Rainbow Bridge
    inspired by a Norse legend

    By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
    Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
    Where the friends of man and woman do run,
    When their time on earth is over and done.

    For here, between this world and the next,
    Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
    On this golden land, they wait and they play,
    Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

    No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
    For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
    Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
    Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

    They romp through the grass, without even a care,
    Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
    All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
    Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

    For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
    Together again, both person and pet.
    So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
    The time of their parting is over at last.

    The sadness they felt while they were apart,
    Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
    They embrace with a love that will last forever,
    And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.
    © 1998 Steve and Diane Bodofsky

  109. Oh dear Rhonda...big hugs to both you and your family. Alice will be missed by a lot of people. My thoughts are with you both today, but also tomorrow for the first time you wake and she doesn't greet you, and every time after that. (hugs to all)

  110. Rhonda,
    I have never posted before but I feel the urge to now. My thoughts are with you...we don't have children but we do have dogs and saying a planned goodbye is one of the THE most difficult things a person can do. You are in my thoughts as I send you thoughts of strength and peace for a difficult event.

  111. Hi Rhonda,

    I'm so sorry to hear this. It reminds me of my dog when I was young. Sincere thoughts are with you and Hanno...

  112. I am so sorry Rhonda. Hugs

  113. I understand how you must be feeling today. Hugs to you all. Maa

  114. A very sad day. My thoughts are with you. Be strong xoxo

  115. So sorry to hear, even though you know the time would come doesn't make it any easier. As soon as I saw the email heading, Down to earth-Goodbye to Alice I immediately knew.She was a celebrity in her own right. Goodbye Alice.

  116. I am so sorry Rhonda. I know how you have loved her.


  117. Dear Rhonda
    My thoughts and love are with you at this very sad time. My heart feels broken for you and Hanno. I will be in the same place very soon as I have a 16 yr old Jack Russell who is deaf and quite blind and getting worse.
    You will have wonderful memories and Im sure some lovely photos to remind you both of her.
    I will think of her everytime I make up a batch of your homemade dog food for my oskar.
    Take care. Sarah.

  118. Oh, Rhonda, I'm so sorry to hear this. Pets are so special and are such a huge part of our lives saying goodbye to them can be so very painful. You have given Alice a wonderful life and she has provided you both with her loving companionship in return. Hugs for you, dear friend. xx

  119. A sad day Rhonda. My heart goes out to both you and Hanno.

    Gav x

  120. I'm so sorry!all my Love to you both,i know how hard it is,xxx Carol

  121. I'm so sorry. My little Du dog is only seven, but when his time comes, it will break my heart. You have been lucky to have such a wonderful little friend.

    brenda from arkansas

  122. So sorry--losing a beloved pet is never easy. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  123. My thoughts are with you both today Rhonda and Hanno. RIP Alice.
    Hugs Jen

  124. Dear Rhonda,
    I understand how you feel. I've buried 3 of my best friends so far and the last in the line is now 14 years old, a bit deff and with cataract.His brother died suddenly 3 years ago from what we suspected was a heart attack. It was a sad time for us, but he did not ail as his brother is doing. I was only 19 when I lost my first dog (their father) and it took me more than a year to get over it. I still feel I have only suppressed my emotions regarding the event rather than dealt with them. I am sure he will fall asleep and dream of chasing rabbits and move on peacefullly. I will pray for his peaceful passage.

  125. I am so sorry for you both rhonda. What a joy though to have special memories of your girl.

  126. Such a sad day for you both. She was a beautiful girl and had a lovely life with you. Be brave. Love and thoughts are with you.

  127. My heart goes out to both you and Hanno as you celebrate the life Alice lived as a devoted member of your family. Blessing to both of you and the boys during this difficult time. (((hugs)))

  128. My thoughts are with you and Hanno. I had to make that horrible decision last year to put my nearly 20 year old dog to sleep. She came to live with us just two weeks after we were married. At the time it was gut wrenching but now I feel an incredible sense of peace and know she is just waiting for me to arrive. Much love to you both.

  129. Please accept a hugh ~~HUG~~ and lots of ~~Love~~from blessing the elements~~ at this time of sorrow.
    ~~Peace & Love

  130. Oh Rhonda, I'm so sorry. We had to have one of our dogs put to sleep, and even when you know it's the right decision, it's so hard.
    Thinking of you.

  131. RIP Alice. I have a treasured photo of us outside my caravan door when we were both young enjoying our good health.

    Love the other Kathleen Alice

  132. Dear Rhonda
    I was so sorry to read your post today. Pets are very dear to us and are very hard to say goodbye to. Love and hugs to you and Hanno.

  133. My heart goes out to you and Hanno. It is always such a great loss when one of our pets dies. Our dog, a brown labrador, is thirteen and getting old. I dread the day when we have to take the same decision.
    love, Ellen

  134. Dear Rhonda and Hanno,my thoughts are with you both at this sad time.

    Karen near Gympie.

  135. Much love & prayers as you say farewell to your precious Alice.

    Cape Town
    South Africa

  136. Sad day, sorry to hear the news. Hope you have lots of photos of happy times with Alice that will bring a smile to your face. As a pet lover I know how hard it is to put down a beloved companion. xxx

  137. Rhonda and Hanno, so sorry to hear about Alice. You will be in my thoughts today. Karen from CT

  138. Oh I am so sorry. This is truly the most difficult part of loving our pets. Please know that you are doing the best thing for Alice, that final act of caring for this sweet member of your family.
    Many hugs,

  139. Dear RJ,
    Sending you a warm hug, my thoughts are with you today. I've had to do the same thing myself a few years ago and know how difficult and painful it was.
    Lis xx

  140. Very sad news for you & Hanno. RIP Alice. from Jenny McH

  141. This is such sad news. It's so hard to lose a pet. Wishing you and Hanno a lot of strength. I will be thinking of you !!

  142. My heart is with you and Hanno as it is so hard to say goodbye.

  143. makes me teary, a life well lived I'm sure. Our old dog is blind and deaf and getting more fragile. So hard to lose the pets that have been the rhythm and constant of our lives. xo

  144. oh I'm so so sad for you, dogs really are mans best friends and are part of our families. Lots and lots of love to you all. x x x

  145. Rhonda:

    I'm sorry to hear about Alice, but you are doing the right thing for her. I hope she has a peaceful passing. Hugs to you and Hanno

    AM of the Bread

  146. Sending our deepest sympathy to you. We know what you are feeling. My husband and I are big animal lovers so we truly understand. Alice was so lucky to have lived with you.

    Frances in Bay City, Texas

  147. I am so sorry.
    (((gentle hug)))

  148. I am so sorry, Rhonda. It's not easy to lose a long-loved pet. I will be thinking of you and looking for an update on how you are doing.

  149. Oh dear friend, I'm so sorry. I know the pain from that last trip to the vet. Take time to grieve your loss and remember the endearing things about her. Love and hugs to you both!

  150. Oh Rhonda, you and Hanno are in my thoughts and prayers...it is hard to say goodbye to a pet who is a member of the family. ((Hugs))

  151. I knew this day was coming for a long time, but I am so sad to know that it is here. Thanks for sharing your sweet dog with us Rhonda. As always, it is a joy to be included in your life.


  152. My heart is with you and Hanno at this time. Knowing when to let go of a beloved pet is part of loving them. You will be greeted by both Rosie and Alice at the Rainbow Bridge when the time comes. Love is wonderful and love sure can hurt.
    Many hugs to you all.

  153. sweet dreams beautiful Alice xxx thoughts are with you and Hanno rhonda xx Deb

  154. So sorry to hear about Alice. May your loving memories of her be your comfort at this time.

  155. I'm sorry-so very sorry.
    Sending you and Hanno hugs and caring thoughts.

  156. It is hard to lose a family member, my heart goes out to you x

    aka inquisitive1ady

  157. I am so sorry. My heart aches for you as you have to say goodbye to her.

  158. So sorry to hear. Sounds like you have made the right decision for her. Bless Her

  159. My thoughts are with you, Rhonda. So sorry, I know how hard it is. Peace.

  160. Dear Rhonda and Hanno,

    I'm so sorry. It's so hard saying goodbye to a dearly loved member of the family, and I know you will miss Alice. I remember sweet Rosie, too. How lovely that you have years of happy memories of your girls.

    I'm a lousy commenter these days, but I still read all your posts!

    Go gently, friends.

  161. The cycle of life is painful, Alice, Hanno & you are in my meditations & blessings

  162. sorry for your loss Rhonda and Hanno, my thoughts are with you.

  163. A warm hug to you both. Enjoy and embrace your memories of Alice.

  164. How heartbreaking. Pets aren't 'like family', they ARE family. You had many wonderful years with Alice and I'm sure she felt so loved. In my thoughts....

  165. That's heartbreaking......RIP Alice, we have been through it too,
    Mowbray Tas

  166. Dear Rhonda,
    I was only thinking of Alice last week. It's heartbeaking and very, very sad. I'm really sorry for you and Hanno. Every post that you put up about Alice (such a lovely name for her) was sprinkled with love and the best of care. It used to warm my heart that you and Hanno were there in your part of the world caring for animals in such a lovely way. The world needs more of you both.
    Much love,

  167. You have surely lost a wee part of your heart....I'm so very sorry.



  168. Dear Rhonda and Hanno, I'm so sorry for Alice.She was such a beautiful dog. I too have pets and know how much love we share.

  169. Dear Rhonda and family,
    I didn't read here for a while and i just read about Alice. I'm sorry for her lost. It's always painful to miss our dear pets. I had to say goodbye to my sweet cat of 19 years old on september 17. It's never easy and very sad.
    Greetings, Ingrid


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