26 August 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

With winter's end coming soon and the forecast tomorrow for heavy rain, I'm thinking of making another thick vegetable and barley soup, like the one (above) I made a couple of weeks ago. This uses fresh vegetables from the garden, grains from the stockpile and soup bones and a little meat from the freezer. It's a complete frugal meal that will last us for quite a few days, or it can be frozen for later.

The photo above shows my latest experiment - sprouted soup mix. I want to make soup with sprouted grains but didn't know if the common mixture of grains and legumes in soup mix would sprout.  They did! You can see above the barley has sprouted, so have the split peas. I'm not sure how it will end up in the pot, but at the moment I think I'll add some soup mix and cook as normal, then add the sprouted soup mix at the end.  I don't want to cook the sprouts too much, they are quite soft and the added texture will be a great addition to the soup; we'll have test tastes and modify it as we go. When we have this soup, I'll write about it.

ADDED LATER: Morag wrote to urge me to add a warning about using beans for this soup. Eating uncooked or undercooked beans, particularly red kidney beans, is dangerous and any form of bean mix should not be used for sprouting like this.  Please read this. Thanks Morag.

What is on your mind today?


  1. well, that's a bit of genius! can't wait to hear how your soup turns out.

    Cakes showcased at the Kentucky State Fair have been on my mind:

  2. Very interesting~Sprouted Soup!

    I have been thinking a good deal about my husband as our 23rd anniversary is coming up on Saturday.

    I wrote A Glimpse sharing what is on my mind.



  3. Your soup looks yummy - like everything you cook.

    This is on my mind this weekend:



  4. I've never tried linking my blog to someone elses before, but you seem really really nice and I don't think you'd be mean if I've messed it up


  5. Your soup looks really good and thick. Very inviting. Soup with sprouts sounds interesting. I am sure there are some oriental recipes out there using sprouts. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    Today I have been baking with peaches. I have baskets full of them here and will be canning them soon for the pantry, but it is nice to have fresh baking and eating of them while we can.


  6. Hi Rhonda, Thanks for sharing your life with us through your blog. As always very inspiring. (I hope you won't be freezing yourself LOL!)
    This week On my mind has been our trip to the U.S with our special needs dance class which is now less than a month away. Exciting times!

  7. You're getting the rain now we've had here ( Murwillumbah) for the last week Rhonda...heavy enough for localised flooding. Today I see patches of blue sky for a change, so hopefully the soggy yard and chook pen will dry off for some weekend garden work.

    The soup looks good, and fresh sprouts in it is a great idea. I've added my sprouts to stir fries and dahl, right at the end for the crunch, so I'm sure it'll work for soup.

    Stay warm and dry over the weekend.....Nanette

  8. Hi Rhonda, I would never have thought of sprouting to add to soup. Very inventive. I had to laugh - I know you think outside the square but freezing YOURSELF for later is a bit extreme! LOL

    My weekend is on my mind. http://greenhavengoodlife.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mind-away-with-girls.html

  9. I wondered what Linn and Linda were talking about and had to check. LOL!! I've taken myself out of the freezer now.

  10. I love homemade soup, especially with barley....yummmmm.....good idea sprouting the grains first....Well done.
    On my mind: http://justlikemynanmade.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mindchristmas-cake-stage-2.html

  11. Funny, your winter is coming to an end and we're heading into autumn in about 3 weeks. In fact, I just posted a recipe for chili on my blog and will follow up with others as the weather gets cooler and I start craving heartier meals!

  12. I would be hard pressed not to just eat the sprouts with a spoon and forget about the soup, mmm sprouts and cottage cheese..

    On My Mind today, was yesterday :-)

  13. I am such a tremendous fan of soups. They are so simple, versatile, and nourishing, especially perfect on a chilly day, and they keep so very well. Your soup looks quite tasty and wonderful. Perhaps soup is in order for dinner here tonight.

    On my mind today was doing a little research on why my potato plants looked like they were growing weird little tomatoes!


    Turns out it was nothing serious!

  14. We've been eating a lot of soups and stews lately. Potato and leek has been on the menu a few times as leeks are a reasonable price here at the moment.
    This is on my mind today as the rain disappears and the warm days are arriving

  15. I just home made soup looks yummy :)

  16. Interesting Rhonda. I'm currently reading about sprouted grain for baking, I hadn't thought of soup.

  17. `Mmm...barley in soup is delicious! I love it in beef stew, too. Here is Los Angeles we are having a heat wave. I took some chicken vegetable soup out of the freezer and had it for lunch. I added half and half and grated cheddar cheese. It made it really nice...like a gourmet soup. I am organizing my financial paperwork and just cleaned my air conditioner filter. I'll have to wait to bake bread and make dog food until tomorrow a.m. when it's cooler. Am also scrubbing the tub with your mixture of liquid soap and baking soda. I use your recipes and ideas everyday. Thank you Rhonda!

  18. Your soup looks so good I would love to make some right now since I need some comfort food since we are in the midst of moving... Tracy


  19. Dear Rhonda
    Only last weekend I made a similar soup. I did it in the slow cooker and it made so much I've frozen some also. We had the soup with some brilliant bread. I picked up the recipe from a What's on my mind reader last Friday.

    Today on my mind - recycling an unloved tablecloth into a large multi-purpose knitting bag.

  20. Please check me out, I have a beautiful On My Mind pictire today http://tasmanianminimalist.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mind_26.html

  21. That looks delicious on this grey Melbourne day!

    Linked in from



  22. What a clever soup idea, especially as fall approaches.
    Today I'm thinking about our upcoming hunting season.

  23. That sprouted Soup mix could make for a nice Salad base...
    Maybe a mix like a Tabbouleh...
    There would be some interesting textures and flavours amongst it!
    Be interesting to see how your soup turns out! Enjoy your soup and Enjoy the Rain...

  24. That soup really does look great!

    No cooking on my mind right now, just thinking about how kids and grandfathers go together over at expatprep!

  25. On my mind today is first time yoghurt making. Thanks to YOU Rhonda for giving me the knowledge and inspiration to learn yet another new skill. My new mantra is "Moving towards simple living, one new skill at a time!"

  26. What delicious looking soup...the kind of soup that makes a house , a home.
    On my mind this week is 'Berry Nice Gardener Vision' . You are welcome to visit at http://thelittleblackcowblog.blogspot.com

  27. I must make this soup, it looks good.

    Spring is on my mind http://cabbagetreefarm.blogspot.com/2011/08/on-my-mind.html


  28. Hi Rhonda, what a yummy sounding soup. I have never tried a barley soup myself, but it sounds like a perfect winter warmer. I admire the ideas you come up with and the sprouted soups sounds very interesting :) I hope your soup keeps you comforted and warm in the last of the winter time.

    On my mind today over at Come Smell the Roses, is how proud I am today. I am proud of my 5 year old boy completing his first cross country running race, how our support and lessons we teach him helped him today and paid off for him. I am also proud of, albeit a very hard choice, that we have made the choice to be time rich and not money rich, so I can share these times with my children as they grow.

    Love your blog Rhonda :)

    Regards, Ruth

  29. That sounds very interesting - sprouted soup. I hope it tastes good.

    Today I am thinking about the special treat that I made for my family.


    Cath aka Elastic Mom

  30. Good idea sprouting the soup mix first. I like the sound of that. I've had thoughts evoked by a film last night, on my mind all day today ;


  31. I have Spring on my mind.... here in Tassie it is a long awaited event and so beautiful when it begins!

    Rhonda, adding sprouted soup mix is an excellent idea and one I will keep in mind ..... for next winter!! Unless of course we get more snow and ice!


  32. The soup looks wonderful Rhonda! :-)
    My 'On my mind' post today relates to your post yesterday on crafts, and features a group that I've joined this year. I got a bit carried away with the photos tho', lol!

  33. I have not visited here for so long - but reading through your last few posts I see nothing has changed - except Grandchildren!!?? I must go back and find out when that happened.
    I have missed your gentle peacefulness - and your contentment - thank you for still being here - and maintaining a peaceful haven.


  34. Hi Rhonda that is a great idea! Did you just sprout out them in water and colander?

  35. It looks delicious...I made some minestrone for a dear friend today and will get some barley etc to sprout asap. I eat sprouted green lentils every day too!



  36. Last year I found a bag of those mixed bean and lentil "soup" mixes that had gotten pushed aside for a long time in my pantry, so I decided to experiment with them and planted them in my garden and they grew very nicely giving me a great variety!! I seperated them into like kinds and made a row of each (we have a huge garden space), a fun project on one of those late winter evenings !

  37. Mine is up :)

  38. I made pumpkin soup, but yours looks nice too. On my mind today is Daffodil Day, a fund raising initiative for cancer research.

  39. I may just have to try a soup like that - but not for a couple months yet, still a tad too hot for soup now.

    I have posted what is on my mind today.


  40. Rhonda, I couldn't resist telling you about a recipe from a friend that is very simple and very good. I've never heard of anything quite like it. You sprout lentils then cook them with brown rice and serve them with avacado (I use guacamole) and lettuce. Try it! I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. Something about the sprouts and avacado is irresistable.

  41. It will soon be soup weather in my part of the world :) . I have a few new recipes to try, as well.

    My post for today:


  42. that looks so good! I can't wait for cooler weather so I can make dishes like that and not sweat to death in the kitchen. :)

    I did an "on my mind" post as well. :)


  43. Hi, Rhonda. I visit the Apron Thrift Girl blog: http://apronthriftgirl.typepad.com/written by a young woman who is struggling to live frugally. I referred her to your blog, knowing that you'll give her some great inspiration.

  44. Sprouted soup mix! Sounds interesting...

    I thought I'd join in with this one this week, as I have a photo I am keen to share - an archaeological find in the National Museum of Finland that I found oddly humbling.



  45. Oh! Vegetable and barley soup, YUM! Fabulous idea. That's going on the list for this week. Thanks Rhonda Jean!

  46. Your soup sounds DELICIOUS!

    I'm a little late getting posted but thought I'd go ahead and jump in the fun!


  47. Rhonda, great-looking soup! I'm a bit late this week. It's been quite a busy one, including dental work for me.

    I'm wondering about sprouted grains in soup. Is there a nutritional advantage? Or is it just a more desirable consistency? Or digestibility? ---Kay, Pac NW USA

    Here's what's on my mind:
    NW Drizzle: Corn Day 81

  48. Kay, sprouted grain in much more nutritious. There is some good info here:

  49. Rhonda (or Morag, if you are reading), would you know if this raw bean danger is also present with lentils? I ask, because we let our little ones play with raw lentils and a lot end up in the mouth (and later, the nappy).


  50. Tracy, my understanding is that raw lentils aren't the same as raw beans. However, if you're not going to cook them, they should be sprouted first, not eaten as they are in their raw state.

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